The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 28: Reflection

In an extreme sense, there are only two kinds of people in the Bastille, one is the slave hunter, and the other is the slave hunted. These slaves who have not had time to sell become natural soldiers of the night raiders. Unlock them and give them a weapon. Both men and women, young and old, will rush to the Bastille soldiers without fear of death. The brutality is higher than that of the night raiders. None of the Bastille soldiers fell in their hands. Yes, they have received too much humiliation and squeeze, and there is more hatred in their hearts than the desperate Nu River.

   At the end of the fight, the soldiers at the Bastille didn't figure out how many people there were on the other side. Some said five thousand, some said ten thousand, and some said one hundred thousand. It was endless anyway.

   Relying on the difficult terrain, it claims to be able to withstand the siege of tens of thousands of troops by thousands of defenders in the Bastille Naiburg. In this chaotic situation, it can break without attack.

The killing continued until the head of the sun. Except for a small number of sensitive soldiers who ran out of the Bastille in the first time, none of the remaining Bastille soldiers were alive. All of them were dug up by the Andean slaves who were just released. The three-footer dug out and hacked to death.

  Walking on the devastated street, Sean didn't have the slightest joy.

This night attack was a complete victory. It not only wiped out the remaining troops in the Bastille, but also took down the Bastille intact, which laid a solid foundation for the next plan, but Sean was still unhappy. .

In this night attack, he sacrificed a total of 72 brothers who had grown up with him, and it was them who were in charge of the night attack, because only they have specialized training in this area, and only they can cooperate with it. Tacit understanding.

   Human is a kind of contradictory complex, reason and sensibility are always in constant conflict.

   When arranging troops, Sean, who had the upper hand with reason, made the best choice with the highest winning rate and the lowest sacrifice.

Now the feelings have the upper hand in Sean’s mind. He regretted sending them to the front line. To say something unkind, he would rather sacrifice some mountain people he didn’t know or even he didn’t know. There was a mistake, they were so young, so energetic, and so energetic. He always felt that they should have greater achievements and should not waste their young lives here.

Yes, this is indeed a waste in Sean’s eyes. Because of the destruction of the village and the stimulus of the **** battle on the mountain beam, his recent decision-making is obviously problematic, and he is a little eager for quick success. If he spends more time planning the Bastille. , And perhaps the loss can be reduced even lower.

   Such thoughts made Xiao En feel more self-blaming, and if he indirectly killed them, he killed the person who trusted him most.

Sean clearly remembers the name of each person who died in battle, each person's voice, appearance, and even each person's preferences, strengths and weaknesses. With the continuous improvement of intelligence, his memory has become very outstanding, although he dare not say He will not forget anything, but the cycle of forgetting is obviously longer than that of ordinary people. So far, he still clearly remembers everything that happened on the day he was born, including all kinds of details. Sometimes he began to miss the past life and not Smart brain, because at that time you can slowly forget with the passage of time, whether it is happiness or pain.

   Sean is not a pacifist, nor is he a humanitarian defender, but he does not like this way of solving things purely by killing. He thinks this method is the lowest level.

   Especially in this cathartic killing scene, the former assailant has now become the assailant. The two are completely reversed. Besides exposing the evil roots of human nature, what's the use?

   What is the sublimation of humanity in the killing.

   That is all nonsense, as long as the hands are stained with blood, whether it is innocent or sinful, as long as the human nature is not lost, it will more or less be contaminated with various negative emotions and distort one's soul.

After the hysterical catharsis, there was endless emptiness. Many Andis mountain slaves knelt down in a pool of blood and wept loudly. Whether it was because of the rest of their lives, the revenge, or the thought of their loved ones, that’s not And know.

Sean did not have the desire to become a confidant brother or a psychiatrist. There are more and more important things waiting for him to do. The capture of the Bastille is only the beginning. Old Bolton and the Bastille regiment he led belonged to them. Another goal, the contradiction between the two parties is irreconcilable, and now can only be resolved with the least contemptuous means by Sean.

There is no turning back arrow in the bow. So many lives have been sacrificed. How can Sean stop here? This time he needs to be more fully prepared to minimize casualties as much as possible to avoid more regrets produce.

   Counting the losses, sealing up the Bastille’s granary and arsenal, preparing to rebuild and reorganize...

