The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 4: Harvest

The    long-haired hounds spread out in a hurry, one occupying the highest point around, one lurking in the dark surroundings, and one patrolling around. This kind of hound is also called a patrol dog, and it is worthy of the name.

   As for the five wolfhounds, they were obviously heartless, and they followed Xiao En. They knew that there would be a fresh meal of dirty bears to reward them soon.

   Soon, next to the corpse of the Andis giant bear, a log frame was driven up. It was just the right size to support the limbs of the Andis giant bear. It was obviously unrealistic to hang this behemoth.

For this bear hunt, from reconnaissance to follow-up work, nearly three months have been prepared, including provoking a fight between top hunters who are designed to cross hunting ranges (the Andis Giant Bear and Andes last month) The life-and-death struggle of the giant tiger was caused by the fact that they moved the tiger cub of the Andis giant tiger to blame the giant bear), to eliminate any unexpected factors in the hunting process-if it is the critical moment of the hunt, the Andis giant tiger Hearing the movement and thrusting it horizontally, it would be a big trouble.

   If it weren't for Xiao Qi's impulsiveness, the whole bear hunting process was perfect.

Before this, Sean had already taken advantage of the Andis giant bear not to die, and opened two long blood ports in the arteries of his hind limbs, as much as possible to dry the blood in his body, injecting blood and flesh. There is a certain difference in the taste of non-flooded meat. Although this difference is not particularly large, as a top foodie, the difference is already very obvious. Maintaining the purity of the raw materials is already part of his instinct.

In the process of peeling the skin, Sean’s technique is similar to that of an ordinary butcher. The only thing that is commendable is that his hand is strong enough. Except for the use of a knife when slitting, the whole process is done with both hands. With a light tear, a small half of the bear skin left the Andis giant bear's body, as if it was not growing on the body, but draped on it.

   Next, Sean’s approach was completely different from that of ordinary butchers.

He was not in a hurry to open his belly and take out the internal organs of the Andis giant bear, but started to pick the meat directly from a hind paw of the Andis giant bear. The way of picking the meat was very strange. , Not cutting, but ploughing.

Plowing along the veins of the muscles is as if there are gaps between the muscles themselves. Wherever the muscle gaps go, his knife will go, so it feels very weird, but when viewed as a whole, it is full of gaps. This kind of beauty is not only the beauty of Sean's sword art, but also the beauty of creation.

With the rotation of the knife, chunks of meat with large differences in color and texture were removed from the body and placed in an orderly manner by Sean. Occasionally, Sean would throw some fatty fat strips behind him. The group of foodie Sa Huan who stared at him eagerly robbed him.

From beginning to end, Sean’s expression was sacred and solemn, as if what he was doing was not slaughtering a prey, but a sacred sacrificial work. Not only Sean, but also other children who had already set up a pot and set a fire. They all gathered around, and their immature faces were also solemn, and they looked very seriously, as if they were taking a planing lesson, and the truth was so.

"I'm optimistic, this is the most essential part of each creature. If there is a chance to hunt alone in the future, remember to remove this part separately. If it is purely food, it is a huge waste." Xiao En said carefully. Deep in the layers of muscles, a layer of uniquely colored muscle strips was picked out and thrown onto the simple table in front of Marshall, while explaining to the children.

After Marshall took over this unique muscle strip, she applied snow white salt on it with great skill, and then quickly beat it with a mallet, with a slow rhythm. This muscle strip was more like leather than muscle, tough. Full.

   "Know that this kind of leather muscle can only be made the most delicious soup with special treatment." A little boy with a slightly round face sucked his saliva.

   "Aven is a foodie, eating everything the first time he thinks of."

   "Geji is the best nutritional supplement for training, not for snacks."

   "However, the broth stewed by Geji is really different from ordinary broth. The fragrance alone makes people intoxicated."

   "You a little kid knows what drunkenness is? You look the same when you eat any broth, just like Xiao San saw flesh and bones."

   "Ivan must not eat less, otherwise why is he fatter than us?"

   "That's right, that's right, this matter must be checked, Irvine, have you stolen our public property."

These half-and-a-half children had a chattering discussion, but children are children, even if they behave more maturely, there is still a wave of childishness between their speech and behavior. At the beginning, the discussion was serious and soon The building was crooked, and until Marshall coughed heavily, he blinked his small eyes, trying to restore a serious appearance, but they still looked at each other and continued the argument with their eyes.

   Compared to Sean, who is smiling all day and rarely angry, Marshall, who has a poker face all day, is the one that these children fear the most.

