The Perfect Hidden Marriage

523 523, unrequited love 63, forced divorce, she is unclean and not worthy of you

When they came out, the two men Huo Feng and Yan Guicheng had already left, leaving only Mrs. Huo sitting on the chair in the corridor. Yan Buhui was also sitting next to him, with Li Luo clinging to his shoulders when he saw them coming out. , Mrs. Huo stood up coldly, without looking at them directly. As she walked in, she paused:

"Jin Changning, don't think this matter is over like this, we'll see."

Xiao Jinghuan had never been so angry in her life. She frowned and suddenly turned around to stop this woman who didn't know right from wrong.

Jin Changning pulled her and shook his head, his eyes full of consideration.

She had no choice but to shut up.

Mothers always protect their shortcomings, there is nothing they can do about it.

Think about it, if Huo Sisi is not rescued today, then Jin Changning will owe his life to the Huo family for the rest of his life, and the Jin and Huo families will have to become enemies. Although the Huo family is in Taiwan and the Jin family is in mainland China, they are sometimes connected in the business world. Making enemies is not a good thing.

Just like in a car accident, no matter who is at fault, the party that kills the person will eventually be compensated, even if it is for humanitarian reasons. In contrast, Jin Changning always has to shoulder some responsibilities.

He is the kind of person who has an upright heart and is willing to take responsibility. Therefore, even if he was complained about a few times, he accepted it. Fortunately, it was okay. Although Jin Changning said that Huo Sisi's death would not affect his life, but if it really happened, the guilt would definitely stay with him for a long time.

"Chang Ning, my aunt is in a bad mood and her words will inevitably sound unpleasant. Don't take it to heart."

Yan Buhui stood up and explained in a low voice.

"I know."

Jin Changning understands.

Yan Buhui also regretted his mistake and said with emotion:

"I am indeed responsible for this matter. It's my fault. I shouldn't have informed Sisi when you came this time, but I did it anyway because of selfish motives. I'm sorry."

"It's me who should be sorry. I didn't take this matter seriously before. If it had been resolved early, it wouldn't have become such a mess..."

Jin Changning sighed softly, and then his calm eyes fell on Li Luo, who had cold eyes. His pale and hateful face made him feel very uncomfortable:

"Luo'er...why don't you rest in the ward?"

"Such a big thing has happened to Sisi. How can I rest well? Of course I have to come and see. Brother Ning, do you know how serious this incident is today? If Huo Li hadn't discovered it early, you would have seen it now Sisi will be a cold corpse."

Li Luo clenched his fists and said with a heavy gaze: "Sisi is such a simple girl, Brother Ning, do you have to be so cruel and determined to hurt her?"

Jin Changning frowned. Huo Sisi is a child at heart and does things without thinking. Now that she has figured it out, this matter should be considered in the past. What about Li Luo, this god-sister who is two years younger than him is a sensible, mature and thoughtful person. Why is this woman so unwilling to see Huanhuan?

Moreover, it can be seen that now she hates Huanhuan to the core of her bones.

"Luo'er... I never wanted to hurt Sisi..."

He wanted to explain, but she cut him off:

"Okay, since you don't want to hurt Sisi, then divorce this woman immediately..."

As soon as these words came out, not only did Yan Buhui's face stern, Jin Changning's face darkened, and Xiao Jinghuan frowned: This woman actually made such a ridiculous request.

"This is impossible!"

Jin Changning gave four words decisively.

Li Luo immediately shouted angrily: "Why is it impossible? Look, just because you brought this woman, Sisi and I suffered. Without this woman, none of this would have happened."

"You are wrong. The latent problem is also a problem, and it will burst out sooner or later. If you don't like it, you don't like it. The problem Sisi has to face will always exist, and it has nothing to do with my wife. I am the one who is handling this matter. It’s not appropriate…”

His tone was always protective.

"Okay, very good. In that case, Brother Ning, I'll leave it at that today: If you want her as your wife, don't come to recognize me as your god-sister."

Li Luo's words were filled with hatred, as if she and I were at odds with each other.

Jin Changning couldn't help but frown:

"Luo'er, I don't understand. You and Huanhuan have never known each other before, and this is the first time they have met. Even if the two of them can't talk about going together, they are not so incompatible...and you are the one who is here. Regarding Huanhuan. I would like to ask, what is it about Huanhuan that bothers you? For you to hate her so much..."

Li Luo opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything. Then he bit his lip and stared at Xiao Jinghuan with great disgust:

"She is dirty and unworthy of you."

