On the contrary, Empress Yin Gui, a woman who was not inferior to men, taunted her and stopped talking.


A hollow, ethereal, sourceless voice sounded.

All the powerful men looked at a dwarf man with an extremely ugly appearance.

The dwarf man is really short in stature. It is not unfair at all to describe him as "three inches tall, like the bark of a grain tree."

However, no one dares to underestimate this dwarf, because he is also a quasi-sage.

Taoist Kongkong is said to have been transformed from an innate divine well. Because this sacred well was empty inside, this man named himself Taoist Kongkong.

Taoist Kongkong looked at everyone, shook his black hair, and said confidently.

"Isn't this easy? We can use the reason of better educating the West to form a church, and this church will distribute tasks. All Taoist friends who want a share of the pie must join this church. "

"What do fellow Taoist Kongkong mean?"

The other great powers were not aware of this, but Yuan Gu Immortal, who had lived the longest, suddenly saw Taoist Kong Kong's intention.

Taoist Kongkong opened his mouth and laughed.

"Since we established this hall, we naturally don't have to pay attention to so many rules and regulations. We just go through the motions and maintain the status quo. As for the new Taoist friends, I will give them some soup and water appropriately. Water, just satisfy them!”

"It's true that people cannot be judged by their appearance. This fellow Daoist Kong Kong looks ordinary. I never expected that he could come up with such a method."

"That's right! In this way, we will have great righteousness, and no one can find fault."

The great masters communicated with each other using their spiritual thoughts. The central idea was that they admired this Taoist Kong Kong.

The powers that be, intent on delaying the enlightenment of the Western duo, had other ideas.

They were thinking about whether to bring the Western duo into the hall to better restrict and suppress them.

"The method is good, but this matter needs to be considered in the long term. Those two are not easy to deal with."

"Let's do this for now! We can wait until we are promoted to Quasi-Saint before we can argue. We don't have enough strength to compete with those two."

The meeting of the great powers was short and concise, and the results were discussed within minutes, and plans were quickly made to prepare for the arrival of other great powers.

Three thousand years later, the situation in the West has changed again.

A church called the Gongde Holy Church was silently established to govern hundreds of religions in the Western land.

Anyone who wants to go to the Western land to gain merit and luck must join the Merit Church, which will arrange the preaching area and assign various tasks.

After those powerful people who did not want to join the Merit Holy Church entered the west, they found that the western land was occupied by the forces within the Merit Holy Church, and they could not find a place to preach at all.

So, no matter whether the new power wanted to or not, he eventually joined the Temple of Merit.

In the Mahavira Collection, the Taoist Taoist Jingyin and Taoist Zhunti were so angry that one Buddha ascended to heaven and two Buddhas were born.

Buddha has fire!

After the establishment of the Temple of Merit, it seemed to be the master of the western land. It was like a dove occupying the magpie's nest, and it didn't take the two of them seriously.

The disciples of the Western duo now dare not leave the confines of Mount Sumeru. Because as soon as they left, they were dragged to the Temple of Merit to arrange duties for them.

The land of the West is becoming more and more prosperous and prosperous, but Mount Meru, a symbol of the West, is declining more and more, and its reputation is gradually disappearing.


Almost forced into a corner by the Temple of Merit, Taoist Zhunti forgot the saint's self-cultivation and uttered slanderous words.

Who says that immortals don’t curse? Just because they haven't been violated.

"Junior brother, you are upset!"

The Taoist leader put his hands together and recited Huang Ting to try to calm himself down.

Taoist Zhunti turned around and raised his feet, but he stepped on a golden lotus platform. His figure alternated between virtual and real, and finally stayed in the Main Hall.

Taoist Zhunti was puzzled: "Senior brother!"

The leading Taoist said quietly: "If junior brother can resist the nine quasi-sage powers at the same time, there is no harm in going out. After the establishment of the Merit Temple, the nine Taoist friends have shared weal and woe. They hope that we will make mistakes. Fight with them and force us to join the Merit Temple."


Taoist Zhunti was shocked and withdrew all his magic power, and a burst of meaning came to his heart.

Instead of being stopped by the Taoist Taoist, he had just stepped into the trap of the Temple of Merit and given away the West.

Now, the two of them are still the nominal Lords of the West, but if they join the Merit Temple, they will no longer be the nominal Lords of the West.

Because the great powers of the Merit Temple would not allow the two of them to become the hall masters.

Taoist Zhunti froze. His vision penetrated the Mahavira Palace, rushed out of Mount Sumeru, and enveloped the western land.

Although the West was barren in the past, it belonged to them. Now the West is fertile and prosperous, but they have lost their sense of belonging.

"How ironic!"

He shook his head and smiled bitterly, closed his eyes and went to practice.

