King Pan got help, but instead of putting on airs, he stood up and came face to face with Du Ziteng and his party.

Under the surprised gazes of Du Ziteng and others, King Pan said, "I'd like to thank you, Young Master, for what happened yesterday."

"You know the language of Deyun Country?"

Yin Zhong was puzzled.

Yesterday, he talked with King Pan and tried a lot of tests, but King Pan didn't respond to his words. Finally, he decided that King Pan did not understand the language of their country, Izumo.

However, after only one night, King Pan was able to respond to their words, but his accent was rather unpredictable, and there was an echo in the spacious guest room.

King Pan smiled slightly and said: "Since you two know that I am extraordinary, you should know that I have means that ordinary people do not have."

Du Ziteng's heart was excited and beating wildly. He looked at King Pan, and a gleam of hope flashed in his eyes.

"Weird! Stranger!"

His identity and status are not comparable to that of Yin Zhong. Therefore, he knows many unknown secrets.

In Middle-earth, in addition to people in the world of martial arts, there is also a type of people who are more mysterious than martial arts masters. Their origins and whereabouts are unknown, and every time they appear, they are short-lived. King Pan fits this category of people very well.

"Senior, can you go to our village and have a chat?"

He once again extended an invitation to King Pan.

Chapter 274 King Pan leaves

The existence of Green Willow Villa was very short, with a history of more than 40 years. It was famous for a while, but after the death of the old owner Du Kui, the villa began to decline year by year.

This situation became much better after Du Ziteng was accepted as a disciple by Master Yuantong of Dabei Temple. Dabei Temple is one of the top sects in the martial arts world. If you spare any effort, you can take care of Green Willow Villa.

At first, King Pan was surprised when he recalled the Dabei Temple mentioned by Yin Zhong. He was thinking that if Jie Ying and Zhunti knew that Buddhism had already flourished in all the worlds, he wondered what they would think. c

However, after he became enlightened, he no longer thought about cutting off the evil spirits.

Before he became enlightened, he was worried that the Six Saints of Xuanmen would squeeze out the living space of other great powers after becoming enlightened. In order to delay the time for Nuwa to become enlightened, he built a palace of creation. Now, it's obviously not necessary.

In the same way, he didn't have much bad feelings towards Taoist Taoist Jie Yin and Taoist Zhunti. At most, everyone may collide in the future because of their respective paths and ideas. However, there is no need to ruin their opportunity.

"Practice martial arts, one step at a time. Only by laying a good foundation can you learn more advanced martial arts. Our young village master practiced Sanjiu in the winter and Sanfu in the summer. With a deep foundation, we were accepted as disciples by the masters in the martial arts. "

In the martial arts training ground, hundreds of young men were shirtless, enduring the cold wind, performing each move in a precise manner. Although they were shivering with cold, they gritted their teeth and persisted.

The person who directed them was a man who looked somewhat similar to Yin Zhong, but his eyebrows were slightly white and he was older.

Accompanied by Du Ziteng, King Pan also came to the martial arts training ground.

"Senior, what do you think of these disciples?"

That day, out of various considerations, King Pan accepted Du Ziteng's invitation. Anyway, for the moment, he had no destination.

King Pan could clearly see the details of these practitioners just by looking at them.

He said: "Practice like this won't work. Even if they practice for a hundred years, they won't become masters."

What he said was true. In King Pan's eyes, the basic martial arts at Green Willow Villa was terrible. It completely violated the basic principles of the human body. It blindly pursued the power of martial arts and was not comparable to advanced martial arts.

What else could Du Ziteng say? He dared not say anything except silence.

He still has some understanding of his own martial arts. He knows that his own martial arts is not a unique skill in the martial arts world. It is normal for him to look down on a stranger like Pan Wang.

When King Pan saw this, he didn't say much. He touched his arms, took out a book, and handed it to Du Ziteng.

Du Ziteng was so happy that he quickly took it and held it in his hands.

Du Ziteng's fiery heart froze when he saw the three characters "Hu Li Jin" on the cover. This "Tiger Power" is the most basic martial arts technique of Green Willow Villa.

But then he thought, since it was given by King Pan, the skill must be extraordinary. Therefore, he suppressed his doubts and opened the book.

The first paragraph of the opening paragraph shocked Du Ziteng.

"Humans are like tigers, but they are not tigers. After all, the human body is not as good as the body of a tiger. Therefore, the essence of this technique lies in the tiger's momentum rather than the tiger's form. The momentum does not focus on the intention, and the attention does not focus on the form. This is the essence of tiger power!"

Except for this paragraph, there are no words in the entire book, but pictures of tigers.

Each of the tigers painted by King Pan appears vividly on the paper, just like real tigers. It looked fine at first, but after a while, these tigers actually started to move and start punching.

"Weird! Stranger!"

At this time, Du Ziteng was really sure that King Pan was the strange man in the legend of the world, the dragon that saw its head but never its tail.

I would like to ask, how can an ordinary person draw a moving tiger?

As he watched, Du Ziteng was fascinated. Unknowingly, the "Tiger Power" fell from his hand, and he started punching vigorously.

His actions immediately attracted the attention of people on the martial arts ground.

Their young master of the village actually deigned to teach them Hu Li Jin in person? !

