The training of the wolf’s teeth is fixed, the same early rise, the same procedure, but the specific training content will change partially. The next morning, Chen Hao and a few brothers familiarized themselves with the refining method they had just given them.

Exercising the flesh is nothing more than constantly beating the body, and then nourishing it, constantly adapting to training, and adding a long time to create a strong body.

The method that Chen Hao gave them was a little more efficient than in the army, and the important thing was that the intensity was not very high, which was already a good exercise method for several people.

Too strong a method, almost in a masochistic way to increase physical strength, which is not necessary for soldiers.

After training for a morning, Chen Hao took a shower and took a car to the Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company. He was now a major and a member of the Regulus Valley, with a high degree of freedom, and no one would restrain him.

Before leaving, he went to He Zhijun, said what he thought, and lifted the body armor on several brothers. For such a powerful body armor, He Zhijun was very shocked.

“Just the size of it, can you defend against bullets?” Really fake? He Zhijun touched the cloth in his hand and exclaimed. Indeed, this is a very powerful life-saving prop, but the difficulty of mass production is too great, and the cost performance is too low. Chen Hao said.

“Oh? What to say? He Zhijun asked.

“This body armor is made of ancient methods, and its materials involve nearly ten thousand materials, including twenty kinds of extraterrestrial metals that are not produced on Earth. It is made by special weaving techniques. The cost of mass production is too high to be used on a small scale, and I estimate that if the state wants to manufacture it, it can only be used by a small number of generals. Chen Hao said.

“So complicated?” He Zhijun’s brow frowned, and he quickly stretched out. “Also, the production technology of this body armor is too advanced, and there is no way to do it.”

“My sect agreed to provide a method of making, but what was made certainly didn’t have that strong effect. Because there is so little material. Chen Hao said.

“What? Are you willing to hand over this technology to the state? He Zhijun’s eyes widened.

“Yes.” Chen Hao nodded.

“However, I plan to give this technology directly to Xuanyuan Valley, after all, the research institute there is easier to make, but I promise you, after making it, it will definitely give us the Wolf’s Tooth first.”

“Good! Good! Chen Hao, thank you! With your body armor, we will definitely be able to reduce a lot of casualties! He Zhijun was overjoyed.

“By the way, this body armor will be sent to you, when you wear it, it is very breathable, you can usually wear it when you go out.” Chen Hao said. “Hey! I said, you boy, is this a bribe? He Zhijun looked at the exquisite body armor and said helplessly.

“Things are in my hands, I can send them to whomever I want, and besides, I don’t want anything from you.” Chen Hao laughed. “Good! Then I accepted it with a cheeky face, after all, I was more afraid of death. He Zhijun laughed and did not resign.

Of course, this is not a bribe, Chen Hao’s current status and power are strictly speaking much higher than He Zhijun, where are the superiors bribing the subordinates?

Chen Hao’s current strength is the Spirit Realm, that is, the Martial Immortal Realm in Huaxia Martial Arts! This is equivalent to the existence of a secret weapon! If Chen Hao reported his strength, it would definitely be a lieutenant general who could not run away.

That’s right, Lieutenant General!

The martial immortals of Huaxia will definitely have the rank of lieutenant general, although they have no real power, but their status is high and frightening. Wu Xian was an extremely powerful war resource, comparable to an elite army, and it was more convenient for single person to move, which was simply a national treasure-level existence.

Chen Hao didn’t want to be such a national treasure, so he hadn’t reported it.

“By the way, you’re going to the Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company, aren’t you?” He Zhijun asked, his face showing a helpless look. “To be honest, I knew about this operation. The harm of the Ma clique is simply too great, and there is no way to sacrifice personal interests compared to the interests of the people of the whole country. ”

“However, your boy certainly didn’t go there to persuade them to give up, nor did he try to persuade Xiao Zhuang to agree?” He Zhijun asked. “Of course, I don’t like it when it comes to being strong.” Chen Hao shrugged.

“However, if there is a way to have the best of both worlds, then why let Xiaozhuang carry the pot?”

“Huh? What do you mean? ”

“Quite simply, this undercover, why can’t I go?”


Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company, Chen Hao had not been here for almost a year. After he entered the Wolf’s Tooth, the whole day was full, and he ran to the Demon Capital to protect Lingling’s little girl, and before he knew it, the year had passed.