This tone made Jin Changning extremely unhappy, and he immediately answered:

"Whether you deserve it or not is not up to you. Huanhuan is my wife now..."

"If it hadn't been for her, I wouldn't have lost this baby."

Li Luo burst into tears again when he thought of the child who died innocently.


Jin Changning sighed softly, knowing in his heart that this child was eager to have a son, and he would definitely not be happy after such a thing happened, but:

"Huanhuan and I are deeply sorry that the child is gone, but you know why the child is gone. If you insist on placing all the responsibility on Huanhuan, Luo'er, I will be very sorry..."

The tone was regretful and the eyes were disappointed.

Li Luo couldn't stand such a look, his face suddenly turned white again, and his voice became sharp again:

"Brother Ning, is this woman so important?"

It was so loud that a nurse came over from the nurse's desk:

"This is a hospital, what are you yelling about? If you want to quarrel, run outside."

The atmosphere calmed down.

After the nurse left, Jin Changning answered with a serious look on his face:

"She is my wife, the person I will walk with for the rest of my life... Of course it is important..."

"Do you mean to say that you will fall out with us for this woman?"

Li Luo asked sharply with a hoarse voice.

Jin Changning frowned, turned to look at Yan Buhui, who had a solemn expression, and took a deep breath:

"It's not easy to make friends. When I marry a wife, what I want is blessing... Luo'er, I hope you can..."

"Don't even think about it! I won't give you a blessing, never."

Li Luo shouted two words bitterly, turned around and left.

Jin Changning wanted to scream, but he didn't.

"Chang Ning, Luo'er is emotionally unstable, don't take it to heart. I'll go see her."

Yan Buhui patted Jin Changning's shoulder.

"Go ahead! Lao Yan, I'm sorry..."

He apologized profusely.

Yan Buhui smiled lightly, glanced at Xiao Jinghuan, and strode forward.

Xiao Jinghuan looked in her eyes and sighed quietly. It could be seen that he cherished this friendship, but it ended up causing a mess because of her.

At this time, Jin Changning turned his head: "Let's go back to the hotel! Then book a flight back to Shanghai."

Staying here for too long will only arouse hatred. The matter of grudges cannot be explained in just a few sentences. It can only be spent slowly with time.

He held her hand, and the two of them walked out silently...

For a moment, both of them were speechless.

After returning to the hotel and packing his luggage, Jin Changning took his suitcase from his guest room and came to Xiao Jinghuan's room. She had also packed her luggage and was leaning against the window, distracted. He put the box aside, walked over, and hugged her: "You can go!"


She responded.

But he hugged her but didn't move anymore, and his eyes were cast into the distance.

She turned around and asked softly: "What's wrong?"

What met her was his extremely gentle eyes.

"What happened in the past two days is unpleasant, but your performance in the hospital makes me very happy."


She watched.

"Huanhuan, thank you."

A kiss fell on her forehead.

"no need thank me?"

This cherished kiss made her not want to refuse.

"Thank you for standing up for me."

"Of course I want to defend you."

"Oh, then why of course?"

he asked with bright eyes.

She avoided her eyes and said, "Let's go! It's time to hurry up!"

"Yeah! But answer my question first."

He bit and refused to let go.

She sighed unconsciously: "Even if you are not my man, you are still a relative. How can I let them put all the responsibilities on you? What's more, you are my man now..."

He smiled, lowered his head and examined it: "The second half of the sentence sounds so aggrieved."

"Humph, that's good if you know."

Staring, she wanted to bite him, he was a bad guy.

"Want to bite me?"

"If you don't leave, I'll bite you."

"How about putting it on the mouthpiece?"


Someone seems to be trying to be a hooligan again.


“It’s not too late to take a bite and leave.”


It really bites.

She wanted to push the bad guy away.

But he pressed down, bit carefully, and ate all the lip gloss she had just put on.

The tingling taste softened her bones and she couldn't resist.

Her rosy face is so charming, and her spring-like look is so beautiful.

He was stunned for a moment...

"I'm a little skeptical."

She murmured suddenly.

"What do you suspect?"

"You are so good at flirting with girls, but you say you have no experience."

She looked suspicious.

"This proves that I am still very capable of learning."

"My kissing skills are so good..."

"This kind of thing is something people are born with."


She wanted to say, you are awesome.

She couldn't tell, he wouldn't let her speak...

Hey, we agreed to only take one bite, why are you so addicted to it?

Pity her, she was so delicate that she was bitten to the point of being unable to resist, and she suddenly became drowsy.

---Digression---One more update.

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