Multi-tasking, Sean has long been very proficient. The right brain thinks about the ones that have not, and the left brain is rapidly circling the next arrangements. Fortunately, there are teenagers who have been trained by himself, let's call it the Junior Army. Well, trivial tasks such as counting losses, rescuing the wounded, and collecting materials do not require him to do it himself, and they are arranged in an orderly manner.

During the night attack, they exposed a lot of problems. As an improvised army, their ability to cooperate is really poor, especially the violent mountain corps led by Skullcrusher McGee. They have no awareness of coordinated operations. Anyway, it was a swarm of rushes, and then it was completely single-handed. It was not at the same level as the order and prohibition of the city gate defense army. If it were not for the city gate defense army to be defeated by the barrage of the Andis Longbow team led by Sean Morale, a confrontation of the nature of a legion, even if the individual soldiers of the Fury Mountain Legion are far higher than the opponent, it is difficult to please, and the Bastille Legion led by Old Bolton has twenty or thirty guards. .

Even the Junior Army, which has the best cooperative combat awareness, has problems. Their cooperative combat only ends with their own companions, with the Andy Longbow team led by Sean, and the Fury Mountain Clan Corps led by Skullcrusher McGee. They are completely out of touch. They don’t need to be in such a hurry to hedge against the city gate garrison. They only need to wait a few minutes before the Andy longbow team led by Sean comes up. Before the hedge, they give the opponent a wave of arrows. The casualties of the team will be greatly reduced, of course, this can also be understood as the Andis Longbow team's actions are too slow and fail to keep up with the actions of the Junior Army.

Finding out the problem does not mean that the problem can be solved. Cooperative combat is not something that can be improved by just licking your mouth. It is a consistent operation for several years. As long as you practice a few times, the problem will be solved naturally, but it is obviously unrealistic. He said that Old Bolton would not give them so much time. They had the same problems within their alliance. Only the Junior Army could be controlled by him. Those Andis mountain people collected from all aspects were only half of them. They were just for Revenge will follow them, as long as they can help them achieve this goal, they don't mind whether they are following Sean or Ryan.

Although McGee the Skullcrusher is extremely supportive of Sean because of his personal kindness, it is also based on the premise that both parties have a common goal. If what Sean does is contrary to the interests of Shangshui Village, even if McGee the Skullcrusher supports , The brothers under him also didn't agree.

In fact, after Sean temporarily changed his plan, there were already some complaints and grievances for his leader, but McGee the Skullcrusher used his authority to suppress him, and now he has a brilliant victory that can be achieved. They temporarily identify with himself, but it doesn't mean that he is qualified to skip McGee the Skullcrusher and point fingers at them.

Not to mention the Scavenger Clayton, the hand he played before was empty, and he had completely offended the old guy. The friendship between the two parties had been completely exhausted, and now he didn’t know what was bad in his stomach. Now I'm going around in a good fishing place, I don't have time to pay attention to Sean. When I look back, if he doesn't stumble Sean, he is not Clayton the Scavenger.

"Tang, I finally found you. Something went wrong." A young army hurried over, with blood on his face and Even after the fierce battle, there was no chance to rest. His eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, but his mental head was very full, and the pride and excitement on his face were about to flow down.

These young and energetic teenagers did not have as many distracting thoughts as Shaun. The nearly perfect night attack last night was completely led by them, especially the confrontation with the defenders of the Bastille Gate. It also showed the momentum of their young army. Even the soldiers of the violent mountain corps held their thumbs up. This is what they have dreamed of for many years. As for the sacrificed companions, they are also heartbroken, but More is pride, proud of them, they don't have a guilty seed, and the rest will carry their share to continue living and create more glory.

"What's the matter?" Xiao En asked as he walked. The current mood of the Youth Army is what he is most worried about. He has never advocated behaviors such as sacrifice of life and fear of life and death, but these people he brought out hold The notion of life and death is a trivial matter, always thinking of doing a big business that is earth-shattering, don't they know that in this era of legal barbarism, wanting to make a big business requires countless bones to build it? In the past, they were just staying in the fantasy stage, but now he has dragged them into this fast lane with his own hands, and if he wants to stop, I'm afraid it won't be so easy.

   "Our people are in conflict with the slaves who have just been released. They are confronting each other. Marshall is negotiating with each other, but the situation is very tense. I see that the situation is not good, so I came to you. You go and have a look!"

"Only you are smart." Sean cursed angrily. This young soldier named Ralph meant that Marshall couldn't solve the situation over there, he had to solve it himself, so he decided to come here without authorization. Call him, but he still can't help speeding up his pace and rushing over there.

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