The Perfect Hidden Marriage

519.519, unrequited love 59, she is extreme: she thinks she is not worthy; he blushes because of gre


Li Luo is sleeping.

Yan Buhui received a text message to compensate.

"Is it convenient? I want to talk to you. Ning."

He glanced at his pale wife on the bed, walked out quietly, and closed the door.

As soon as Yan Buhui left, Li Luo opened his eyes, looked out the dark window, and rubbed his lower abdomen with his hands.

A little life comes in a hurry and goes in a hurry. In the past few years, she had been looking forward to having a child, but she was disappointed again and again, which made her heartbroken.

She has been to the gynecologist many times.

The doctor said it was difficult for her to get pregnant because she had been in an accident.

Now I have another miscarriage.

Her baby is gone.

Who caused this?

Whenever she thinks of that woman, she thinks that she may not be able to have children in the future - at least in the past few years, she will definitely not be able to conceive another child. In the future, it is still unknown whether she will be able to conceive. How can she not hate this?

She clutched the sheets heavily, feeling extremely depressed.

Outside the door, faint voices could be heard coming in, and it was unclear who Yan Buhui was calling.

After a while, he came in and she turned her head.

"It's so late, who are you calling?"

she asked softly.

Yan Buhui walked to the bed and looked deeply into his eyes. He did not answer, but only asked:

"Is it like this?"


"You pulled Xiao Jinghuan off the bed and rushed downstairs. Later, you pushed him to nothing and rolled down... Xiao Jinghuan didn't push you... Is that so?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Luo's face turned paler, and he suddenly understood:

"Is this the call from Brother Ning?"

Her emotions also became excited, and she sat up immediately. An angry blush appeared on her face:

"He just believed what that woman said?

"I just don't understand, why does he trust such a dirty woman so much and support her so much?

"Brother Yan, tell me, what's good about that woman?

"Besides being pretty, what else is good about her?"

She became more and more sharp as she spoke.

"Luo'er, I just want to ask, was it you who provoked her first, or she who provoked you."

Yan Buhui looked very stern.

This kind of harshness was definitely rare, and her heart was hurt.

"Is this important? What's important is that I lost my child. Brother Yan, if it weren't for that woman, would I have lost my child?"

She yelled, and when she thought about the blood on her hands that she had touched before, she wanted to scream, but the person she loved the most wanted to blame herself like this.

Yan Buhui saw that she was in a bad mood, so he hugged her and said in a low voice:

"Okay, I won't ask anymore, I won't ask anymore...just calm down..."

He rarely sees her like this.

She was very sad when she had her last miscarriage. This time, it was even more uncomfortable.

As for the reasons, there are two, and miscarriage is only one of them.

At this moment, she was in his arms, but her body was trembling.

She couldn't calm down and cried: "Brother Yan, I don't think I did anything wrong. She doesn't deserve to enter that home. She doesn't deserve..."

Yan Buhui sighed quietly, which was acknowledging that she had indeed fallen off on her own.

He didn't want to blame, so he just patted her shoulder gently. After she calmed down, he straightened her up, looked at her deeply, and wanted to reason with her:

"Luo'er, you shouldn't be so disgusted with her. To be fair, Xiao Jinghuan is not bad at all. She matches Chang Ning very well."

Hearing this, Li Luo's eyes suddenly widened and he shouted in an incredible tone:

"What on earth are you talking about? How come they are compatible? Apart from bullying Brother Ning and causing trouble for him, what else can Xiao Jinghuan do? Apart from her good background, there is nothing else about her that is worthy of Brother Ning. of."

"Loer, she is a very good anatomist."

Yan Buhui calmly reminded:

"Xiao Jinghuan has helped solve several major cases. She is not useless. On the contrary, she is outstanding."

Absolutely outstanding.

"So what? In my opinion, she is just a troublemaker."

Li Luo blushed and screamed, with a faint hint of anger on his face.

In the past, she had no good impression of this rich young lady, but now, she hated her even more to the core of her bones.

Such extremeness is really worrying.

