The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 797: Monster siege

"Come!" Experienced Geralt first sensed the anomalies around him, reminded everyone, then cast a Queen Seal, created a shield on his body, and played a sword with the silver sword in his hand. After rushing out, with the body's impulse, the long sword hacked into an empty space.

   This chopping immediately caused a great deal of noise, and a scream of screaming came out there, and then saw a translucent day demon appear in front of everyone.

Seeing the demon appear during the day, Aalto directly cast the spell. The magic wand in his hand was raised high while the spell was cast. Next, a huge magic trap instantly spread from the lower of his wand, will Leo's basement house is included in it.

This magic trap is very similar to the Arden Fayin of the Demon Hunter, but the power to pen the Arden Fayin is much stronger. Not only will it use stronger force to restrain the enemies that have entered the trap, but it will also cause continuous damage to the enemy. .

Seeing that the demon was trapped by Aalto's magic trap and could not enter the invisible state, Geralt immediately pursued the victory, quickly swung his long sword, attacked the demon's body, and he moved, rolled, and rotated, avoiding the demon once. After the second counterattack, the demon soon turned into a pile of ashes under his long sword.

At the same time, outside the magic trap, demon spirits and ghosts began to emerge, slowly approaching this side, the number of forty or fifty, how large Gerot felt a little tricky, not staying in front, Instead, he stepped back, and Aalto was in charge of defense.

   "What the **** is going on inside?" Regill turned his head to look at the direction of the basement at this time, and felt a wave of negative energy emanating from the inside.

"It should be related to that sin!" Aalto couldn't help but look back at the direction of the basement. He was a little annoyed in his heart and said, "Just listening to the secret of sin can cause such a big movement, look at that sin. ...I knew I would stay there."

   Geralt and Regill looked at Aalto and said nothing. In their view, if Aalto really stayed there to listen to the secret of that crime, whether he could survive in the end was still a question. As for Leo, they have no worries at all. After all, Leo seems to know the crime and knows what the consequences are. Since he dares to question the crime from the devil's mouth, he will naturally not be afraid of the crime.

   At this moment, the negative energy emitted from the basement increased a bit, affecting the weather, forming a vortex cloud in the empty weight, which looks spectacular and strange.

Attracted by this negative energy, the ghosts and demon spirits who were originally wandering outside the magic trap also put down their fear of the magic trap instinct and rushed into the trap while suffering the shackles and damage caused by the trap. While slowly approaching the basement side.

If only one or two demon spirits or ghosts entered the trap, Aalto might be able to distract and cast other spells, but now more than a dozen demon spirits and ghosts rush into the trap. In order to maintain the effect of the magic trap, Alto Tuo had to concentrate on continuously strengthening the magic trap, maintaining the magic trap does not collapse.

   And Geralt and Regill rushed out without hesitation, each looking for a demon and a ghost to start killing.

Because of the powerful magic trap assistance, plus the ghosts and ghosts are attracted by the negative energy that comes out of the basement, without too many counterattacks, their attacks are very smooth, and soon the first batch rushed into The monsters and ghosts of the magic trap are turned to ashes under their attack.

It's just that they didn't feel so happy, because after these monsters and ghosts were destroyed, they saw that not only a large number of ghosts and ghosts gathered outside the magic trap, but also evil ghosts, water ghosts, and giant centipedes. , Qiqimo, and Xiaowuya, as if all the monsters of Tausent had gathered here at this moment.

   It's not over yet, there was a tweet in the sky at this time, and I saw two petrified lizards, two pterodactyls, and a group of eagle body demon also flew over. The vast and mighty look was particularly shocking.

   If one or two of these monsters appear, anyone on the scene can easily solve it. The problem is that these monsters are all in groups, and a monster army has been formed. In this case, they can't deal with it at all.

However, in the face of this situation, Geralt and Regill did not have the idea of ​​flinching. Geralt took out a special wizard potion that could greatly enhance his strength, and Regill also took out a blood bottle, if necessary. They will drink this thing and carry out the strongest attack on these monsters.

   And when these monster army had accumulated to the limit and began to advance to the magic trap, suddenly there were dozens of fireballs in the air bombarding those monsters from the sky, and the blasting force generated by the fireballs fell to kill these monsters.

I saw that on a stone platform in the garden not far away, Flinjela held a staff in her hands, her eyes glowed with magic light, and powerful magical power poured out of her, falling into the magic circle around him. In the course of the magic circle, fireballs formed in the air, and the monsters rushed to the front.

This magic circle was previously prepared to deal with the demon, but the demon was easily solved by Leo, and it was not used at all, but the magic circle was not released, and it was left. Pull it on.

Flynn Gilah's magical state was so striking, the two petrified lizards hovering in the air immediately saw her, and rushed towards Flynn Gila inexplicably. Lingila was caught in his paws.

But before the two petrified lizards touched Flynn Gila, two crossbow arrows hit the petrified lizards, and the material hidden by the arrows exploded violently, directly exploding the wounds of the two petrified lizards. The big hole, the internal organs also flowed out of the wound, the wings were torn, and the two huge monsters fell heavily from the air. The wailing of pain could no longer climb up from the ground.

At this time, she saw Sylvia appeared on a horse riding horse not far from the stone platform where Flynn Gila was. At the same time, she held a dragon hunting spear in one hand and a small and delicate crossbow in the other. It seems that the two arrows that easily killed the petrified lizard came from this crossbow.

  Because of the urgent situation, Sylvia and Flynn Gila did not ask Geralt how they happened, but directly raised their weapons and aimed at the monsters.

