The Omnipresent Martial Arts Sage

Chapter 45: Ready to go

   This was extremely sudden.

   A bunch of darts suddenly appeared.

   It's a pity that Wei He was prepared for a long time, and he avoided a few darts sideways. If he couldn't avoid it, he just blocked it with an iron plate on his body. Never touch your arms or legs.

   Seeing that the last dark hand was useless, the fat man felt ashamed, staggered a few steps, and fell to the ground again.

   I'm really motionless this time.

   Wei He quickly pulled out the poison cone again, and slammed it at him.

   噗, the poison cone pierced the fat man's abdomen deeply, but he was motionless, completely silent.

  Wei He breathed a sigh of relief. He picked up a stone again, slammed it out, and hit the fat man's head. Seeing the blood slowly flow out, the fat man's head was sunken.

  Wei He only approached slowly and began to deal with the corpse.

   Fatty also found a lot of good things.

   A pair of metal gloves, five poison darts, one poison powder bag, and a leather purse. One dry food drinking water bag.

   After searching everything and cutting the wound, Wei He quickly evacuated.

   He still wants to drag the body away, but time is too late. His previous body may have been found now.

   He could vaguely hear the slight movement from the mountain, not knowing whether it was an animal or a crowd. At least a lot.

   But no matter what it is, at least it can’t stay here for long. He knows that people at Shaoyang Gate generally like to come out in groups of a few.

   Wei He quickly evacuated, brought his things, and went down the mountain.

   I found the clothes that I had prepared before I found them, hidden in a weedy bush. After I changed them, I changed them into a sack, and put all the searched things in.

   This was originally the bag he was going to put in the prey, but now it is used for another purpose.

   Wei He sprinkled deodorant powder on his body, dampened the towel with a water bag, wiped off the blood on his face and body, and fixed his messy hairstyle.

   In the end, he dragged the sacks and hurried towards the gate of Feiye City.

   This trip was not a small harvest, but the trouble was not small.

   A brood of mountain bandits, plus a Shaoyang Clan, killed him all. That adds up to seven lives.

   Wei He sighed with emotion, unknowingly, he had already regarded human life as a mustache.

   Once upon a time, he was the young boy who could shake his hands after he killed someone.

right now....

   He went all the way back to his home. Throw the bag on the ground in the yard.

   It was already noon at this time, and the second sister went to the Huishan Boxing Academy to help, and by the way, she visited Mr. Zheng.

   Ever since the bun shop disappeared, Wei Ying often went to see Mr. Zheng when she was fine.

   Zheng Fugui's daughter is not by her side, and she is getting closer to Wei He's sister and brother.

   The second sister was not there, Wei He did not delay, and quickly raised the python, nailed it to the trunk, and began to peel it with a knife.

   Anaconda is non-venomous, and it is delicious when it is peeled and cooked in soup or barbecued snake meat.

   Peel the skin, remove the internal organs, wash in the water tank several times, and then stew the soup.

   Part of it is smeared with salt, hung in the yard and exposed to the sun to make jerky to avoid corruption.

   After a while, the snake meat soup was ready.

  Wei He didn't put it in the pot, but just burned it with the charcoal he bought to maintain the heat. Use a spoon to scoop up a spoon, let it cool, and taste it gently.

   A faint fishy smell, mixed with salty **** and green onions, poured into the mouth.

   "Although it's a bit fishy, ​​it's really fresh."

   He quickly picked out a lot of meat, let it cool first, and then went to the back room to get some chili spice to make it dipped in water.

   Anaconda is big and thick.

   Wei He was dipped in water and stuffed in big chunks into his belly. It was delicious, spicy and refreshing.

   He would want to make another pot if it weren’t for the last charcoal he bought.

   After eating snake meat, Wei He estimated that he had eaten three catties of pure snake meat.

   This is just a small body for a python that is more than two meters long.

   At least the rest is enough for him to eat for a long time.

   He was very comfortable, half leaning on the wicker chair in the shade of the yard, with a cup of cassia tea next to him, and taking a sip.

  "This snake meat tastes really good, but it’s a pity that it’s not a different animal meat. It has nourishing effects. It’s not like venison, and it feels right after eating.

   But it should also be much better than ordinary poultry, such a long one, eat slowly, enough to eat for half a month. "

   Wei He tasted the sweetness of hunting, he was immediately motivated, planned, waited a while, tried again, and went hunting again.

   Of course, next time I go there, I must check first, what happened after someone died at Shaoyangmen.

   took a break.

   Wei He took out the booklet he had harvested earlier from the bag and checked it carefully.

   There is a kung fu named Wulingzhang on the booklet.

   This Wuling palm practice is double palm kung fu. According to the above description, you can practice to a high level. Both palms are like gold and iron. You can leave fingerprints on gold and iron with a single palm.

   Wulingzhang, actually another name is Wuzhishanzhang.

   Wei He flipped through the details and found that this Kung Fu was quite incomplete, and what was missing was the part of the refinement prescriptions needed for breakthroughs.

   "Also, who would be so stupid to take all the cheats with you. This part of the action is mainly for the tricks, and it is carried on the body. It is estimated that it is also for reviewing and practicing the tricks. If it is me, it must be open."

   Wei is clear.

   Without the prescription, this effort has no reference value.

   This kind of external skill, if there is no prescription for the design, if it is really practiced, it will be non-injury and disabled over time.

