The Perfect Hidden Marriage

261. In those years, they were in love with each other; now, their love is shattered (to watch)

261. In those years, they were in love with each other; now, their love is shattered (to watch)

He didn't make a big deal out of this matter.

That would damage Su Jin's reputation.

However, anger is inevitable.

At that moment, he looked at Su Jin's brightly kissed lips, and felt a burning rage in his heart.

At that moment, he hated himself for bringing her to the dance, and even more hated himself for not taking good care of her.

At that moment, he had the urge to tear the masked man into pieces.

What annoys him the most?

The next day, he asked her: "Who danced with you yesterday?"

She blinked and replied, "I don't know. Didn't ask."

He stared at her speechlessly, unable to tell that her first kiss had been ruined by a hateful and shameless person...

He could only give her an order authoritatively: "In the future, you are not allowed to get close to boys you don't recognize casually. What if you suffer a loss? You don't even know whether the other person is a good person or a bad person. You are a girl and you must learn to protect yourself. ."

She murmured softly: "Only the state officials are allowed to set fires, but the common people are not allowed to light lamps."

He sighed, knowing that the responsibility for the relationship was entirely his own, and immediately made a promise: "I will never dance with other girls again in the future."

Then she became very happy.

As for who the Zoro man was, he later investigated, but failed to find out. In the end, he had no choice but to let it go.

However, after this incident, he finally discovered that although the sixteen-year-old Su Jin was still young, her beauty was naturally revealed from her bones.

That kind of budding female beauty, half pure, half shy, most charming. Many boys have been attracted by her unique temperament and have offered her an olive branch.

The sense of crisis, because of such a recognition, became stronger, and the feeling of worry followed one after another.

However, after attending college, he had to leave Jia City and go to another city to become a dormitory student. It was impossible for him to leave early and come back late, and then be paired with her every day.

Without him by her side, her beauty would cause so many flies to buzz around her...

Although Jin Ziqian had promised him that he would look after him, he just couldn't rest assured... After thinking about it, his heart became more and more uneasy. Finally, he made up his mind to express his love to this lovely sister... …

The third day after the dance, Sunday, the weather was wonderful, the sky was blue, the clouds were white and snow-white, and the wind was the willow breeze that was not cold on the face.

In the morning, Su Jin said he was going to the bookstore and wanted to buy some books, so he went with him.

The two walked around for a long time, a rare world for two. My younger brother Mu Sheng happened to be taken to some paradise by his grandfather that day. Originally, he was still pestering Su Jin to go together. They ran away secretly, and then they had some peace and quiet. time.

To be honest, Mu Sheng is a noisy child. She has loved to pester Su Jin since she was a child. Su Jin mostly loves to be quiet: reading quietly, painting quietly, and listening to songs quietly. , take a walk quietly in the wind. Her temperament has long been influenced by Aunt Su Yu. She is so well-behaved and quiet, and rarely refuses requests from family members, especially Mu Sheng.

But he knew that it would be a blessing to be able to take her away from Mu Sheng's clinginess and spend a quiet weekend with her once in a while.

They had a great time that morning.

In the afternoon, he took her to the peach forest to sit and read.

He read his professional book, and she chewed on her English textbook.

Su Jin who studies seriously is very cute.

On the surface, he looked like he was reading his book, but in fact, he kept peeping at her every move and smile, and his mind was not on the book at all.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this is an eternal adage that cannot be wrong.

As he watched, he became interested, smiled, asked for her English book, and said:

"Would you like to play a game with you?"

She smiled slightly and nodded.

So, he circled some circles in the book in a serious manner, handed it to her and said:

"I just checked some letters in your book. If you can combine them into a sentence, there will be a big reward later..."

"What reward?"

"You'll know then."

Su Jin asked for the book back and started looking for it.

Find one and fold out the page number where the word is located.

Soon, she found all the letters and wrote them down in a notebook. Then, she stared at that line of words and was stunned for a long time.

"Did you find it?"

he asked with a smile.

"Found it!"

She answered quietly.

"Read it and let me hear it!"

He smiled encouragingly.

But she couldn't say it out loud. Under his gaze, her delicate little face turned red and embarrassed little by little, and surprise flashed in her big eyes.

"is this real?"

Her tone when she said this was unbelievable.

He was good at observing words and emotions. At that moment, he was sure to read the tenderness in her eyes. From this, he was completely sure that she felt the same for him.

Happiness between two people is always the best outcome.

This made him happy, and he immediately took her hand and said:

"I'm serious. And I'm sure that it's not a brother's love for his sister, but a boy's love for a girl. It's the kind of love that wants to marry you as a wife in the future... I don't want to call it love now. . I just want to call it like. Because we are still too young. It is better to express like with simple like... Xiaojin, do you like me? "

He was still very nervous when he said this.

Fortunately, she nodded without hesitation:


He was so happy that he suppressed his excitement and asked curiously:

"How do you like it?"

She blushed and replied shyly:

"I've always dreamed of being your girlfriend. I've always thought it was impossible. I've always liked you, and I've always been afraid that you would become someone else's exclusive boyfriend... What kind of like is that? What do you think?"

Whether it is a boy or a girl, when puberty comes; when gender awareness knocks on the door of the heart; when the first vague love for the opposite sex takes root in the heart; when innocent boys and girls confess their love to each other, at this time they , the mind is simple, the love is also simple, without any measurement of interests, without all kinds of complicated calculations, just because I like it...

This kind of love is the most beautiful.

That day, he kissed her.

Under the colorful peach blossom trees in Luoying, he kissed his beloved girl deeply.