He frowned, thought twice, and finally told what he was hiding:

"Luo'er, there's something I think I should tell you?"


"Xiao Jinghuan is already married to Chang Ning. As the daughter-in-law of the Lan family, of course she can go in."

"What did you say? What did you say? Brother Ning married Xiao Jinghuan?"

She immediately stared straight into her eyes, unable to believe it, and it was hard to believe:

"How could he marry that woman? How could he? He should marry Sisi. How could he change his mind and marry someone else? How could he?"

She was so excited that she almost jumped up.

"Luo'er, Chang Ning has always liked Xiao Jinghuan... This is what he admitted to me personally."

"No, how can he marry this woman? How can he marry her... That woman has never been good enough for him... No, I want to find Brother Ning. I don't want such a woman to be the wife of the Lan family..."

She wanted to get out of bed, but Yan Buhui pushed her back.

"Calm down. Luo'er, I'm telling you because I hope you will be more rational."

"Rational, why do you call me rational? It's me who lost the child now!"

Li Luo screamed sharply and cried bitterly, tears streaming down his face.

"Luo'er, the child will have it..."

Yan Buhai hugged her tightly and comforted her softly.

"I know, this is difficult. You don't need to comfort me. I want to find him, I want to find him..."

She wanted to push him away.

He didn't let it go and hugged him tightly:

"Don't go. Luo'er, you have to understand one thing. Changning likes Xiao Jinghuan, and they have been in a relationship for more than 20 years. Even if you go to her, do you think he will listen to you, and if you say he doesn't want Xiao Jinghuan, then he won't want Xiao Jinghuan." Is it? Impossible. Let me tell you. He cares more about Xiao Jinghuan than you."

"No, no, no, I don't want such a woman to be his wife, I don't want, I don't want..."

Li Luo is crying...

Yan Buhui felt distressed, but there were some things that they really couldn't control.

For example, Jin Changning's marriage, no matter how they interfered in this matter, he always had his own opinions in his heart, which could not be changed by how they created opportunities.


early morning.

Xiao Jinghuan opened her eyes under Jin Changning's gentle gaze.

This time, she slept for ten hours. Waking up, she saw him staring at her entranced.

He was so tender and tender, expressing his love so nakedly.

In a daze, she seemed to see Shao Feng - ever since they officially established their relationship, in private, he had always looked at her so tenderly, with such passionate eyes that she couldn't get enough of him.

"you're awake?"

His voice was hoarse as if he had just woken up, and then his lips were lightly bitten, but a fresh smell came over him. It seemed that he had already gotten up.

"I've been awake for a long time and I've already had breakfast."

"Oh!" She nodded: "Why are you looking at me so stupidly?"

Jin Changning smiled, stretched out his hand, and gently stroked her hair:

"I remember when I was a child, my favorite thing to do was to come home from school every day and stay by your bedside, or lead you around, or take you to play... If you fell asleep, I will carry you to sleep, and then watch innocently from the side. No matter how you look at it, I will never get tired of it."

Xiao Jinghuan thought for a while, those memories were already very far away, but they were all familiar scenes.

"But then, gradually, I became insignificant, and it was difficult to see what you looked like when you were sleeping. Huanhuan, being able to watch you sleep like this makes me feel like I have gone back to the past."

He gently caressed her cheek.

Xiao Jinghuan felt a little sorry for him inexplicably, and stretched out her arms to hug him. They had the best relationship since they were young. Over the years, he was the only one who truly protected her wholeheartedly. Otherwise, he would not have hesitated to agree to the marriage when he knew she loved Shao Feng.

Alas, well, he also has his own agenda.

Therefore, the two of them developed such a relationship.

She leaned her head into his arms and closed her eyes. When she was a child, she felt that being on his body was a particularly comfortable thing, and it still seemed like it was so comfortable now.


He watched this furry little head rub against his neck, knowing that she didn't mean anything else, but because of her gentle nuzzling, he immediately had a physical reaction.

He blushed for no reason.

Ever since he tasted her, his need in this area and his lust for her body seemed to be getting more and more serious.

---Digression---See you tomorrow.

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