The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 701 The father who cheated his daughter got a son-in-law (2)

Mo Qingze nodded with a smile, his eyes full of indulgence for his daughter.

The father and daughter turned over the almanac together to choose auspicious days, and saw that there were only three auspicious days left in this month: the 22nd, 26th, and 28th. After discussion, the date was finally set on October 28th, which happened to coincide with Zhen'er and Yun Zhao's ten-day holiday.

During dinner in the evening, Mo Yan took out a jar of wine of a relatively low vintage and poured a glass of wine for everyone. Even the youngest Sheng'er poured half a glass, and the family gathered around the table and ate lively.

Many years of wish came true, and Mo Qingze seemed to be in a good mood. After drinking one glass of wine, he felt it was not enough, so he poured himself several more glasses to drink, but he didn't eat much of the food.

"Dad, you can't drink any more, you'll feel uncomfortable!" When his father finished the eighth glass of wine and was about to pour the ninth glass of wine, Mo Yan refused to let him drink and even took the wine jar away.

The wine produced in space is not harmful to the body, but if you drink too much, you will fall asleep for a long time, and you will feel dizzy and uncomfortable when you wake up. How could she let her father suffer like this!

Mo Qingze still wanted to find the wine jar, but now he was very dizzy and his stomach felt uncomfortably tight. He frowned, but after all he didn't insist, so he picked up the chopsticks on the table and picked up the steamed meatballs on the plate to eat.

As a result, after picking it up several times in a row, the slightly trembling chopsticks could not pick up the meatball. He slammed the chopsticks on the table angrily and muttered: "I won't eat it, I won't eat it, it tastes too bad!"

Everyone was shocked by Mo Qingze's childish behavior. When they reacted, they couldn't help covering their mouths and started laughing.

Mo Yan's eyes twitched as she looked at her father who had suddenly become "younger" by several dozen years. She stood up helplessly and walked to him. She picked up her chopsticks and picked out his favorite vegetables, feeding him one bite at a time.

If you don't eat something to cushion yourself, you will only feel more uncomfortable at night!

At this time, Mo Qingze was obviously drunk and had no idea what he was doing. He was like a child, obediently opening his mouth and waiting to be fed. Fortunately, he was very drunk. When he wakes up tomorrow morning, he won't remember what happened tonight. Otherwise, he doesn't know how embarrassed he would be.

After feeding a lot of vegetables, Mo Yan filled up a bowl of crispy rice porridge that nourished the stomach and slowly fed it to his father with a spoon. As Mo Qingze ate, he couldn't bear the waves of drunkenness that came over him. Before he finished the bowl of porridge, he fell asleep on the table.

Mo Yan had no choice but to put down the bowl and help her father back to the room with Xin'er.

The two sisters worked hard to take off their father's coat so that he could sleep more comfortably. Mo Yan brought warm water to wipe his father's face. As soon as the handkerchief got on his face, Mo Qingze opened his eyes suddenly and pulled it tightly. Holding her wrist, he said with a very sober look: "Yan'er, don't be afraid, dad will protect you and will not teach anyone to harm you!"

Mo Yan was startled, and suddenly remembered what her father said in his sleep when he took his father home that day, and a bad premonition suddenly surged in his heart.

She calmed down and asked tentatively again: "Dad, are you hiding something from your daughter?"

Mo Qingze looked at his eldest daughter intently, as if he didn't quite understand what she meant.

Just when Mo Yan was about to ask again, her wrist suddenly loosened, and her father's originally awake eyes became hazy, and then he tilted his head and fell asleep again.

Even though Mo Yan had too many doubts in her heart, seeing this situation, she felt a little bit dumbfounded. She shook her head, covered her father with a quilt, and walked towards the front yard with Xin'er full of thoughts.

On the way, Xin'er didn't know what her sister was thinking, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect dad to have such a childish side. When dad wakes up, I must tell him, haha!"

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