Chapter 166 The Situation in the East

The Western duo were overwhelmed by the power of the Temple of Merit and were unable to do anything. The authority of Sanqing and Nuwa was about to be impacted.

King Pan ended up in person!

The weaknesses of the Western duo are too obvious. They are not strong, have no foreign aid, and are burdened by the Western land. The powerful forces of the Temple of Merit are enough to deal with it.

Sanqing and Nuwa Empress are different. Their heritage, background, and strength are not comparable to that of the Western duo.

Needless to say, Sanqing's origins determine their extraordinary status. Qualification, luck, understanding, and chance are all the best in innate holiness. It can be said without politeness that the three of them are the sons of destiny.

Countless experiences told King Pan that it would be difficult to suppress the Son of Destiny. Because they have a characteristic, the more you oppress them, the stronger their motivation to practice will be, and the faster they will practice.

With the favor of boundless luck, Sanqing might even be able to fight back and make a huge breakthrough.

Therefore, in order to suppress the enlightenment of the Three Purities, we can only compete with them openly and confront them with an upright way. Only then can we have a chance to suppress their luck and delay their enlightenment.

Empress Nuwa should not be underestimated either.

In ancient times, there was no such thing as a goddess with a fragile body and weak personality. The goddesses Nuwa, Houtu, Queen Mother of the West, and Xihe started killing people even more fiercely than the male immortals.

Don't you see, the Queen Mother of the West is such a ruthless person, and she will destroy the dragon clan of the East China Sea Dragon if she doesn't take action.

In addition to her own cultivation and abilities, Nuwa Empress also has the demon clan as her backer.

Empress Nuwa put in a lot of effort to complete the Zhoutian Star Formation. Therefore, the prestige of Nuwa Empress in the demon clan is no less than that of Emperor Jun, Taiyi, and Fuxi.

Suppressing the Nuwa Empress is equivalent to suppressing the demon clan.

It is absolutely impossible for an individual to overwhelm a race so large that it dominates half of the prehistoric world.

In the prehistoric world, there is the way of heaven, and there are certain rules. It does not mean that you can do whatever you want because you have great magic power.

King Pan came to the Eastern Land and was immediately shocked by the concerted actions of the powerful people.

The Lich rises, the two heroes compete for hegemony, the calamity energy erupts between heaven and earth, and the calamity is about to break out.

Measuring the calamity is a big deal that everyone talks about. It is an existence that even Daluo Jinxian and quasi-sage will be deeply involved in.

However, this is nothing compared to being reduced to an ant and being stepped on forever.

Establishing religion is popular in the West, but this is not the case in the East.

The east is ruled by the two Lich clans, and other creatures have either escaped or been surrendered by them.

Establishing a religion is a joke in the East.

In the original prehistoric world, the Three Pure Ones began to establish religions only after the birth of the human race, because only this new race, which did not have any faith, could be civilized.

Otherwise, even if I deduced the method of witchcraft and primordial spirit, and preached the primordial spirit technique to the witch clan, I would not be able to attract a single believer.

The great power of the Eastern world bizarrely joined the Lich and Lich clans and became a guest worshiper.

Among the methods of obtaining merit that King Pan previously spread, there was one of helping the protagonists of heaven and earth to govern the world.

After the human race became the protagonist of the world, the disciples of the three religions were like cats smelling something fishy, ​​and came out one after another to help the human race conquer all directions and stabilize the human race's power.

In the same way, the two Lich races at this time are no different from the human race. They are both races favored and loved by God. Helping the two Lich clans become stronger is the best way to gain merit.

Of course, for these powerful men to join the Lich and Lich clans, their merits are secondary. They are drunkards who don't care about drinking.

In Zixiao Palace, Taiyi and Zhurong's actions were clearly against Xuanmen.

It is not something that ordinary people can do to question Patriarch Hongjun face to face.

As a result, they began to think of forming an alliance with the two groups, and each chose their own forces to join them.

King Pan saw that all the caves and paradises on the ancient land were connected to each other by stable time and space channels, extending in all directions.

A little witch in the realm of immortals, through the time and space channel, reached the Taihang Immortal Mountain in the eastern part of the ancient world from the outskirts of the witch realm in just a moment.

The first step for the great masters is to gather the prehistoric destiny!

Luck is not static. You can improve your luck by improving your cultivation, improving your feet, getting adventures, defeating people with great luck, gaining merit, joining a big force, and gaining status in heaven and earth.

However, in addition to the above solutions, you can also gain merit by expanding your territory.

Land, from the small blessed land of Lingshan Mountain to the large ancient land, all have luck. Every time you occupy a piece of land, the luck of the land will belong to you.

Those powerful people who joined the Wu Clan first used space channels to bring countless fairy mountains and blessed places to the doorstep of the Wu Clan.

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