The Perfect Hidden Marriage

435. I want to learn from him: I am single-minded and my love is stronger than gold. I only need you

The morning passed quietly and warmly.

Breakfast was for the appetite, and Su Jin ate quite a bit, at least in her opinion she ate quite a lot, but in Jin Hengyuan's eyes, her appetite was not much more than cat food.

"I've eaten a lot, okay. You have to compare.

“When I first woke up, I couldn’t eat for a while and had to take nutritional injections.

“Later, when the situation got better, the doctor asked me to eat some rice soup or something, but I ended up vomiting after eating.

"There's nothing I can do about it, my stomach, which hasn't worked for a long time, is on strike...

"At that time, I knew I had to eat. If I didn't eat, I wouldn't get better at all. Those injections were too many and they wouldn't do me any good.

"So, I insist on eating it every day. Start with a small dose, a little bit of rice soup, a little bit of vegetable soup, a little bit of juice...

"When I first started eating, it was really uncomfortable. I didn't want to eat it when I smelled it. But I still forced myself to eat it, and gradually I started to eat it -

"From soup to liquid to soft rice, I progressed very quickly..."

When talking about the painful past, Su Jin spoke calmly and briskly, not taking it seriously.

Jin Hengyuan felt very distressed when she heard this. He hugged her in the kitchen for a long time and said in response:

"Well, the progress has been rapid, which is worthy of praise... Although it is still cat food. But cat food is cat food. It doesn't matter. We can eat it in more meals without increasing the burden on the stomach."

After the meal, he picked out a dress for her. Knowing that she thought her hair was short and ugly, so she wore a hoodie, so he had several wigs prepared, some with long hair, some with short hair...

He reminded: "You don't need to wear it at home, you can take it with you when you go out."

How could Su Jin not understand this intention?

She smiled and nodded.

Finally, she chose a short hair cover, which made her look very student-like, but her face was always disappointing.

But he didn't care, he wanted to take her out like this.

"I want to wear a mask."

She couldn't face herself like this.

Jin Hengyuan knew that she couldn't get over the problem in her heart, and wanted her to deal with it calmly, which couldn't be accomplished overnight, so he put on a mask for her himself.

Walking hand in hand, it feels like a world away.

Looking back and staring, smiling eyes groan.

This kind of scene is like a dream with Su Jin, and it is not the same as Jin Hengyuan.

Going to the supermarket, buying ingredients, and household items, just like an ordinary couple, they can finally plan how to live their lives in a thoughtful way!

Such time is truly precious.

Although it is simple, it is the biggest expectation in their hearts, and they all enjoy it.

It is so delicious to go home, wash vegetables, cook rice and make soup. In the kitchen, we deal with ingredients together and relive old dreams.

Living like this at home was once the driving force for her to persevere in the past two years. Now that she can achieve it, she is full of emotions.

In the afternoon, he took a nap with her, hugging each other to sleep, breathing each other's breath, and being intoxicated by it in his dreams.

After returning from a walk in the evening, Su Jin became in a trance. After staring at the world outside the window for a while, he quietly went upstairs and entered the studio.

Jin Hengyuan made dinner, but saw no one, so he went upstairs and searched from room to room, and finally saw her in the studio.

She was standing silently in front of a painting - the one he drew out of thin air: she was holding the child, standing next to the cradle with a slight smile.

"Why are you here?"

He smiled and walked over.

Su Jin sighed softly and gently brushed her fingers over the baby.

"Hengyuan, I'm sorry..."

She apologized softly:

"The child was not saved."

She looked back, with a trace of pain that could not be concealed in her eyes.

"Just keep it."

Jin Hengyuan reached out and hugged her.

Before, when I went out, there was a pair of two-year-old twins staggering on the grass chasing each other. Their smiling faces were so pure and cute, and their vague "Dad" and "Mom" calls were endearing. Thinking of it, it was this scene that stung her and made her feel emotional inexplicably.

"Perhaps, it will be difficult for me to give birth to you again in this life..."

