The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 353 The house collapsed due to sudden heavy snowfall (4)

Mo Yan smiled and said a few polite words, but she saw two familiar faces among the forty-two people. The ones standing at the back, hiding and avoiding looking at her, were Wang Dali and his wife who had come to make trouble before.

Mo Yan didn't have a good impression of these two people, and she had previously warned that they would not be welcome to enter her home. However, these two people also had families of both young and old, so it was difficult to kick them out and let them When Feng Chu came out, he pretended not to see it, divided the house among each family, and let them arrange the rest by themselves.

Wang Dali and his wife, who had their heads buried tightly, saw that Mo Yan didn't say anything to chase people away. They looked at each other and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but they still didn't dare to raise their heads.

The others were grateful again and left the old man and the children behind, while the young and strong ones went back to pack their things. In addition to the necessary beds, bedding, pots and pans, etc., all had to be brought over. They only had to wait until the weather cleared before going to the mountains to cut wood and repair the house before moving back.

Yang Bao asked some people from the village to help them move things. When those people learned that the Mo family lent their houses to people whose houses had collapsed, they felt more and more that the Mo family was a truly kind family.

After moving back and forth several times, almost all the things have been moved here, and more than ten rooms will be enough. There is a distance between the front yard and the back yard, so these people can move in and have no hindrance to the Mo family's life. Seeing that nothing happened to him, Mo Yan returned to the back, held the ears of the three beasts, and told them not to go forward.

The heavy snow stopped all day, and then started falling again in the evening. Not to mention the worries of those in the front yard, Mo Yan was also worried. She silently prayed in her heart that there would be no snow disaster, otherwise no one knows how many people would suffer.

After dinner, Mao Mao, who had been missing for almost two days, flew back shivering with a thin layer of white snow on his body and a letter written by Xiao Ruiyuan to Mo Yan on his feet.

Mo Yan quickly brought it several slices of fresh chicken and a small bowl of spiritual spring water. When it had eaten and drank enough to warm itself up, she opened the mailbox with some expectation and took out the letter inside.

Fortunately, this letter was normal. Although it was very short, with only a few sentences, it was not repeated ninety-nine or eighty-one times. It was really not easy!

The content of the letter was also simple and clear. In addition to expressing satisfaction with her response to the letter, he also hoped that she could write a letter every other day so that she would not have to worry about exhausting Mao Mao to death. She also wanted to feed him less meat to prevent him from getting too fat. The speed of flight...

Mo Yan's eyes twitched and she locked the letter in the drawer. She watched Maomao battling wits and courage with the little flower ball in the small hall, and silently lit the wax for it.

It is quite bitter for him to meet such a strict master!

Since someone's message was short, Mo Yan didn't have to rack his brains to reply. I took out my pen and ink and besides writing about the heavy snow here, I asked him about the weather conditions there, and by the way expressed my concern about his "difficulty in traveling". It only took five or six sentences in total, so I finished it quickly.

Mo Yan still felt sorry for Mao Mao and couldn't bear it being a "flying bird in the sky" going back and forth every day, so she planned to let it deliver messages tomorrow afternoon. In this way, she doesn’t have to write so frequently every other day. She praises her IQ!

Unexpectedly, Maomao didn't agree, and kept hovering over Mo Yan's head, making urgent sounds, obviously urging her to stuff the letter into the mailbox quickly, so that it could be sent away immediately.

Mo Yan was speechless at its behavior. After repeated explanations were of no use, she had no choice but to stuff the letter into it.

Under the eaves, looking at the heavy snow outside, Maomao shed a few bitter tears to herself. If it dares to delay and falls into the hands of its owner, it will be more than just plucking its hair. Finally, it glanced at Mo Yan faintly, and flew towards the distant north with the attitude of a strong man breaking off his wrist.

It snowed heavily for two more days before finally clearing up and revealing the sun. The ice and snow had just melted, and the weather was getting colder. Except for going to the toilet, everyone stayed at home and did not dare to go out. When the sun was strong at noon, Mo Yan moved a chair and sat in the corner to bask in the sun, and took out her needlework and embroidered purses to pass the time.

Others, who had been depressed at home for a long time, took chairs and sat next to her, reading and embroidering, while Li Yan took Yun Sheng to play the nine-ring chain. The warm sunshine felt warm and comfortable on my body, and I felt dizzy and wanted to sleep.

At this time, a teenage girl came over with a bamboo basket, and said with some restraint and some expectancy: "Sister Yan Yan, this is the fried coke leaves made by my mother, let me bring it over for you to try. "

Mo Yan took a look, wasn't it the golden fried burnt leaves placed in the bamboo basket? She quickly stood up and declined: "Your mother is too polite. You should keep such good food for yourself. Please take it back quickly."

When the little girl heard that she didn't want it, she stamped her feet anxiously: "Sister Yanyan, you have lent us your house to live in. This thing is not worth anything, so you must accept it!"

Mo Yan waved her hands repeatedly, firmly refusing to take it.

Fried Jiao Ye is a kind of fried pasta. Add an appropriate amount of salt, eggs and green onions to the flour, add water and mix well. Use a rolling pin to roll it into a large dough slightly thicker than the dumpling wrapper. Then use a knife to cut it into palm-sized pieces and put it on the boil. Fry it in a frying pan, take it out and let it cool before eating.

This kind of food is not difficult to make, the ingredients are simple, and it tastes great when done well. In the eyes of the Mo family, this kind of food can only be regarded as ordinary, but for those families in the village who can only eat half full for many years, whether it is eggs or flour, they are precious things and are only fried during festivals. Satisfy the children's cravings a little bit.

Now this little girl gives away a basket full of baskets, which shows that the adults in the family really want to repay Mo Yan's kindness for renting the house, but Mo Yan can't accept it.

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