   Thanks to the joining of Flynn Gila and Sylvia, the situation here has improved a lot, a large number of monsters have been solved by them, and new monsters have been attracted.

Among them, Geralt, Flynn Gila, and Aalto began to feel tired, especially after Geralt drank a few bottles of the demon hunter's potion, the toxins on his body had accumulated to a fatal level, and he could not drink any more. Do not drink the potion even if you are injured.

   had no choice but to retreat to Aalto to protect Aalto's safety.

  Compared with the tired three, Regill and Sylvia were very spiritual.

Regill will be very spiritual, but it is easy to understand. After all, Regill is a vampire. In this negative energy environment, he is like a fish and water. Whether it is strength or endurance, he has more than doubled from scratch. Without exceeding the limit of use, he does not have to worry about exhaustion and weakness at all.

   It is Sylvia that everyone can't understand, and the power she shows is more than that of Regill. With the power, speed, and endurance greatly improved, Sylvia, through crossbow, swordsmanship, and spear, combined with her talents of that kind of spell, made the monster who died in her hands no more than Flinjella. There are few monsters killed by magic during the round attack, and she is not exhausted at all after a long battle, but she is very excited.

Seeing this weird phenomenon, everyone can only blame it on the fact that Sylvia received the blessing of the fairy in the lake, but they did not know that compared to vampires, Sylvia originated from the abyss The blood of the dragon is more suitable for this negative energy environment.

Just when they were resisting the siege of these monsters, and they didn't know how long they had to support, the negative energy emitted from the basement appeared abnormal again. An extremely powerful negative energy instantly rushed out of the basement and then burst out, The bursting force drove out Geralt and the others closest to the basement and slammed them down on the ground.

And those monsters are not much better. All the demons and ghosts can't bear this force. They are smashed into ashes, and the monsters with physical entities such as small mist demon and evil ghost are also slammed and lie on the ground. Without knowing life or death, the eagles in the sky have fallen from the air, and a few of them can stabilize themselves when they are completely dropped. As for the others, they fall apart.

  The vortex cloud in the sky also completely dissipated under the impact of negative energy, exposing a huge hole in the air, forming a huge spectacle even in the border area of ​​Tausent.

At the same time, under the impact of that powerful negative energy, all the negative energy around it was also washed away, there was nothing left, and the attraction of negative energy was lost. Those gathered monsters either quietly retreated, or It was killing each other, but no monster was close to the magic trap circle near the basement because of the large number of monster corpses and **** gas, which made them instinctively frightened.

   "It's over!" Geralt sat up from the ground, looked around, and said in agreement, then glanced at each other, and all laughed.

   "Why did you come over here?" Geralt asked Frenzyla, who was walking to a tired face.

   Flynn Gilah, holding her staff with a pestle, said, "I saw that something was wrong on your side, so I took Sylvia through the portal."

   "Is it possible to use the portal?" Geralt asked, asking.

  Flynn Gila looked a little stunned, and immediately answered, saying: "No, it can only be used in the territory of Taocente. Once entering the surrounding area, the portal will be disturbed by the chaotic forces of the mountain snowstorm,"

   Geralt was also very tired at the moment. The question just now was just casually asked, not paying attention to Flinjela's expression.

   At this time, the confinement door of the room where the basement is located was opened, and then Leo saw the demon coming out from inside.

  All the people who had planned to step forward to ask about Leo's situation, after seeing Leo's situation at the moment, all stopped and put their hands on the weapons, staring nervously at Leo.

   It turned out that Leo was entangled with a mass of black sticky mist at the moment, and his eyes were completely dark black. He felt like he was eroded by some kind of force.

But the demon caught by him thought of everyone laughed and said, "Hah! Ha! Humans, you are done, now you know the secret of sinfulness, and sinfulness is also on you, you cannot escape. , You will fall into the guilty sin, you will be mine, and I will repay you with ten times the torture!"

"Your nonsense is too much!" Leo turned his head to look at the devil indifferently, directly punching the devil's teeth, reaching into his mouth, pulling out his tongue, and hurting him. There was a scream.

   "Leo, you now..." Sylvia asked with great concern in the first two steps.

"It's okay! It's just a little overwhelming, and I didn't have time to digest, and it overflowed a little." Leo responded calmly, then raised his hand to signal that Sylvia and the others should not be close, saying, "You better stay away from me A little distance, don't get contaminated with this thing, this thing is the original sin power of the sinful source, if you are contaminated it will be difficult to clean See Leo in addition to the terrible black gas and eyeballs on his body Apart from the changes, there were no other abnormal reactions, and they were able to remain sensible, and everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

And the demon caught in Leo's hands looked at Leo in horror. He couldn't think of it. A person who was eroded to such a point by the power of the original sin did not have any abnormal changes, let alone the body's voice. By the way, even the mind is not affected by the power of original sin.

   "Are you really okay?" Sylvia confirmed with some worry.

   "Relax, I'm fine." Leo still patiently replied, then pointed to the devil in his hand and said: "What else do you have to ask this demon? If there is no more, I will solve him."

   Everyone heard the words, looked at each other, and shook their heads. They were still very interested in the crime, but when they saw Leo's appearance, they couldn't help but feel a trace of fear.

At the moment, the demon face caught by Leo also showed joy, because as long as he died, then he could return to the body of the sinful source, although it would be difficult for him to want to come to this world again, But at least he has got rid of the pain now.

  However, not waiting for him to be happy for too long, Leo said in cold words: "Do you think I will let you go back to sin?"


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