Yes, after Pan Wang's transformation, Hu Li Jin is still Hu Li Jin, and the changes are very small, but these small changes add up to bring the skill to a higher level.

The middle-aged man who is responsible for teaching many disciples is also watching, and his eyesight is much better than that of many disciples.

In his eyes, what he saw was not Du Ziteng, but a real tiger!

"This makes no sense! Even the master can't produce this effect."

This man is Yin Zhong's elder brother, named Uncle Yin, and his status in Green Willow Villa is not low.

When he saw King Pan next to Du Ziteng, he felt so sad.

"According to what Brother Zhong said, this person is a strange person. I was still doubting it at first, but now it seems that it is true. No wonder the young owner of the village treats him so politely."

This incident was just a small incident, but after this incident, Du Ziteng respected King Pan even more.

In the blink of an eye, King Pan arrived at Green Willow Villa for seven days. He had also completed his return to Du Ziteng and planned to leave right away.

He has not forgotten his purpose. Although the Flower of the World is not rejected by the world, if it is noticed by the powerful person who controls the way of heaven in this world, his clone will also be very dangerous.

"What, senior is leaving?"

Du Ziteng was shocked and disappointed. He had many questions to ask King Pan for advice.

Of course King Pan knew what Du Ziteng was thinking, so he said, "My fate with the young master has ended. If I continue to force him to stay, it will be more of a disaster than a blessing for the young master."

If an ordinary person said this, they would be regarded as a liar or a lunatic. But Du Ziteng firmly believed in Pan Wang's words.

King Pan's few words of instruction had already benefited him greatly.

Du Ziteng can say without hesitation that even his master, Master Yuantong, is no match for him.

In seven days, with such progress in just seven days, it is not difficult to imagine what a terrible person King Pan is.

"Since the senior has something important to do, it is not good for the junior to stay. As he said that, Du Ziteng took out a wad of silver notes and handed it to King Pan. The senior is a master, and the things outside the body have little effect on the senior. However, the senior is in Middle-earth. Walking, unprepared

Some money is inconvenient after all. A mere seven thousand taels of silver notes to support seniors. "

Du Ziteng was worthy of being the young owner of the village, he was very understanding and he wanted to form a good relationship with King Pan whenever he could.

King Pan waved his hand and said: "No need. I understand the wishes of the young master of the village. Thank you very much for the hospitality of the young master of the village. If we are destined, we will get together in the future."

After saying that, King Pan turned around and walked out the door. He took one step out of the front door of the living room, and even walked out of the courtyard, leaving behind a distant figure.

"Shrink to the ground?!"

Du Ziteng was shocked.

In the martial arts world, various movement techniques emerge in endlessly, but he has never heard of Pan Wang's skills, let alone seen them.

"This is not a stranger, he is clearly an immortal from heaven!"

An idea flashed in Du Ziteng's mind, and he was very upset, regretting that he had missed a great opportunity.

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Chapter 275: Pudu Bodhisattva

Saying goodbye to Du Ziteng, King Pan embarked on a journey to find a practitioner.

The past few days at Green Willow Villa were not in vain. Consciously or unconsciously, he was inquiring about the strange things in the world and looking for traces of practitioners.

There is no other way. He is in other people's territory and can only act according to other people's rules. Who told him that he was not Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?

After setting off from Shenfeng Mountain, King Pan first came to a place called Fengmen Village in a neighboring county. According to legend, this village was originally a ghost village, a village where there was no way in or out. It wasn't until a wandering Taoist priest settled down at the entrance of the village that the evil spirits in the village were suppressed. There is a legend that there is a nose and eyes, even King Pan believed it. As a result, when he arrived at Fengmen Village, he found that the wandering Taoist priest was just a charlatan, the kind who deceived people into buying his peace charm. The things that happened in the village before were all spread by the Taoist priest's associates.

King Pan was a little speechless. Three people become tigers, and it is true everywhere. The rumors of this other world are equally powerful.

After this time, he no longer believed in the rumors in the world, but explored famous mountains, rivers, and ancient historical capitals to find traces of practitioners. He even entered the palaces of many countries and asked the nobles of the palaces, but still found nothing.

I don't know what's going on with the practitioners in this world. They basically don't appear in the ordinary world, which makes his progress slow.

Fortunately, after going through difficulties, a mysterious thing caused a sensation in Middle-earth.

In the east of Middle-earth, there is a huge country called Daxia. Not long ago, due to continuous heavy rains in Yangzhou Prefecture in Daxia, the Hengjiang River overflowed and even the dams were washed away. Yangzhou Mansion has always been the most prosperous city in Daxia, with a population of eight million. Once the river water flows into the city, the consequences will be disastrous.

At a critical moment, a deity enshrined in Yangzhou Prefecture called "Pudu Bodhisattva" appeared. She used magical powers to contain the flood and save the lives of eight million people.

This incident caused huge waves in Daxia and even the entire Tutu Continent.

When the news broke out, King Pan happened to step into the territory of Daxia Kingdom.

Other countries are weak and have sparse populations, so they may not know it. Daxia has a vast territory and a large population, so it is impossible for them not to know it.

The more people there are, the more connections they have with the practice world. Don’t people in the practice world need to recruit disciples?

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