Love came like this, blooming quietly between their eyebrows, burning in their youth when they looked at each other and smiled...

But because Su Jin was still young at that time, only sixteen, he did not dare to disclose their relationship at home for fear that his father would scold him. After all, he was four years older than Su Jin. He abducted his sister and fell in love early. , once exposed, who knows how the family will react.

In the next two years, their secret love added a strange sweetness to their love life.

It wasn't until Su Jin's eighteenth birthday that he officially announced to his father and stepmother that they were in love and hoped to get their support and blessings.

The family is happy to see the results.

Father smiled and said, "I've seen it a long time ago. I've seen it a long time ago. Dad has nothing to say to you. He only wants to say: Xiaojin is only eighteen years old and is about to take the college entrance examination. Before getting married, both of you should give I behave myself well. My parents don't object to kissing and hugging lovers, but if you shouldn't do it, don't do it now. It's better to turn everything into reality after you get the certificate."

Because of this warning, he always treated Su Jin out of emotion rather than reason.

For six years, they had a platonic love.

Everyone thought that they were already an old married couple.

Because once, he showed off his love in his QQ space: during the nap, they hugged each other and slept on the bed. He held her in his arms, kissed her forehead intimately, and took a beautiful selfie.

When people outside see it, they will think that way, which is the most normal thing.

People's great desires are as normal as their daily diet: they are so good, they have been as good as the same day for six years, and they have never had a thick neck or made their face red when they quarreled; the relationship between them often makes him feel extremely comfortable...

It doesn't matter whether there is sex or not, he is willing to wait, waiting for the big day to come, waiting for the other person to be his.

They had made an appointment to get married as soon as she graduated from college, and then they would build a harmonious and beautiful family and have a bunch of little Mubai and Sujin, which was something the whole family would love to see.

However, reality... has completely destroyed all of this.

He originally thought that he could endure everything until the end, and after a few years, he could put all the misplaced life back together. However, the cruel life gave him a heavy blow again...

At this moment, the woman I love is right in front of me, but as for him, he has become a waste...

There was a clang.

The ashtray with a corner of it fell to the ground.

This time, it was literally smashed to pieces.

Su Mubai looked at her, blood dripping from his forehead.

He closed his eyes, feeling too bitter: even if he was disabled, he still wanted to protect her.

But, he can no longer protect her!

"Sit over here!"

He patted the edge of the bed in a hoarse voice.

She sat down obediently.

Since he was little, she has been a good sister and a good lover who listens to him the most.

Su Mubai pulled two tissues on the bedside table, wiped her blood, and cursed softly:

"Are you stupid? Why don't you hide?"

That tone was full of self-blame.

"I said, it was me who caused you to be like this. If you want to smash it, just smash it. I have no complaints..."

She answered softly, her eyes full of pain, staring straight:

"I'm sorry, Mu Bai, I'm really sorry..."

His eyes moved slowly, and finally fell on his lower body, which could not move.

"That's none of your business."

Su Mubai's expression also darkened, and he slowly retracted his hand, gently touched his leg, and said in a low voice:

"This has nothing to do with you... You don't have to apologize to me... I was driving too fast... You didn't feel sorry for me... Four years ago, I betrayed you, and four years later, I caused my aunt to die early..." Passed away...Xiaojin, the one who should say I'm sorry has always been me..."

Looking back on the past, countless grievances and bitterness arise.

The intimate relationship between lovers has become a thing of the past. What do they have now?

It was relatively teary-eyed.

How could the chess game of life end up like this step by step?

Is it that they, these chess players, are so bad at moving the pieces, or that there is another terrible operator in the dark, controlling their chess pieces, so they can't help but make a path that they don't want to do at all. The way to go.

"Wu Bai, forget about that, let's not worry about that, okay... now, what we should care about most is the future..."

Su Jin persuaded him, wiping away the tears that fell freely.

Su Mubai smiled seductively, clutching her pajamas tightly with her fingers, her voice extremely suppressed:

"I don't have anything left in the future...the wheelchair is the rest of my life..."

How cruel is it to associate a once energetic man with a wheelchair?

"No, as long as you actively cooperate with the treatment, there is still hope. Mubai, you need to go to the United States for treatment. You must not give up until the doctor gives up on you, do you know that?"

She grabbed his hand and held it firmly, wanting to give him the strength to stand up again.

"The hope is slim!"

Su Mubai smiled quietly:

"The probability of standing up is extremely slim."

"Even if it's insignificant, we have to fight for it..."

Su Jin encouraged.

But Su Mubai shook his head and interrupted her: "Jin, you don't have to persuade me anymore. It's useless. The rest of my life is destined to be like this."

This self-exile attitude is really driving her to death:

"Mu Bai, you can't be like this. You just stop and give up without even trying. That has never been your style... Where was your energy before... In the past, you were very motivated in everything you did... "

"That was before."

Su Mubai stopped talking, his words were filled with pain, and his voice became urgent:

"At that time, I was not a useless person. At that time, I knew that as long as I worked hard, anything could be successful. But now, no matter how hard I try, it's useless. You are no longer your own, you are someone else's. As for me, it’s impossible for me to return to the way I was before..."

"Twilight Bai..."

"Stop trying to persuade me. Since I will never get you back, it doesn't matter how I live my life in the future."

Su Jin's heart tightened because of these words.

God, how can she convince him to get treatment...

Just as she was feeling confused, her cell phone rang, coming from her bag.

She had to dig it out and look at it.

The next moment, the word "husband" on the screen stung his eyes inexplicably.

Want to pick up?

That was a call from Jin Hengyuan.

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