The two veterans who were standing guard recognized Chen Hao at a glance, and without saying a word, directly opened the door. No way, his fame in Night Tiger is really too big, even if it has been a year, Chen Hao’s legend has been circulating in Night Tiger.

“Chief!” The two soldiers stood up straight, laughing and giggling. Chen Hao looked at the major badge on his shoulder and said without anger, “Do you still salute when you recognize it?” Laughing fart! ”

“Hey hey, Brother Chen, these are all majors.” Two people scratched their heads. “I’m in a special situation, just get used to it.” Chen Hao shrugged.

“I haven’t been back in a year, has there been any change in the night tiger?”

“Not much has changed, but after Miao Lian changed careers, a new company commander came.” A soldier said. “In fact, our new company commander is not bad, he is a little young and vigorous, he is a military academy, a student soldier.”

“No prestige?” Chen Hao asked. “Almost, the second squad leader likes to raise the bar with him.” The soldier next to him laughed awkwardly. “Normal, isn’t that what soldiers are all about?” The second squad leader has his temper as you all know, and after a long time, it will be fine. Chen Hao said.

“Xiao Zhuang should be here now, right?” By the way, Miao Lian is not here? he asked.

“Yes, hey, I didn’t expect Miao Lian to come back to see us!”

“Where are they now?”

“It should be on the training ground, recently soldiered, and is practicing.”


Uh huh!

At the training ground, a group of recruits were shooting targets. They were lying on the ground, aiming hard, looking a little difficult.

Several people stood on the side and watched them shoot, Lian, Xiaozhuang, and a young soldier Chen Hao did not know, who should be the new company commander.

“Target Reporting!”

“Target No. 1, Seventy Rings!”

“Target Two, Eighty-Two Rings!”

“Target Three, Fifty Rings!”


“Target Seven, Ninety-One Ring!”

“Good!” A group of recruits cheered loudly, and for the recruits, the shooting results of the ninety-first ring were already extremely good results. Looking at Miao Lian’s full smile, you can tell that he is very satisfied with these people.

Chapter 15 (7) 15 The Living Legend of the Night Tiger

“Although your grades are not as good as, for rookies, it is already good!” A squad leader began a routine sarcastic reprimand.

“Report!” A recruit shouted.


“When we heard that the seniors of the Special Forces Brigade had come to inspect us before the Night Tiger, we were all very curious! I hope the seniors can show us their hands! ”

“Yes! Right! Let the seniors show us two hands! A group of recruits began to boo.

“Hahahahaha, these little guys are really screaming and waiting for you to show your hands.” Miao Lian laughed loudly, and a look of emotion appeared on his face.

Miao Lian is no longer a soldier, and he is now the leader of the special case team of the public security department. The reason why I came here is mainly to persuade Xiaozhuang.

Xiao Zhuang was so important to this operation that Miao Lian had to use this method to beg him.

The emotional card is always the most effective method besides interests.

Zhuang Yan’s face showed a bit of a helpless smile, but he did not resign, he is now a veteran oilman in the veteran oil, naturally he will not be afraid of the stage.

“Come, give me a scout for a hundred meter rapid-fire target.” Zhuang Yan laughed.

“You boy, do you want to learn the old cannon?” Miao Lian asked. “Scouts are also these training programs.” Zhuang Yan laughed.

“Report, set up!”

Zhuang Yan reached out and took the rifle, stood at the starting point, and smiled: “The scout is a hundred meters of rapid fire, requiring a hundred meters of forward movement within 40 seconds, during which 30 active targets will appear, and 25 shots will be qualified.” This is also an old project, I will dedicate the ugly, you will just see. ”

Scout 100-meter rapid fire is definitely one of the most difficult items for scout training, and these recruits have all done similar training, which can be described as scolded and inexhaustible.

“Okay, the timer begins!” Zhuang Yan drank loudly, and his body rushed out in an instant.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The most standard tactical action, the fastest way to move, the most accurate shooting accuracy. This was the height that Zhuang Yan had reached after rigorous training. Absolutely compressed at the limit, proud of the strength of the masses!

“It seems that this boy has not relaxed his training.” Chen Hao smiled and walked over to Miao Lian’s side and said. “I knew your boy was coming, how’s it going, but now the Night Tiger has a nice atmosphere, right?” Miao Lian was not surprised in the slightest, but asked with a smile.

“Well, it’s really good.” Chen Hao smiled.

