The Perfect Hidden Marriage

503, unrequited love 43, treat him as a man, how can this mentality be changed?

Xiao Jinghuan's always nimble mind was completely shut down at this moment.



Jin Changning casually grabbed her hand. She didn't react for a moment and was taken outside and forced.

"Wait a minute, Jin Changning, give me back my wallet. Also, why don't you let me buy it..."

She was angry.

This man is really getting better and better at controlling her.

But he turned his head sharply, his eyes were unusually cold, as if they were tempered with ice, which made people feel chilly in their hearts:

"Huanhuan, don't take this kind of medicine will cause harm to your body..."

"If you don't eat, what will you do if you get pregnant?"

Xiao Jinghuan blurted out a question.

"What do you think?"

She saw his eyes darken, and the question made her quickly turn her head away in confusion.

"Huanhuan, we have obtained the certificate."

Jin Changning emphasized, and the implication was very clear.

Because I understood, my head started to hurt.

After that, Jin Changning didn't say anything else, he just pulled her straight to the road, then hailed a taxi, put her in, and got in himself.

"Beach, thank you!"

"You have to go on your own, I don't want to go."

She is not in the mood to go to the beach!

That kind of place should be a place for people who are in love with each other. They are not lovers.

But he held her waist tightly, and she couldn't get out of the car even if she wanted to.

"let me go."

She screamed with knotted eyebrows.

The driver glanced through the rearview mirror.

It was obvious that this was a couple who were having trouble.

This beautiful girl is losing her temper, and this mature and handsome man wants to coax him, but he seems to be unable to do so...

"Are you going or not?"

the driver asked.


Jin Changning smiled slightly and held her hand firmly:

"My wife is just mad at me."

"I can tell."

The driver nodded like a stranger and started the car quickly:

"Little girl, husband and wife quarrel, quarrel at the head of the bed, and fight at the end of the bed. Between husband and wife, you let me, and I let you..."

Xiao Jinghuan rolled her eyes and was furious. She wanted to say: He and I are not a couple.

But think about it, this is a bit childish.

In fact, they are not only famous now, but they are actually a couple.

Just thinking about this relationship gave her a headache.

When I thought about it again, if I didn't get it right in my stomach, I would die, which made me have an even more headache.

But she couldn't compete with him.

Forget it, no more arguing.

He turned his head and looked at the scenery passing by outside the window, no longer paying attention to this domineering bad guy.



Xiao Jinghuan walked quickly on the soft beach.

Jin Changning paid the money, strode after her, fished her out with his long arm, and hugged her tightly.

And she froze completely.

"Let go."

Her little face turned red because of his hug.

"Don't let go."

"Jin Changning, there are so many people here, can you please stop getting nervous?"

His voice was a little angry, and his heart felt like it was crawling with bugs.

Yes, this hug full of male possessiveness is different from the previous brotherly hugs.

She felt inexplicably nervous, scared, and slightly distressed.

There are a lot of people on the beach, walking under the sun, holding hands and strolling, chasing and playing, sketching, laughing and joking...\u003c/p


In the past, she and Shao Feng had gone to the beach to play. They swam together, played in the sand together, watched the setting sun together, and imagined the future together: in a few years, they would hold the children's hands together and leave a family on the beach. Three footprints.

They had agreed that it would be a very happy scene.

The beach was once the place where she fell in love.

But as happy as I was, there was so much pain later.

So much so that in the past two years, she didn't want to go to the beach.

Because I am too afraid of touching the scene and hurting my feelings.

Jin Changning felt the resistance and lowered his head to look, his eyes extremely serious, and the strength in his arms loosened little by little:

"Do I hate you so much?"

He was a little embarrassed.

Xiao Jinghuan, who was free, helped her hair that was blown by the wind, turned around and left. After feeling the sadness in his words, she never said the hurtful words. In the end, she just threw four words to him in a dull voice:

"It's not annoying."

"Then why are you avoiding me?"

He went around and intercepted:

"If you don't hate me, don't hide from my eyes."

The man's gaze was so burning and passionate.

She sighed softly, her eyes became faint, and finally looked at him:

"I just can't adapt to the change in our relationship... This is not how we should get along."

The sound is a little distressed.

Under the light sunshine, the sky is blue, the sea is also blue, breezes come, the smell of waves, and the moist air are filled with a touch of sadness.

The sadness came from his eyes.

"Huanhuan, you should understand that such a relationship was changed by you.

"Originally, I had almost given up on you, but then, because of Shao Feng, you gave my husband such a title.

"Huanhuan, I didn't force you to do anything before, right?

"Now that we are together, why can't you try to make some changes in your mentality?"

