The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 36: Reformed

The least is the plate armor, only a few dozen pairs, more than half are seriously damaged and need to be overhauled, this is no small amount, the popularity of this kind of armor is extremely low, and many regular knights have obtained this kind of armor. As a lifelong pursuit goal, as long as there are suitable knights, Old Bolton has long rewarded him to buy people’s hearts. How could it be moldy in the warehouse? Unless it is customized, it is not a knight who picks armor, but armor picks people. For several pairs, 80% of them are not suitable for knights because of their special size.

The remaining ones are scale armor, zha armor and chain armor. Among them, the scale armor and zha armor are mostly, and the chain armor is less. In terms of defensive ability, they are all under the plate armor, but each has its own advantages and disadvantages. It depends on the craftsmanship and materials. If the materials are sufficient, the defensive ability of the scale armor and the tie armor is even higher than the plate armor. If it is cutting corners, it is difficult to say.

   The scale armor and iron tie armor in the Bastille inventory can barely reach the pass line, but it doesn't matter to Sean and the others. They are the primary target to be split, and then they will be re-made according to the new drawings.

There are ready-made nails, only enough manpower is needed, and the speed of nailing is very fast—anything, when it is produced on an assembly line, the efficiency is amazing, especially when the assembly line is composed of nearly 3,000 people, the scale is huge, young The army is in the middle of dispatching, and each performs its duties without any chaos.

By the time sunset and the steaming buns came out, dozens of uniform special scales were already placed in front of Skullcrusher McGee. On the first day of construction, all aspects were still coordinating and running together, mainly based on splitting. Lord, even the drawings of the armor are constantly being adjusted, and dozens of finished products can be produced, which is already very good. By tomorrow, the output will increase geometrically.

McGee swallowed the buns in his hands in two mouthfuls, rubbed and wiped his greasy hands on his body, making sure that there was no trace of oil before he was willing to touch them, his eyes were fascinated, "Too beautiful, so beautiful, no Thinking that the armor was so beautifully made, what a kid, you gave me another big surprise."

"The scale armor and the tie armor have one advantage. They can use the buckle to adjust the size significantly. They are not so picky about the body shape. The body shape does not differ by more than three models. It can be used in general and is easy to form a standard, even if it is wearing cotton clothes and leather. The armor will not have much impact, and it is easier to wear the double armor, but there is still a big difference in the protective power formed."

"If the coat is small, the partial protection will be eight to ten stacks of armor, and the protection ability is no worse than that of the plate armor. If the coat is large, it will have four stacks of armor at most, and the defense against arrows will be similar, but it will be effective against cutting and heavy weapons. The defensive power is about to be downgraded. The strength is almost worn with the original leather armor, and it becomes a double armor. Some of the more powerful ones are added with a layer of chain armor to ensure that they are as resistant as the Andis giant bear. "The entire design is dominated by Sean from beginning to end, and he is naturally familiar with the technical parameters and performance of this armor.

   "Good! Good! Good!" Skullcrusher McGee's eyes flashed, and he nodded again and again, and his blood boiled just after hearing it. He wanted to pull his brothers out, put them all on, and go out to fight.

"No need to fumble for those. It's a standard armor for ordinary soldiers. Yours is here. It's customized for you." Sean patted the armor that was placed separately, and the style is the same as ordinary armor. They are all freshly polished. The original color of wrought iron is blue-gray. After wiping it with the finest tung oil, it is waxed and shimmers with a chilled metallic luster, giving it a unique beauty.

Sean didn’t have the brains to design a general armor for Skullcrusher McGee, so although it can pull the wind, it can also highlight the position of the general in the army at any time, which has the effect of boosting morale, but the positive effect is based on the bravery of the general. Under the premise of, if one encounters a counsel, the morale blow to the army is also fatal.

The most important thing is that doing so will point the enemy in the direction, and then cause local long-range firepower coverage or special targeting. No matter how strong the armor is, it will not be able to hold a thousand arrows. What's more, there are 10,000 champion knights in this world. The horror of taking the first level of the generals in the army, when the battle has not yet started, the various levels of one's own will be killed by others, and this battle will basically be impossible.

Generally speaking, in addition to being cool and easy to use, the unique general armor has more advantages than disadvantages in practicality. Sean is not going to implement it in his army. The armor of the same standard as soldiers is good. Of course, the same is only There is still a mystery on the outside and inside. All officer-level armors will be tailor-made. Both size and weight are specifically targeted to optimize protection.

Take the armor of McGee the Skullcrusher, the standard scale armor only used 972 iron slabs and 360 thin scales, weighing 108 pounds in total. It's not a big deal for the Fury Mountain Clan Corps, but for ordinary people, it is a real heavy armor, and there is no sectarian level strength, so I don't want to wear this heavy armor to fight.