She said in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter, I already have Xiao Xiao."

This is a very valid reason.

Su Jin revealed his confidence with one sentence:

"Xiao Xiao is your eldest brother's daughter...don't think I don't know."

Jin Hengyuan was startled, then chuckled: "Hey, Mrs. Jin is getting more and more powerful. She even knows such a big secret."

He didn't hide much.

"The eldest brother's daughter is also a daughter... The Xiao family will never be cut off. As for the Jin family, the Jin family will not be cut off either. I still have a younger sister, and my mother also has Zhongtian..."


Xiao Jinghuan's surname is Xiao, and she is a girl, while Yi Zhongtian's surname is Yi, which is always different.

A finger pressed her lips.

"Listen, no one of us can give an accurate answer now about whether you can regenerate, right! Even if you really can't give birth, it doesn't matter... Do you know who the idol I admire most in my life is?"


Is this topic too much of a leap?

"have no idea!"

She really didn't know enough about him.

"Premier Zhou Enlai."

The man threw out five shocking words:

"He has devoted his whole life to serving the country. Emotionally, he has always been loyal to Deng Yingchao. He has never had children. In this matter, I want to learn from him: he is single-minded and his love is stronger than gold. He only wants you and is destined to you..."


Who doesn’t like to hear such sweet words?

What's more, Premier Zhou Enlai has always been a great ancestor she admired.

She smiled, threw herself into his arms, and gently shaved his face: "You are so ashamed that you want to be like Premier Zhou."

"I'm not ashamed. I can't emulate his great achievements, but I can emulate his loyalty..."

He took it very smoothly.

She smiled beautifully:

"Okay, okay, what you say is better than what you sing. You are the most glib man I have ever seen."

"Glib tongue? How do you know my mouth is oily and my tongue is slippery? Have you tasted it?"

He asked back with bright eyes.

As for her, she glared at him: "..."

This man is going to do something bad again!

"It seems that you haven't tasted it before. How about I let you try it..."

He naughtily brought his mouth over, tested her lips, and bit...

She didn't hide anymore.

The two of them stood warmly and quietly in the fading sunlight, their lips and teeth lingering, telling them of their attachment to each other.


A quiet day.

A sweet day.

A day to smile again.

The day after their reunion passed in such a hurry in the ordinary time spent together.

In the future, they will have many dull days like this.

However, the peace lasted only three days.

These three days were obtained by Jin Hengyuan's request from his mother, Jin Yuan.

He said to his mother: "Mom, Xiao Su and I haven't seen each other for a long time. Please help me keep the secret for three days. After three days, I will take her to meet her relatives again."

Mother agreed.

During these three days, they stayed at home quietly, or went shopping together, or walked hand in hand, or cuddled up to read, or sketched in the park, or slept in each other's arms, or listened to music quietly... A light life has its own tenderness and sweetness. Intentions grow secretly in each other's hearts, and every day will be extremely comfortable and comfortable.

Early in the morning on the fourth day, Jin Hengyuan's cell phone, which had been silent for three days, rang. It was his mother calling:

"Xiao Yuan, are you ready? Everyone in the family wants to see Xiao Su... go to the hotel or your villa..."

Jin Hengyuan thought for a while: "Let's go to the villa!"

He wanted to spend the next few days with her in the villa.

Jin Hengyuan chose a festive dress for Su Jin, paired with flat shoes, and changed it into a long hair hood. She still insists on wearing a mask. He did as she pleased.

"Will there be a lot of people?"

She felt a little uncomfortable.

"Not many, just grandpa, grandma, grandma, grandpa, dad, mom, Xiao Xiao, and Chang Ning, Lao Bo, Jia Hui... other relatives are not invited. I know you are happy, but these people are The people who care about us the most should meet... By the way, Jing Huan is not in the country, but we have already informed..."

Yes, these are all his closest relatives. Because of him, they take great care of her, so she can naturally see them.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Jin Hengyuan drove her back to the villa.

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