The Perfect Hidden Marriage

471, unrequited love 11, talking about the wedding, he wholeheartedly protects her, she wants the fr

471, Unrequited Love 11, talking about the wedding, he wholeheartedly defended her, she wanted the freedom of choice. Han Runxiu was startled, and was about to ask what he meant.

Behind him, Xiao Zhidong came over: "Chang Ning, come to my study."


Jin Changning swallowed what he was about to say and bowed to Han Runxiu: "I'll excuse you for a while. I'll take you to visit the villa later."

"It's okay, it's okay, go and do your work!"

Han Runxiu waved her little hand and watched them leave.

She, beauty is in the eye of the beholder now, the more she looks at her, the better she feels about this person.

Yes, everything is fine. Well-educated, well-mannered, good-looking, and very heroic...

Alas, what ignorant guy would actually look down on him?

It's so disrespectful, and so infuriating.

She closed the door and fell onto the bed.

She has been a popular girl since she was a child.

In their family, their father is an internationally famous painter; their mother is a writer: she works hard in seclusion when she is writing, and when she is not writing, she is a stay-at-home mother.

Generally speaking, their family is not very wealthy, but it is an authentic scholarly family - her grandmother is an out-and-out descendant of the royal family. Very aloof. It's hard to find a single word of his words.

After my grandma passed away, her works were sold at sky-high prices.

Their family is not short of money and they are very elegant.

But all humans are social animals. The interactions between people are based on their preferences. Over time, a social circle developed.

The rich have their own circle of rich people; the middle class has their own middle class circle; the poor have their own circle of poor people...

Of course, people's social circles are not just divided into these three types. It has many, many circles mixed together.

Some people only like to interact with people in their own circle, and they are relatively aloof, or rather withdrawn, or they are helpless and can't get along; some people can get along in every circle.

Their family is relatively noble, and the people they associate with are all from scholarly families.

Since childhood, Han Runxiu has seen many talented people. Some are really talented, and because of their high talent, they are proud of their talent. This kind of person is actually kind of annoying.

Some people pretend to be talented when they are not talented, but they are only superficial and ruined. This kind of person is becoming more and more disgusting.

All in all, there are not many people that she can really like.

This Jin Changning was the first boy she had taken a liking to in her entire life: he was good-looking, well-spoken, neither pressured nor boring, and he respected women.

The key is that he supports women to work and realize their self-worth.

He believes that women's value should not only be reflected in family and childbirth. It can also be reflected in the social aspect.

This person wrote an article "Women's Theory of Value".

It was this paper that really made Han Yunxiu fall in love with this man.

At that moment, she knew deeply that she was moved by him.

It’s just that this man’s heart is too hard to get.


When will she be able to get closer to him?

She was quite confused.

It’s not easy to use a spare tire!


When going downstairs, walking on the road, Jin Changning heard Jin Yuan's voice coming from higher upstairs: "Do you want to open it or not? Huanhuan, if you don't open it, I can just go get the spare key." !”

After returning from France, Jin Yuan did not take her own special plane back to Shanghai, but took Xiao Zhidong's plane to Hong Kong.


Naturally, I came here to discipline the precious daughter of the family.

As long as this matter is not resolved for a day, Jin Yuan will not be able to let go.

Whether it is a man or a woman, if marriage is not handled well, no matter how successful that person is in other aspects, it will always be a failure.

Home is the foundation of a person.

The family is not running well, there is no one to share success with, the spiritual world is in a state of desolation, and problems will arise sooner or later in life.

Everyone must have a normal family life. If it is missing, it is a kind of disability and a pity.

And she, as a mother, has to help her daughter who has gone astray to adjust her life.

"Mom, are you done yet...can you please let me be quiet?"

On the other side of the door, Xiao Jinghuan and Shen Yin were heard in pain.

This cry made Jin Changning imagine the little girl lying on the bed, pressing her head with a pillow, looking like she was going to have a headache to death.

"No, we have to talk again."

The next door opened, and Xiao Jinghuan grabbed her scalp and shouted:


"Don't complain yet..."

Before closing the door, Jin Yuan said: "When we handle this matter, I will never bother you again..."

"Mom! Please, please, give me a little freedom! I'm an adult. Could you please give me the right to choose my life..."

Later, the sound disappeared, and the sound insulation design of the home was very good.

Xiao Zhidong frowned and turned to look at Jin Changning who looked calm next to him: "Aning, Huanhuan has been spoiled by me since she was a child. From now on, you have to be more tolerant!"

"Dad, what are you talking about? I grew up watching Huanhuan. She has always been a good girl with a kind heart."

Jin Changning was full of defense as soon as he opened his mouth.

Xiao Zhidong smiled slightly: "Yes, since we were young, you loved Huanhuan more than Hengyuan."

The two entered the study.

"Dad, what do you want from me?"

"It's not a big deal. You are sitting down because you want to talk about your and Huanhuan's wedding. I think it needs to be settled as soon as possible."

When Xiao Zhidong sat down, he opened the perpetual calendar and let him see it.

"A-Yuan and I picked a few good days. You can go back and study it yourself to see which day is suitable... We should start planning the wedding carefully..."

Ha, the speed is really fast.

Jin Changning is happy, but at the same time, he still has his own thoughts:

"Dad, let's talk about this later!"

He talked about this wonderful thing.