McGee’s general armor is even more exaggerated. It uses 1,482 pieces of iron tie armor alone, and there are as many as 720 fine-scale armor pieces. The leather straps that fix the scales are also specially made and thicker. Yes, the weight has nearly doubled, reaching a terrifying one hundred and ninety-two pounds, which means that a humanoid monster like McGee can make a move.

   "Come, come, come, try it." Skullcrusher McGee looked like a child who got a new toy.

"Help your Excellency McGee get the armor." Sean himself wanted to see his design results. Although it was only a temporary product, it was also a result of their hard work. Moreover, armor is a life-related thing, before going to the battlefield. If you can adjust to the best, you can adjust to the best, and you can save your life at the critical moment.

   This kind of heavy armor usually has a fatal problem. It is difficult to wear. There is no one or two people to help. It is basically impossible to put it on by yourself. When the Fury Mountain Legion is armed, each person must carry one or two followers.

   Seeing that the two juvenile soldiers wanted to wear new-style armor directly to McGee, Sean hurriedly added: "Bring the leather armor of the Skullcrusher and the re-sequenced lock armor together, and wear the armor according to wartime."

   "Are you sure this is my leather armor?" Skullcrusher McGee looked at the brand-new leather armor, the size of which was the right size, and the leather was very familiar. It looked like the giant bear skin of the public Andis that he had hunted by himself, but it was a bit different.

"Refurbishment, it's not a high-level technique." To be honest, Sean has a deep resentment for Skullcrusher McGee's bear leather armor. Half of the biochemical attacks he meets each time come from this bear leather armor. Since the two met, McGee has worn this one. I don’t know how long it has been cleaned. The oil stains, dirt, and blood stains are all condensed and formed. It knocks on Bangbang and quickly becomes the second layer of armor. There is no one if it is dirty like this. The cleansing is a plastic surgery, plus the renovation and reinforcement, so that the owner does not know it, which is purely normal.

  What kind of generals should bring and what kind of soldiers, the Berserker Army is basically the same virtue as him.

For the sake of his nose, Sean took the opportunity to strip off their leather armor, throwing lime into the soak, holding a stick hammer, and holding a brush. Every piece of leather armor fell from putty bugs. There are no three catties or two catties. A special engineer attached to the school guard has been allocated, and so far, only one third has been handled.

   "Not bad, not bad, it's much more comfortable to wear than before." Skullcrusher McGee was elated, no one disliked new things, and the leather armor was not cleaned because it was comfortable to wear, it was pure laziness.

   a layer of linen, a layer of leather armor, a layer of lock armor, a layer of scale armor.

Layers of layers, except for a pair of eyes, McGee the Skullcrusher can no longer see half of his bare skin, and his majestic figure has increased by two more circles. He is really eight feet tall, eight feet waist, a human-shaped bunker, one body, and go with Andy. There is no problem with Sijuxiong playing melee.

   Walk slowly, walk fast, trot, run wildly.

   The entire school ground was billowed by McGee alone, and the ground was shaking.

   Skullcrusher McGee once again proved with his actual actions that great knights are monsters, especially this kind of guy with barbarian blood, has a natural advantage in strength, and the strength alone is estimated to be close to the champion knight level.

   The reason for using the term estimate is because Sean does not have the physical data of the Champion Cavaliers, so there is no way to compare, but the Skullcrusher McGee is the most powerful person Sean has ever seen. This is undisputed.

The last test, last summer The strength of the Skullcrusher was 4.9, which is infinitely close to 5. Don't think that 5 is a small number. This is the strength of five strong guys. What's more, the power of five people added to one person and the joint force of five people are completely different concepts, because no one can work together, the power is scattered, but it is concentrated in one person.

   Xiao En’s unremitting training since he was a child, his strength is only 1.8. Of course, this is because his body has not fully grown and his strength has not yet entered the growth burst period.

The changes in this test are minimal, which makes Mai Ji also very distressed. In the past, his strength continued to increase with age. There was no need to deliberately train at all, and the number of people who surpassed most people has improved in recent years. It has become unusually slow, especially if he hadn't deliberately strengthened this aspect of training last year, not only would it not increase, but it would very likely regress.

   Skullcrusher McGee is likely to reach the limit of his strength.

  Everything has its limits, and human strength is naturally no exception. It involves all aspects of muscles, bones, ligaments, etc. The body's muscle mass is limited. When it is fully developed, it will be difficult to grow.

  Don't mention the comparison between giant elephants and giant bears. There are differences in body size between the two sides, and naturally there are differences in the base of strength. Even if they also have their own power limits, a giant elephant cannot have the same power as a giant whale.

   The power limit of the Kentana barbarian is definitely different from the power limit of the Andis and Byrons, and even the power limit of each person is different.

  Although Sean has the brand of fire, before reaching the same level, Skullcrusher McGee is his teacher. It is impossible to provide much help in this regard, he can only rely on his own exploration.

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