The Perfect Hidden Marriage

415 415, Park Xiang’s ID card, a lot of strange things were found

That night, Jin Hengyuan sent the child to his grandparents in Jia City.

It was originally decided that as soon as he got married, he would take over the child and live together in a villa in Shanghai.

But later, a series of changes finally caused this beautiful plan to abort:

On the night of January 2, 2014, Su Jin disappeared along with the Harmony that sank to the bottom of the sea. His heart sank into the dark world.

On January 7, 2014, all rescue and salvage work ceased.

Su Jin was included in the missing list.

He cried bitterly at the port.

On January 15, 2014, he resigned as Xiao's acting president, citing mental illness.

Because he knew very well that in this case, he really didn't have much thought and energy to deal with the company's affairs.

In this world, some people put their country and country first; some people put their family and loved ones first...

He is the latter.

In his view, no matter how successful his career is, nothing can compare to having a warm home.

The success of your career must be based on a perfect family, and that is the most satisfying thing.

When the home he wanted to build was shattered, a large part of his world collapsed.

This area cannot be repaired just by repairing it.

He needed to deal with his wounds, he needed to get back on his feet, he needed time to heal his broken heart.

On the same day, Xiao Zhidong returned to Xiao's headquarters and announced his comeback to take charge of the overall situation.

At the same time, Xiao Zhidong hired another high-IQ elite to become the director of the entire group to take charge of all business, with Xiao Zhidong playing a supervisory role.

Because of this incident, Xiao suffered successive setbacks in the stock market.

From that day on, Jin Hengyuan devoted his free time to the matter of Cha Kai Lin'er.

He swore that he would not be a human until Kailin was found.

On January 20, 2014, he and Ji Beixun followed Xiao Zhiyue's line and finally found out who the real Kailiner was.

That woman had settled down in a famous family and was not only married but also had a son.

On January 22, 2014, the Ministry of Public Security came to the door with an arrest warrant. After hearing the news, Kailiner picked up her son and ran away.

During the pursuit, her son died in a car accident. When Kailin abandoned her son and fled, she wrote a few words in blood on the car window: Blood debt must be paid with blood.

Three days later, on the 25th, in order to avenge her son, this crazy woman took advantage of Jing Huan's eagerness to find Shao Feng, caught him, and then lured Jin Yuan away, intending to destroy the mother and daughter to vent her hatred.

In that woman's view, the tragedies in the lives of the two sisters all originated from the Jin family: she wanted Jin Hengyuan to regret his obsessive pursuit.

On January 26, 2014, a rescue operation was quietly launched.

The result was that Yi Fan was hit on the head by a heavy object while trying to save Jing Huan, and fell into a coma.

Jin Yuan could not escape originally, but it was Xiao Zhiyue who made a last-ditch effort and took the bullet for her. It was Xiao Zhiyue who hugged Kai Liner and fell from the high building together, thus saving her life.

All unfortunate things happen on the eve of the Spring Festival.

For this reason, throughout the Spring Festival, both the Xiao family and the Jin family were immersed in deep sorrow.

After their grandparents once again experienced gray hair and black hair, they felt uncomfortable for a long time - fortunately, Xiao Xiao was by their side, which relieved them of a lot of grief.

Under this situation, Xiao Xiao can only continue to stay with the two elders, so as to divert the pain from their hearts.

Whether it's the pain caused by the wrong things Xiao Zhiyue did or the pain caused by his death, they can come out because of Xiao Xiao...

As for Jin Yuan, for a while, she put down all her work and handed it over to Chang Ning to manage. She took care of herself while taking care of Yi Fan. After a year of recuperation, she finally recovered... It's just that Yi Fan never woke up.

Jing Huan went to England because Shao Feng, who was rescued, went to England for medical treatment.

In short, both the Xiao family and the Jin family were turned upside down by Kailin'er.

Fortunately, now, this heinous person finally got the fate she deserved.

From now on, their lives can finally return to peace...

Yes, once Kailiner dies, all grudges are over.

But the pain of losing a spouse that she had bred from her was so deeply planted in his heart that he could no longer dig it out...

He didn't know when such days would end...