Xiao Zhidong looked up at him with a pondering look in his eyes, a little surprised: "What do you mean? You don't want to hold a wedding..."

Jin Changning hurriedly shook his head:

"Dad, that's what I think. Although Huanhuan and I have received the certificate, you have also seen that Huanhuan is so determined to divorce.

"I'm very grateful that you and Mom can recognize me. However, marriage is a matter between two people.

"If Huanhuan can't get rid of the idea of ​​divorce, even if we hold a wedding, we will inevitably have troubles.

"What I mean is, next, can you and mom let us get along for a while before we talk.

"As for the wedding, we can wait until necessary. It's really not possible. I still have to respect Huanhuan's idea.

"Dad, right now, the reason why I refuse to let go is because I want to fight for it.

"I have invested too much emotion in Huanhuan. If I really want to withdraw, I really can't do it in a short time. What I want to do is to give it a try..."

He talked openly about his plans.

Of course he wanted to make their marriage public, but he had to consider Huanhuan's thoughts and not hurt her too much, so he defended her every word he said. He even prepared for the worst.

Xiao Zhidong smiled slightly when he heard this, closed the perpetual calendar, and admired Changning very much.

"Actually, it was A-Yuan's idea to choose the wedding date. I thought it would be better to wait for a while. After you two have communicated with each other, we can happily proceed with it. Just like Jingheng's marriage, everything He took care of all the details of the wedding, and the couple was in harmony, and everyone was happy when the wedding was organized."

Jin Changning nodded: "Yes, that's what I think."

"Since you also have this idea, okay, I will tell Ayuan. The marriage is postponed..."

"Thanks dad."

Jin Changning bowed heartily.

"Silly boy, why are you so polite? It's just that the knot in Huanhuan's heart hasn't been resolved yet. In the future, you may get along with her, and you may suffer. Here, listen to Dad. Don't spoil her too much. Get used to her. There has to be a bottom line.”

Xiao Zhidong would not favor Xiao Jinghuan just because she was his daughter.

My daughter needs to be hurt, but she can't be too indulgent.

If she is very indulgent, her tail can reach the sky.

Not getting married is nonsense.

But if you want to get married, you have to find a suitable person.

In his opinion: It is difficult to find such a son-in-law even with a lantern.

The point is, this kid is stable and knows how to love others.

This is what he and Jin Yuan value.

That Shao Feng, although good, is gone. He is gone, Huanhuan can still survive.

If you still have someone else's joy in your heart like this, if you follow someone else, the couple will definitely fall out. But Changning will be tolerant.

"Dad, I know how to do it."

Jin Changning agreed.

Xiao Zhidong smiled slightly and patted him on the shoulder, obviously believing him:

"Come on, how about we play a game while you're free now?"

He responded: "Okay."


the other side.

Xiao Jinghuan and Jin Yuan stared at each other.

For her mother, Xiao Jinghuan had love, hatred, and even more debt - Yi Fan happened because he wanted to save her.

She has been extremely dissatisfied with Yi Fan since she was very young. She always felt that this man ruined a family that could have been reunited.

From the age of seven to twenty, her ambition was to break them up and help her father get her mother back.

In those years, she never properly called Yi Fan "uncle".

Until that day, Yi Fan risked his life to protect her.

She was completely confused.

She never imagined that in the end, it would be the man she had hated for more than ten years who saved her.

"Why should you save me? Why should I save me?"

At that time, in the chaotic scene, she asked Yi Fan with great confusion.

"Because you are A-Yuan's child. Because I can't let her have black hair in vain. Because I don't want her to blame me for not saving you for the rest of her life..."

That day, Xiao Jinghuan guarded Yi Fan, who was covered in blood, and finally realized that this man really loved her mother terribly.

It's just that his love directly caused a marriage that could have been rekindled to be completely broken, and a family was finally reduced to rubbish.

It was also that day that Xiao Jinghuan finally called him again: Uncle Yi.

Yi Fan was very happy to hear this.

But, after that, he never woke up again.

His mother's world was shattered again because of his eternal sleep.

This is where she always felt guilty about her mother.

In the past few years, she has been home for a long time because she didn't want to face her mother and didn't know how to face her.

Although her mother never blamed her.

But she can't give in to everything just because of guilt!

"Huanhuan, I want to talk to you about your wedding to Aning..."

As soon as I opened my mouth, it was actually a wedding.

Oh, it’s so terrible!

Xiao Jinghuan trembled, and immediately waved her hand to stop:

"Stop, let me say a few words."

Jin Yuan had no choice but to shut up and listen to her.

"Mom, it's the 21st century now, and marriage is free. You believed in this back then, didn't you?

"When you met dad, you pursued him vigorously and got married despite the opposition of grandpa and grandma.

"When you left, you didn't take my brother and I's opinions into account, you just left.

"I remember that Dad didn't want a divorce at the beginning, but you were determined to divorce, and you refused to give Dad another chance. And you divorced soon.

"Why did you come to interfere after this happened to me?"

She clasped her hands together and made a plea:

"Can you please? My relationship with Brother Changning is not complicated at all.

"First, there is no physical relationship; second, there is no financial dispute; third, there is no child issue. The relationship between us is just a helping relationship of mutual help and love.

"You really, really can't mess with things... Please, please, don't tie us together, okay?"

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