   The work in Sean's hands did not stop, and only stopped to explain some important places.

There are many similarities between the Middle Ages world and the previous lives. Most of the laws of physics are the same, such as gravity, friction, acceleration, etc. Even the body structure of most living things is similar, at least in appearance. The difference is not great, but there are differences in many details, such as the size of the wild creatures one or two models larger than the previous life.

For another example, the muscle strips in front of the eyes are not available in previous life creatures. Sean calls this muscle strip strengthened leather muscle, or leather muscle for short. It is a strengthened version of muscle and has a more compact and complex inner structure than muscles. , Which makes it appear as tough and tough as leather. Its explosive power is five times that of ordinary muscles. In addition, it also has a unique ability-energy storage, which is more powerful than fat. , The energy stored in a piece of leather muscle of the same weight is equivalent to the energy produced by burning ten times the weight of fat.

   The most important thing is that the energy stored in the leather muscle does not need to be converted back and forth, and can be used directly by the body.

Speaking of this, needless to say about the effect of the leather muscle, this is a natural ration. The energy provided by the triple leather muscle is enough to sustain Sean's high-intensity hunting all day, if it is added to the training meal The leather muscle is more effective, and it is easier to exercise the leather muscle. It makes sense in some specific situations.

However, the amount of leather muscle is obviously proportional to its value. It is a strengthened version of muscle, not a strengthened version of fat. It will only be produced under a certain intensity of exercise or training. It is rare in livestock without much exercise. Poor, a strong bull can pick up half a catty from his body.

Wild animals with a larger amount of exercise are obviously stronger, and hunters have more leather muscles than hunted ones, but they are still relatively limited. After all, no matter how smart hunters are, they will not deliberately exercise their leather muscles like people. .

Just like the giant Andis bear in front of you, the abundant food sources around make it relatively limited in exercise capacity. Although it has an outstanding body shape in its class, the number of leather muscles in the body is average, mainly concentrated in the limbs and head, which can remove Ten kilograms out, even if they get lucky.

   Ten kilograms looks like a lot, but on a 3,000-pound behemoth, the output ratio is evident.

   In addition to leather muscles, there are leather tendons and leather bones.

Unlike leather muscles, there is no way to separate leather tendons and tendon ligaments. The two are entangled and fused together. All biological tendons and ligaments have more or less leather tendons. The difference lies in the proportion of leather tendons. , The ratio can reach more than 70%, and it will only appear in one kind of creature-human, and it is a great knight who has undergone systematic and severe training.

The leather tendons of this giant Andis bear account for about 60%. The most important thing is that the leather muscles connected to the limbs are long enough, especially the two hind legs. Up to three meters or more, through special methods to remove impurities and tanning, although the weight is only one-third of the same thickness of steel wire rope, the load-bearing capacity is three times that of the toughness is ten times, which is the best Strong bow string material for the strong crossbow.

The arching bow made of Andis giant bear’s hind legs is the biggest dream of every Andis mountain hunter. This super powerful bow is known as the mountain eagle and mountain eagle flying hundreds of feet in the sky. Easily shooting down is the standard equipment of every eagle archer. Without arching a eagle bow, you cannot become an eagle archer. The finger of an eagle archer is a hunter who can shoot down a soaring mountain eagle and mountain eagle. Awesome, no matter how good archery is.

Sean has also been greedy for this superb bow and arrow material for a long time. Even the matching bow and crossbow body was suppressed two years ago. It is a pity that the Andis giant bear is not as stupid as it looks. , Bear’s big hair will also depend on the situation. If it hadn’t heard just a bow before, it would never rush forward. During the charge, it wasn’t Sean who appeared alone, and it might also change temporarily. To run away, and compare the endurance with the intact Andis giant bear, even if the hound group is willing to go down the wind, this is why Sean placed the hound group far away, but this cunning Andis giant bear still noticed the mountain beam The child's breath almost fell short.


The long-haired hound is a typical alert and bird-catching dog. It is between medium-sized dogs and large dogs. Its night vision is the strongest of the three dogs. They usually rest during the day and the first half of the night, and their energy in the second half of the night. In the most prosperous time, hunters can hardly escape the double detection network composed of vision and smell. Their strong sense of responsibility makes them seldom leave their posts even in the face of death threats. There is no shortage of people in Andes. Hairy hounds do not hesitate to use themselves as bait to lure away the enemy and rescue their owners. Their slender body and strong hind legs allow them to have more flexible steering and bounce ability. They are good at hunting low-flying birds.

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