All he knew was that his heart was hurting all the time.


At noon the next day, Jin Hengyuan went to Ji Beixun's apartment in Shanghai.

Tie Jing came to open the door, with excitement on his face: "You came just in time. We were talking about your entrustment yesterday... After we checked the ID card you gave us, we found out The information is quite interesting..."

"What an interesting idea?"

Jin Hengyuan walked in and saw Ji Beixun sitting on the sofa playing with his computer.

The day before yesterday, Pu Xiang gave him his ID card. The information above is: Pu Xiang, female, 27 years old, from B City, Zhejiang, Han nationality.

The ID photo is very pretty.

Although I haven't seen what Pu Xiang looks like now, their eyes are exactly the same.

He asked someone to briefly check the authenticity of the ID card.


There is indeed such a person.

Originally, when the matter came to light, he should have stopped there.

Nothing to doubt.

That was an extremely ordinary girl who came to Shanghai and unexpectedly met their father and daughter.

But yesterday, when he was free, he gave Ji Beixun a copy of this ID card and asked him to check her out.

For some reason, he always felt that this girl was a little weird.

Especially those clear eyes, so like Su Jin.

Is this really just a coincidence?

As soon as Jin Hengyuan sat down, Ji Beixun pushed a piece of information over and said steadily:

"See for yourself! It looks very interesting. If you want to continue investigating, you can tell me after you finish reading and think about it."


Jin Hengyuan took it in his hand and looked through it. The information was as follows:

Pu Xiang, formerly known as Pu Yujing, female, was born in 1989 in City B, Zhejiang Province. Her father Pu Qianxing ran a family workshop; her mother Guo Lixiang was an accountant in a state-owned enterprise. Pu Xiang has learned dance since she was a child and is a dance teacher.

In June 2014, Pu Yujing took cold medicine and was resting in the dance studio because of a cold. Someone deliberately set fire to the dance studio to vent their anger. The students survived, but Pu Yujing, who was taking a nap, was seriously burned. After that, the Pu family spent all their money to treat his injuries.

On November 1, 2014, the Park family was unable to pay the medical bills and was forced to leave the hospital.

On November 3, a mysterious vehicle came to the door of Park's house and picked Park Yujing up.

According to the explanation of Pu's grandparents, the person who picked up Pu Yujing was a person who Pu Qianwang helped when he was young.

That man later became prosperous and knew that his benefactor's family was in disaster, so he deliberately came to lend a helping hand and took Pu Yujing abroad.

During this period, Pu's father and Pu's mother traveled together for easy care.

He disappeared like this for more than a year and did not return until the Spring Festival of 2016.

It is said that during the period of disappearance, Pu Yujing had received proper treatment. When Pu Qianwang and Guo Lixiang talked about this, their faces were full of smiles.

However, Pu Yujing was not seen returning home.

I heard that Park Ok Jung still needs an operation to fully recover. Still abroad.

The strangest thing is that Pu Qianwang went to the police station very bizarrely and changed his daughter's name to: Pu Xiang.

Jin Hengyuan looked at it and felt that many aspects of this situation were consistent with what Pu Xiang said, but some were inconsistent. Moreover, the name change was so strange - it was simply inexplicable.

"Why do you want to change your name for no reason?

“In China, under normal circumstances, a name has to be used for a lifetime.

"If something hadn't happened, it would have been absolutely impossible for me to change my name for no reason.

"Also, this person studied dancing, but now this Pu Xiang is good at painting?

"Lawyer Jin, do you think it's strange?"

Tie Jing shouted there, pointing his finger directly at Pu Yujing's face:

"Boss and I both think there is something fishy in this."

Jin Hengyuan squinted his eyes and looked at the photo of Pu Yujing collected by Ji Bei:

Smiling and wearing a dance costume, she looks charming and charming...

I don't know if it's because of the makeup, but those eyes look narrow and long, unlike the eyes in the photo on the ID card, which are bright, round, and more lively.

"Hey, Jin, what's wrong with this person? Do you want to check her out so much?"

Ji Beixun finally raised his head from the computer and asked quietly, his eyes full of exploration and research——

Digression - first update.

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