   He put down the booklet, ready to check the rest of the spoils.

   Suddenly he had a heartbreak.

  ‘This kung fu.. You don’t need a basic plan. Only when you make a breakthrough, you need to refine the prescription to catalyze. Then, can my Boundary Orb be used to replace the prescription for the breakthrough, and break directly? ’

   When he thought of this possibility, his heart pounded.

   If this possibility is feasible, then this Wuling Palm can be said to be the most suitable martial arts cheat for him!

   Because of this skill, the demand for energy and blood volume is not as high as Huishan Quan, but it is more difficult to break through the level.

   temporarily suppressed his guess, he continued to check other things.

   In addition to opening a pile of powder bags, there are a pair of metal gloves and a money bag, the most in stock.

   Only the joints of the metal gloves are covered by metal pieces, and the rest are leather, but this is enough.

   A little patching, to deal with ordinary fights, can also take a lot of advantage.

   Unless he also encountered the same hand stab.

   Throwing the gloves aside, Wei He went to look at the money bag again. Inside the bag is a stack of gold tickets printed with a lotus-like pattern.

   is printed on the golden ticket, the money is supernatural, four characters.

   Wei He took a look, and squeezed.

   This is the first time he has won a gold ticket. In other places where he is attached, he wants food and meat.

   "It's not paper... this is... some kind of leather?" Wei He was surprised to find that this golden ticket was actually made of some kind of animal skin, and there was a slight fragrance on it.

   "This thing, you can't tell, it has a certain effect in itself...not just to replace gold..."

   Wei He guessed.

   took out all the gold tickets and counted them, he suddenly discovered that there were actually one thousand taels here.

  According to what Cheng Shaojiu told him earlier, the price of gold in the inner city for white rice.

   The thousand taels is definitely not a small number.

   He noticed that under all the gold tickets, there was a word ‘Issued by Damao Bank’.

   I just don’t know where this Da Mao Bank is?

   After taste the sweetness. Wei He suddenly understood why there are so many mountain bandits and robbers in this era.

   This robbery ticket can get so much money and good things. If you can have such a good income every day, it is simply unimaginable...

   But he also knew that even if he went to Shaoyang Mountain every day, he wouldn't be able to meet the fat Shaoyangmen with huge sums of money every time.

   Putting away the money and various bags, Wei He rested contentedly.

   From this day on, he continued hunting and moved his position instead of going to Shaoyang Mountain, but to the rest of Feiye City.

   for more than a month.

   He hunts every day, comes back in the afternoon to practice exercises, and lives under the cycle of dermabrasion.

   At the same time, while taking the time, he also began to practice the above contents according to the five-ling palm cheat.

   Under the nourishment of abundant meat, the growth of Wei He's Boundary Pearl has accelerated again. Soon it was three out of ten.

   Qi and blood also gradually condensed into the entity of the first Nine Xia Flower.

   However, the speed of dermabrasion and condensing flowers was significantly slower than that of the Pokémon.

   Wei He can also tell from the look of Zheng Lao during the inspection that his blood growth rate is not satisfactory.

   Zheng Lao also regarded Wei He as a genius because he broke through time at the beginning. As a result...

   As time goes by, Wei He's aptitude gradually reveals itself.

   The growth rate of his qi and blood is completely different from what a genius should have.

   To be precise, his growth rate was only one-third of Xiao Ran's original growth rate, much less.

   This made Zheng Lao's hope full of hope gradually turned into disappointment.

   Fortunately, when his heart was down, Xiao Ran actually had another chance.

   "Master Zheng!! Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran, he...!!"

   On this day, in the inner courtyard He is listening carefully to Zheng Lao's explanation of Shipi's skills against the enemy.

   Suddenly Jiang Su rushed in, panting and exclaiming: "Xiao Ran, he has recovered!!"

   "Xiao Ran? Has he recovered?" Master Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and then asked again in disbelief.

   "Did you just say Xiao Ran recovered? What did he recover? Tell me clearly!"

   Jiang Su glanced at Wei He and Zhao Hong on the side, and quickly focused his gaze on Master Zheng again.

She said earnestly every word: "Master Zheng, Xiao Ran has recovered Shipi Qi and blood! He is in the outer courtyard. I just tested it by myself. There is absolutely no problem. It is definitely the second degree of Qi and blood! There is nothing wrong with it! "

   Master Zheng stood there in a daze, listening carefully, pulling his beard with his hand, and was a little speechless for a while.

   He was initially disappointed because of Wei He's performance. At this time, it seemed that there was a new spark.

   He repeatedly grabbed his beard, walked a few steps back and forth, and then stood still.

   "Go! Take me to see!"

   "Yes!" Jiang Su immediately took the lead and led Master Zheng to the outer courtyard.

  Leave the big brother Zhao Hong, and Wei He stay in the same place.

   The two looked at each other and then quickly caught up.

   Although the two didn't like Xiao Ran very much, they had to admire his talents.

   Wei He followed to the outer courtyard, just in time to see Xiao Ran surrounded by a group of seniors.

  He is standing across from him.

   Master Zheng put a hand on his shoulder, closing his eyes as if feeling something.

   Soon, Master Zheng slowly opened his eyes.

   "Unexpectedly... I have completely recovered!" He shook his hand and kept patting Xiao Ran's shoulder.

"You are very good!"


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