The Original Vampire

Chapter 68: See off

   After the ceremony, everyone left the church one after another.

   The faces of most of the nobles are filled with joy. After all, this time conferring a knight is arguably the largest in recent years in the Northern Territory.

   The generosity of the Duke of St. Hilde calmed down the nobles in the north from the turmoil that just ended.

   They all firmly believe that the future of the North will be more beautiful!

   Colin ignored the excitedly chatting sister, deliberately lagging behind to talk to the Marquis Garcia, to test the thoughts of the big brother.

   Although the Marquis of Garcia did not have an attack on the spot, Colin knew that the fact that the Duke of St. Hilde failed to keep his promise to make Adams his first heir had completely angered the Marquis of Garcia.

   If the two brothers were acting deliberately before, now, the rift between them is real and can no longer be easily bridged.

   To be honest, Colin didn't understand the behavior of the Duke of Saint Silde to destroy promises.

   This is not because Colin felt that the opponent should follow the virtues of the knight.

   He is not so naive.

   An old politician who has ruled the Northern Territory for decades, expecting him not to lie is the same as expecting men not to steal.

   What Colin didn't understand was why the Duke of Saint Silde had to tear his face with his brother in this way at this time.

   is too impatient, and too lack of political wisdom.

  If Colin was in the position of the duke, even if he didn't want to pass the dukedom to Vera, he wouldn't cross the river and demolish the bridge so quickly.

   At least he will first grant the title to Vera, recognize her as the first heir, and stabilize the Marquis Garcia first.

   Then, whether it is slowly weakening the Black Flag Army or fostering another military force that can be contended, it is more comfortable.

   After all, Vera inherited the throne of Marquis, but not immediately became Duke of the North.

   You can also deprive her of her title in the future.

   Why are you rushing now?

   Of course, Colin did not think that Marquis Garcia dare to really rebel at this time.

   After all, most of the lords in the north have now been wiped out, and the rest have been reassured by the duke.

   And the previous behavior of the Black Flag Army's "turning to battle" has given the Marquis Garcia the notoriety of "betrayer".

   Now even if he stands up to deal with his brother, no lord will respond to his call.

   As for the Black Cavalry, they have also been drawn up by the Duke with the acquiescence of the Marquis Garcia.

   The vassals who had been loyal to the Marquis of Garcia, such as the Marquis of Dawson, are willing to admit that they are a member of the Black Cavalry after swearing allegiance to the Duke?

  Is it still the same as before, at the order of the Marquis Garcia, he chose to follow without hesitation?

   What's more, only a handful of people know about the fact that the Duke of St. Hilde broke his promise.

After all, the original transaction between the Duke of St. Hild and the Marquis of Garcia was a secret. If Colin had not been regarded as the future son-in-law of the Marquis of Garcia, and thus learned the specific details of the transaction, it is estimated that it is not at all. Will be aware of the betrayal of the Duke of St. Hild to his brother.

   If the Marquis of Garcia chooses to rebel with troops, would he be regarded as a betrayal to his brother by the northerners instead?

   Will the Marquis of Garcia be willing to bear such an infamy again?

   "My lord Marquis!" Colin leaned over to Marquis Garcia and greeted him in a low voice.

   The Marquis of Garcia glanced at Colin, did not speak, and continued to walk outside.

   Colin knew that the big guy was in a bad mood, so he didn't dare to say more, and walked out of the church behind him.

   When he got outside, the Marquis Garcia immediately turned on his horse and glanced at the following Colin, and said indifferently: "Tell me, your loyalty really does not ask for the reason, right or wrong?"

   Colin's heart stunned, and he cried out badly.

   Facing the sudden attack of the Duke of St. Hild before, Colin deliberately interpreted loyalty as an unconditional obedience in order to please the Duke.

   Unexpectedly, this was obviously misunderstood by the Marquis Garcia.

   But there is no way, how could Colin expect that the two brothers would break up again at that time.

   At the time, he thought that the Duke of St. Hilde, who had cleared away the threats in the north and beyond, had undoubtedly become the real master of the north.

   And if Colin wants to continue mixing in the North, grow the Anglia family, and even marry Vera, he must be approved by the Duke of St. Hild.

   So, Colin took the initiative to flatter.