He asked softly, with a kind of pleading in his words.

Xiao Jinghuan lowered his head and sighed quietly, feeling conflicted!

Yes, all of this was caused by her.

After creating such a result, she wanted to escape. It was indeed a bit irresponsible.

"You should give me some time! You're too fast."

"high speed?"

This time it was him who sighed.

"How soon?

"Since I discovered my thoughts at the age of twenty-three, until today, so many years have passed. I have always trapped myself in the role of brother, and I never dared to express my feelings to you.

“If you hadn’t come to provoke me, this relationship might have been killed long ago.

"In the end, you and Shao Feng worked together to pull me in.

"In this case, how long do you want me to endure?"

Slightly, he also felt some resentment.


She stayed for a moment.

At that time, she was only sixteen years old!

It turns out that he had different feelings for her at that time...

But why didn’t she feel it all this time...

No, no, there are still some strange things showing up.

"Huanhuan, your third brother is so gentle..."

"Yes, yes, I have never seen a brother treat his sister so well. He is always obedient. There is no such brother in the world... Please get to know him."

"Hey, why do I feel like a loving brother is watching a loving sister... Do you think it's true?"

"Yes, yes, I think so too, Huanhuan, didn't you say that your grandfather asked your mother to adopt your brother Changning? Could it be...hehe, you understand, right..."

My college roommates once joked about it.

How could she take it seriously:

"Go, go, go, you're just fooling around over there... That's the brother who brought me up since I was a kid, you guys

Stop making random assumptions. Brother is brother..."

Yes, since she was a child, she has regarded him as her brother in her heart. Now she sees him as a man. How can she change this mentality?

"I...I'm so messed up, you can't stop forcing me..."

Xiao Jinghuan scratched her scalp hard, her face full of pain and grievance.

Jin Changning was never willing to force her. Seeing this, he couldn't help but sigh again, and couldn't help but reach out and hug her again:

"Huanhuan, I'm just too anxious. You make me anxious and scared...

"Okay, I won't force you, but don't act like you're avoiding me, okay? I'll feel uncomfortable too...

"Huanhuan, if you are not by my side, I will not bear it. You are clearly right in front of me, but you still hide far away... I can't bear it."

The little sadness in his words made her inexplicably unable to bear it, so she obediently let him hold her.

Alas, it seemed that he really, really loved her!

Closing my eyes, all the scenes from childhood to adulthood passed before my eyes.

When she was very young, he taught her to read and write, ride a bicycle, and swim...

When she fell, he would come to help her up earlier than anyone else, pat her knees and say, come on, it's okay...

When she was sick, she stayed with her and told her stories...

During the parent-teacher meeting, I will attend the parent-teacher meeting instead of my father who is on a business trip...

During sports meets, he would come over to cheer her up...

Will carry her luggage for her when she goes out...

When she runs out of sanitary napkins, she will quietly prepare them for her...

They have many memories...

Thinking back carefully, those were all happy times.

Jin Changning was once the person she relied on the most, the person she was closest to, even more so than her brother, because he was the first one to know about her love affair.

She pushed him away gently and looked at the person she had been very close to since childhood.

Alas, what to do?

She didn't want to hurt him at all and wanted very much to go back to the way she was before.

Frankly speaking, she liked being pampered by him, but such a man doting on a woman left her at a loss - when his kiss, his closeness, and his power all took on the sexual color of a man. , she was extremely chaotic, always feeling that a accustomed order had been subverted.

"What's wrong?"

Jin Changning felt that there was something in her eyes.

"What do you want to say?"


In fact, she didn't know what she wanted. Anyway, she felt bad. Well, the relationship was all in chaos.

"I'm very confused."

"Why the chaos?"

he asked gently.

She looked at him pitifully:

"I don't know what to do with you? Getting angry doesn't mean it, and agreeing doesn't mean it. Just let me be quiet and think about it, okay?"

"Okay, but you have to promise me one thing."

He spoke softly.

She was inexplicably bewitched:

"What's up?"

"Don't take emergency contraceptive pills secretly."

He looked serious.

She lowered her head, feeling a little guilty, because she had that plan and she had to take medicine today.

Jin Changning understood the language of her expression, and a nervous look suddenly appeared on his face:

"Huanhuan, you may not get pregnant just once. Taking medicine will cause serious harm, so why don't we just take it?"

She couldn't help but sigh: "Okay!"

Take a gamble!



He reached out and stroked her hair: "If you really want to get pregnant, just give birth."

These words made her heart beat twice.

Give him a child?

God, this request seems to be getting more and more outrageous... - digression - first update.

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