The night is quiet, the moon is exceptionally round and plump, and the light sprinkles in the woods, reflecting a bleak white. Chen Hao quietly followed the drug dealers who entered the country and observed their movements.

He didn’t know whether Huang Ming had come with these drug dealers or joined the battlefield halfway, so he didn’t act rashly.

“They came in three routes, between sixty and eighty each, coming in from the 1021, 1032, 1035 areas, and their formations were so scattered that they didn’t seem to know that we were ambushed here. Complete. Chen Hao said softly.

“Understood, finished.”

“Everybody pay attention, free hunting, single is preferred.” After they entered the number one I attacked from the southeast, and when the time came to proceed as planned. After I attacked, command was transferred back to the group leader. Complete. Chen Hao said.

“Silver Wolf, what’s wrong?” Chen Pai asked strangely.

“There is a very strong warrior nearby, who should be coming for me, and the division is hateful.” When the time comes, I will solve the problem that he can’t command you, and you will do as planned, and there will be no problem. Complete. Chen Hao said.

“Well, you pay attention to safety. Complete. “

“The commander is in the middle of the line, the one in the white suit and the white hat. The machine gunners were in the first echelon, and 40 fires were in the third echelon. These people will kill again in a moment, giving priority to killing those who have fallen alone. Sniper team, it’s up to you. Complete. ”

“No problem, it’s over.”

Chen Hao carefully observed the direction of the three teams, and several of the single people fell down without a sound, which was the sniper group of the paratroopers cleaning up.

At this time, the three people are about to reach Area One, which is the intersection, where they must meet and meet once before they can continue to move forward.

Chen Hao chose to be here because his attack range could perfectly cover this area, which could minimize their numbers. If it weren’t for the fact that this place was really too big and spacey, Chen Hao really wanted to bury mines and explosives in this place and send them all to the sky with one shot.

All three strands of men and horses entered the first place, and at this moment, two black objects were thrown into the crowd.

One is a high-explosive bomb and the other is a shock bomb.

Rumble! Rumble!

Two huge roars exploded in the crowd, taking away several confused enemies and making people within a range of nearly three meters also a little dizzy.

At this time, Chen Hao raised the black and white double gun in his hand.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The huge bullets moving at high speed were thrown out of the muzzle of the gun, followed by a hellish killing effect, the enemies around Chen Hao were instantly emptied, and when the rest of the people were still in the circle, Chen Hao forcefully rushed into the pile of people.

“Aaa By the time these people reacted, Chen Hao had already penetrated deep into the crowd, the white sandalwood in his hand was spraying with flames, and the dense bullets covered nearly fifty enemies, and the bullets hit the human body, bursting open like a small bomb, instantly shredding all the targets hit.

“We are in ambush! It’s the guy from a few days ago! Don’t panic! Organize your formations! The leader shouted.

Chen Hao didn’t look at it either, and throwing his hand was a shot.



The commander’s head exploded, and the headless corpse fell softly to the ground. Let the people around them scream, many people’s legs are weak.

“Kill!” Chen Hao gave a cold sigh, and the people of Lone Wolf Group B also began their killing.

“Nine o’clock, 40 artillery!” The hygienist said immediately and decisively. The paratrooper did not blink an eye, the muzzle of the gun shifted, and a shot hit the man’s heart.

“One more!”

“Twelve o’clock, machine gunner!”


“One more!”

“Six o’clock, machine gunner!”


“Mountain wolves, a force of enemies went to the C-point minefield and sent them on their way.” Chen Hao, who had entered the killing state, was extremely calm and immediately reminded. “Understand!” The old cannon immediately returned to his senses and pressed the detonation button.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

A loud explosion erupted in the C area, the sniper team fired a few shots, and the enemy was completely destroyed.

“Point C is completely destroyed by the enemy, finished.”

“Silver Wolf, you’re so perverted, it’s over.”

Chen Hao’s destructive power Lone Wolf Group B people finally saw it, it was simply a humanoid cannon. The two terrifying guns in Chen Hao’s hand that could be called hand cannons obviously had a huge recoil force, but Chen Hao could use them to shoot at high speed, which was simply too foul.

This is a humanoid meat grinder!

“Hungry wolf, they’re going to your side, be careful, don’t get hurt by mistake.” Chen Hao’s killing qi realm was in full swing, directly crushing an area.

“The sniper position is exposed, and there are nearly 60 people approaching, asking for support!” The voice of the paratrooper rang out in the communication channel.

“Dabao that dog is with me, that kid is out, quick!” Find out where he is! Xiao Zhuang’s somewhat panicked voice sounded in the communication channel.

“My position is also exposed, and there are more than two hundred and thirty of these people!” Geng Jihui said.

“There are at least four hundred of them in this group!” Note! The sniper group moves closer to point B, Hadron and you go to find Dabao. The rest of the people, keep themselves safe and assist the Silver Wolf! Chen Pai’s voice sounded urgently.

In an instant, the situation exceeded Chen Hao’s expectations.

“How come there are so many people?” Chen Hao’s brow furrowed fiercely, he knew that this should be another difficulty in the system task, but it was not pointed out.

“Trouble!” Even now, Chen Hao couldn’t care less about it, he withdrew the ebony and directly pulled out the alloy sword around his waist, raising his hand was a long-distance sword qi.

“Chop it off!”

The silver-white sword light sprinkled in the moonlight, violently shredding everything on the way forward, cutting open the trunk of the tree, tearing the flesh, and instantly taking away the lives of nearly twenty people.

“Paratroopers, take your woman and your friends with you, don’t stay and add to the chaos!” Chen Hao’s blood-colored mist wrapped around his body broke into the sniper position, tearing open a huge opening in the crowd and speaking to the paratroopers.

“Good!” At this time, the paratroopers did not have time to ask Chen Hao’s sword qi what was going on, and he pulled Xia Lan, who had been shot, and the hygienist who had been shot and ran away.

Chen Hao glanced at it and said, “Xiwa! Old Cannon! Leave the 102 locations immediately, fast! ”

Chen Xiwa and the old cannon did not dare to be idle, and dragged the three mountain people next to them to leave the location quickly.

Chen Hao’s body shook with a terrifying fiery breath, his index finger bent and leaned on his thumb, and the remaining three fingers were together, pointing forward, and he stopped drinking: “Explosive Inflammation Technique!” ”

Everyone saw that a fireball shot out of Chen Hao’s hand, rose against the wind, and expanded into a huge fireball that was two people tall, smashed into the 102 area, and erupted into monstrous flames, instantly burning the trees there, the flames did not even spread, and it was extinguished in an instant, revealing the charred black earth, and then disappeared with nearly a hundred people there. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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