   Moreover, when he saw his new fiefdom, he was already aware of the Duke's plan. In addition, he had already had an antagonism with the Su Duo family, and he was already mentally prepared to become a knife in the hands of the Duke.

   But who knows, the Duke turned back on his promise to the Marquis Garcia at this time.

   This undoubtedly caused the worry of turbulence in the northern border that had just calmed down.

   Therefore, Colin once again faced the choice of standing in line.

   And this time, he really didn't know which way to choose.

   Although from the bottom of his heart, he agrees more with the Marquis Garcia.

   This is not only because the Marquis almost gave himself a gift in the First Battle of the Icefield, but also gave himself retired veterans of the Black Cavalry to help the Anglia family form a cavalry.

   is totally really training Colin as a son-in-law.

   And, from a moral point of view, this matter is indeed the Duke of St. Hilde sorry to his brother.

   He abandoned his promise!

   However, facing the question of the Marquis Garcia at this moment, Colin didn't know what to say for a while.

   Do you directly admit that what you just said was fart?

   In this way, wouldn't one's own "personal design" collapse immediately?

  Who dare to trust someone who can throw away his vows at will?

   Just when Colin was stunned, the Marquis of Garcia had already driven away.

   Before leaving, one last sentence was thrown away: "Go and understand the origin of the [Judgement Blade] in your hand, and then rethink what true loyalty is!"

   Looking at the back of the Marquis Garcia, Colin stood there for a while, at a loss.

   Until my sister Caitlin walked over with a puzzled look on her face, she led Colin back to the hotel.


   In the next few days, Bingyan City was calm.

   The Marquis of Garcia did not act excessively, as if he had completely forgotten his brother's betrayal.

   However, on the night of the end of the conferring ceremony, Marquis Garcia left Ice Rock City.

   seems unwilling to stay in this city for one more second.

   The departure of the Marquis Garcia did not arouse much attention, after all, the Marquis was used to being alone.

   Moreover, the true master of the North is still in the city at this time.

   However, the Duke of St. Hild did not stay in Ice Rock City for too long.

On the third day after the    awarding ceremony, he set off to return to Winter City.

   As the new owner of Ice Rock City, Colin certainly wants to see him off.

   It was a sunny morning, and a large number of northern nobles gathered outside the southern gate of Bingyan City.

   is naturally the Duke of St. Hild.

  Beside him, the newly promoted Viscount Anglia accompanied him.

   "Colin, are you satisfied with the new territory that I rewarded you?"

   "My Lord Duke, of course I am extremely satisfied!"

   Colin's words are not entirely flattering.

  Because, the current territory of the Anglia family is indeed very large.

   The original territory of the Suduo family was Bingyan City and the surrounding area of ​​about 30 kilometers, but this territory did not directly border the original territory of the Anglia family.

   There are two baronies in between.

   However, these two barons were beheaded in the previous rebellion, so the Duke simply awarded the two territories to Colin together.

   So, counting the original Graycastle Town, Colin's current territory is the sum of the original viscountry and three baronies ~ which definitely exceeds the territory of a general viscount.

   If it were not for the fact that there were too many land in the northern border and too few lords, the Duke of St. Hilde would not be so generous.

   "Hehe, so, are you satisfied?" Duke Saint Hild asked with a smile.

   Colin blinked and smiled: "Of course not. No lord will be satisfied with the size of his territory!"

   The Duke of St. Hild laughed loudly, seemingly satisfied with Colin's answer.

   After laughing for a while, the Duke said again: "Do you know? My grandfather once said something similar."

   He raised his whip and pointed to the east: "The ice field in the north is nothing to go to. It's too cold and barren. However, if you want to expand your territory, you can try to the east."

   After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Colin to respond, and immediately whipped his horse and left.

   Colin was stunned, thinking about the meaning of the last words the Duke said.

   At this moment, a gorgeous carriage passed by Colin.

   The curtain opened, revealing a beautiful face.


   "Miss Vera."

   "It will be my coming-of-age gift in one month, will you come?"

   "Of course, this is my honor!"

  Vera smiled and lowered the curtain.

  The convoy moved forward slowly and gradually disappeared into the horizon.

   Colin stood outside the city gate for a long time, but instead of the team watching the Duke go away, he looked towards the east—the direction that the Duke of Saint Silde had just pointed.

   There is the eastern border of the empire.

   and a small country sandwiched between the north and the east--

   Half-elf kingdom.


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