“Miao Lian, who is this?” The new company commander asked hesitantly. “You should hear his name often, but you should see him for the first time.” Miao Lian smiled triumphantly.

“This is my pride, the pride of the night tiger! Wolf Tooth Special Brigade, Wolf King, Chen Hao! ”

The new company grew up stunned, his eyes widened, he was frightened! Chen Hao’s legend, in the Night Tiger, has almost been exaggerated to the extent of a fast demon.

Chen Hao! Night Tiger Scouting Company, an absolute legendary figure!

The monster that directly showed its strength to crush the Ban Elder Cannon when he first joined the army, and then progressed at a speed enough to surprise anyone! Chen Hao’s shooting, physical fitness, and various skills are all extreme data!

A true all-powerful genius!

Recruits who were personally invited into Wolf’s Tooth by the high school team of Wolf’s Tooth! Recognized as the strongest warrior of the wolf teeth, the man who was awarded the title of “wolf king”!

Originally, this new company commander only listened to this as a legend, but when he really saw Chen Hao, he found that those legends were not at all false!

Chen Hao’s aura was too strong, and anyone could feel that extreme self-confidence and extreme strong aura from Chen Hao.

This is an aura that only a truly strong person can have!

He immediately saluted Chen Hao and solemnly shouted, “Hello chief! Chen Hao also returned the standard salute and smiled: “Don’t be polite, they are all their own people.” ”

“I’ve heard your legend for a long time.” The new company commander smiled bitterly.

“It’s all passed on by others, don’t take it seriously.” Chen Hao said casually.

At this time, Zhuang Yan had already completed his shooting, and the person next to him reported his data.

“20 seconds, all hits!”

“Uh-huh————!!” The recruits all stood up and applauded wildly.

“Good !!!”

They are now really obedient, without the slightest reluctance, and they are convinced!

20 seconds!

It’s really a very extreme statistic, and it’s all hits! Including tactical action, aiming and shooting, and the time to change the bullet, 20 seconds, it is really the limit!

Zhuang Yan smiled, did not speak, returned the gun to a recruit next to him, and walked back. Those recruits looked at him with reverence, in the military, strength is respected, as long as you are strong enough, then you will be respected.

“Brother Hao!” Zhuang Yan’s face showed a look of surprise, and he ran over and hugged Chen Hao’s fierce bear. “Long time no see, Xiaozhuang. Your boy has gotten a lot stronger. Chen Hao patted Xiao Zhuang’s shoulder and teased.

“This eats a lot, and the long meat is fast.” Zhuang Yan said with a smile. Seeing Chen Hao, Xiao Zhuang was completely relieved, with Chen Hao there, he would not be so entangled.

Lone Wolf Group B is as close as brothers, and it should be said that the highest prestige in it is Chen Hao. Even if it is the leader of the group, Chen Pai, it is also based on Chen Hao’s opinion.

Chen Hao was more like an older brother taking care of them. Even if he wasn’t the oldest.

“Look at your bear-like appearance, are you so intimidating?” Chen Hao asked without anger. “Well, it’s a little.” Xiao Zhuang said awkwardly. He was not talking about the things he was showing, but about what Miao Lian had discussed with him.

Ma Qitong was a good girl, Zhuang Yan knew. He was kind by nature and did not want to deceive such a girl, but Miao Lian came to him again, and his loyalty to the motherland was also oppressing him.

Xiao Zhuang was only a young man after all, and he was very confused in the face of such a choice.

And Chen Hao is here, he has an object to ask. Chen Hao is different from Miao Lian, Miao Lian’s identity is an elder, and Chen Hao’s identity is a brother, compared to the elders, sometimes the brother’s advice is better.

“Everyone knows that our Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company has a legendary figure, right?” The new company commander asked the recruits.

“Yes! We all know that! ”

“It’s last year’s seniors!”

“Then what is his name?”

“Wolf King Chen Hao! Wolf King Chen Hao! ”

The recruits below shouted feverishly.

Chen Hao smiled helplessly, he knew what this new company commander wanted to do, but he also felt that it was quite fresh, so he did not stop it.

“See this guy next to me?” The new company commander suddenly pointed at Chen Hao beside him and shouted. “That’s right, he is the living legend of our Night Tiger, Wolf’s Tooth Special Brigade, Major, Wolf King Chen Hao!”

The recruits were calm for a few seconds, then erupted into a mountain of cheers.

“Oh————!” _

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