The Original Vampire

Chapter 29: Marquis of Charles

   On the seventh day after Colin woke up, the Black Cavalry finally started pulling out again.

   However, the advance of the army is very slow.

   is not like an elite cavalry at all.

   This kind of marching speed is very suitable for Colin, after all, his injury is not completely healed.

   Raymond didn't know where he got a flat trailer, and spread some thatch on it as a buffer. Colin was quite comfortable lying on it.

   The spring sunshine is warm and gentle, making people drowsy.

   Even Colin, who is a vampire, doesn't like sunlight, but he slowly took a nap while basking.

   It is clear that he is in the most elite army in the north, but Colin just has a lazy atmosphere of leisure and vacation.

  Vera is not nearby.

   is the adopted daughter of the Duke of the North after all.

   Otherwise, isn’t it a licking dog?

   Even if they want to lick, it should be Colin's initiative.

   After all, Vera's identity is much more noble than Colin.

   But looking at the appearance of Colin, it is obvious that he has no plans to strike while the iron is hot.

   Make a girl, if you want to stay away.

   This is the painful lesson of Colin's failed dog-licking career in his previous life.

  The army marched northward so slowly.

After    gradually approached Jinghu camp, he encountered more and more defeated soldiers.

   The Marquis of Garcia did not refuse to come, gathered them all, and arranged them as auxiliary soldiers in the rear of the army.

   From these defeated soldiers, Colin also slowly learned more details about the defeat of the Marquis of Charles.

   This war actually started last year.

   At the beginning of May last year, under the leadership of the troll prince Gambik Volkin, an army of 300,000 trolls gathered at the border and prepared to march south.

   On the northern side, the Marquis Charles led an army of 200,000 to fight against it.

   Among the two hundred thousand army, one hundred thousand are from the line of the Saint Hild family-the Golden Lion Legion, and the other hundred thousand are the private army of the major lords in the north.

   For example, Colin's father, Baron Anglia, led three thousand soldiers to the front line after receiving the order of the Duke of St. Hild.

  Although it is inferior in number, the human side is not at all disadvantaged in terms of aura.

   After all, in recent decades, the Northern Territory has hardly lost in the war against trolls.

   Especially the commander of the troll army, the Prince Gambik, is an old acquaintance who has been beaten on the ground in various positions by the Marquis Garcia.

   Under such circumstances, the northern side will inevitably take it lightly.

   But most people didn't realize, or did not want to admit, that the Marquis Garcia and his black cavalry were the guarantee of victory in the front line of the North.

   Now that this "guarantee of victory" has disappeared, can Marquis Charles alone bear the burden of guarding the border?

   Obviously, things did not develop as expected by the people in the north.

   From the beginning of the confrontation period, the Marquis of Charles appeared to be somewhat powerless.

   In the small-scale probing battle between the two sides, the Marquis of Charles was even more distracted and struggling to deal with it.

   At this time, Prince Gambik, the troll commander, had already ascertained the reality of the duke’s son, and understood that the commanding ability of the Marquis Charles on the battlefield was completely incomparable to that of the other marquis before.

   So, the troll side gradually stepped up its offensive and broke through the defense line of the northern side in one fell swoop last winter and killed in.

   The Marquis of Charles retreated every day and retreated to the vicinity of Jinghu Lake.

   There, he issued an emergency call-up order, placing the recruited soldiers in Jinghu Camp as bait, and he led the main force to ambush nearby.

   Then, when the trolls attacked Jinghu Camp, the Marquis of Charles led an army out from behind.

   Unfortunately, he still failed.

   In addition to the two fatal mistakes that Colin analyzed before, there is another important reason for the fiasco of the Marquis of Charles-his plan was understood by the troll in advance!

   I don’t know if Prince Gambique really knew everything, or if he discovered the traces of the Marquis Charles’ army, or if someone had leaked military secrets...

   In short, when the trolls attacked Jinghu Camp, they did not attack the entire army, but placed their main forces in the rear, waiting for the Marquis of Charles to dive into the net.

   So, the Marquis of Charles was defeated again.

   The 200,000 army was almost completely lost in this series of fiascos.

   Even the Marquis of Charles himself is now being chased by a troll, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Oh no.

   The whereabouts of the Marquis of Charles soon became clear.

   On the thirteenth day of the Black Cavalry leaving the rushing Hebei, they encountered a large defeated army head on.

   There were about 5,000 people in this defeated army, and it was Marquis Charles who led this defeated army.

   Behind them, there is a troll chaser of more than 8,000 men.

   However, when this chaser saw the Black Cavalry flag from a distance, he turned around and gave up the pursuit.

   didn't even have the courage to tentatively attack.

   The Marquis of Charles was finally saved.

   However, his tragic fate has just begun.

   After learning that the Marquis of Charles was in this defeated army, Colin also left the trailer, ready to go to see the excitement.

   For the Marquis of Charles, Colin must have no liking.

   First of all, the death of his cheap father was mostly caused by this guy's command error.

   This also led to the death of his predecessor and the assassination of Carter knights behind.

And After he escaped from Graycastle, he was baited by Marquis Charles’ emergency call-up order to Jinghu Camp, followed by this series of pursuits and killings. Death experience...

   Therefore, when Colin saw the embarrassed appearance of Marquis Charles, he was quite gloating.


   At this time, the Marquis Charles was half kneeling in front of the Marquis Garcia, his expression gloomy.

  Although they are both marquis, their gold content is worlds apart.

   What's more, this series of fiascos also caused the Marquis of Charles to completely fall into the altar.

  Moreover, it highlights the importance of the Marquis of Garcia.

   "You fought a good battle!" The Marquis of Garcia did not let Charles get up, but said with a frosty face.

   "Uncle, me, I was careless..."


   Under all eyes, Marquis Garcia knocked Charles to the ground with a whip.

   The audience was silent.

   Some timid people even lower their heads and dare not look anymore.

   Although the Marquis of Garcia is the elder of the Marquis of Charles, he is the first heir of the Duke after all, the future lord of the North!

   was actually whipped under everyone's eyes...

   "Asshole thing! If you lose, you lose. Apart from incompetence, what reason do you have?"

   Charles shuddered when he heard the words, and immediately crawled and crawled under the feet of the Marquis Garcia, shouting loudly:

   "Uncle, I was wrong! I was wrong...

   I'm sorry for the Saint Hild family, sorry for the dead soldiers, sorry for the people of the north, woooo..."

   The Marquis of Tangtang, the future lord of the North, is so in the crowd——



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