The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 773: Clean up monsters

Leo is very interested in this kind of anti-magic field, but although Flynn Gila is a master of illusion, she doesn’t know much about anti-magic fields.

   However, she mentioned that the most complete and complete anti-magic field in the world is on Sinide Island, but now that Sinide Island has been destroyed, it is useless for Leo to go.

On the contrary, after knowing that Leo wanted to learn the anti-magic field, Leo provided Leo with a local dwarf-owned bank of Zion Fanelli, and also had one of the most complete anti-magic forces in Zion Fanelli Bank. field.

   Leo thought at the time that if he did not find information about the anti-magic field, it would be good to go to Zion Vanelli Bank before leaving Buckland.

  However, Leo doesn’t need to think about breaking into the bank now, because now he is in the underground garden and there is an anti-magic field.

  The place where Leo came out was a crack in the wall of the building. It was about ten meters away from the ground. On the exit wall, you can see the traces of climbing down and the footsteps left by the predecessors.

  Although Leo did not think there was an object that could put him in danger, he did not venture into it. Instead, he looked around with his eyes and eyes to see what was inside.

Around this underground garden are buildings squeezed by the mud above, most of them have completely collapsed, only two buildings are still intact, one is a palace-like building directly opposite Leo, the other It is a small house on the right.

In addition, in the garden, Leo also discovered the magical dolls that he saw in the elven ruined room, there are still a lot of them, and there are as many as eight, just because the anti-magic force field makes them all real. Stone statue, but if the anti-magic field disappears, maybe these demons will come out again.

In addition to these things related to the ruins of the elves, Leo also found the bones of many explorers. They should belong to the explorers who came to explore this underground route, but unfortunately they have just arrived at the first location. It's all dead.

  Now these corpses are all piled up in a corner of the garden, it seems that they should be consciously piled up by some kind of creature, and these explorers are likely to die under the attack of this kind of creature.

  Almost as Leo made a guess, he also saw several monsters that could be called creatures, and these monsters were most likely the killers who killed these explorers.

These monsters are crouched on top of the decorative stone columns in the garden. If you don’t look closely, they will only be regarded as ordinary stone carvings, but the careful Leo can perceive through his extraordinary sense. Ability to find that these monsters are all alive.

   "Just special monster!" Leo quickly found all the information about this monster in the collected knowledge in his brain.

The monster is a very rare monster. Only some ancient forests still have some monsters. Just like other monsters in this world, this monster is also a product of the intersection of the celestial spheres, and because of the monster’s appearance and cruelty. The habit makes it be classified into the category of demons, and is considered to be a pet kept by demons.

These peculiar monsters are huge in size, and the smallest are nearly three meters high, so they can’t pass through the passage that Leo had traveled before. This is undoubtedly a good thing for people on the ground, otherwise, these peacocks The strange rush to the ground may cause great casualties.

In Leo’s data, there are not many contents about the special monsters. When referring to the special monsters’ abilities, most of them just say that this monster’s attack method is reloaded with a huge and strong body, with claws and teeth. Bite and so on, without mentioning any extraordinary power of this monster.

However, after seeing these peculiar monsters, Leo thought that anti-hunger should also be regarded as an ability of these monsters. According to the information he knew, since the upper ruins were occupied by the mutant blood clan, there were no explorers. Exploring the underground ruins, and people like Flynn Gila just walked through the ruins close to the surface, without going deep, so these strange monsters have not eaten for at least a hundred years.

  However, according to Leo’s observation, the lack of eating in the past 100 years has not affected the movement skills of these peculiar monsters, nor has they affected their lives. They can always attack in the best state after the prey enters the attack range.

  Just Leo was puzzled because he didn't understand how the barrel barrel Dent and his companions got around these strange monsters.

   However, these doubts did not stay in Leo’s heart for too long. What Leo now has to do is to use these peculiar monsters as his whetstones.

   So after confirming that there were no other traps or organs other than these monsters in the garden, Leo jumped directly from the crack and walked along the gravel path in the garden to the garden square where the pillars were.

  Almost as Leo jumped into the garden, all the peculiar monsters also recovered from a state similar to hibernation, and opened their blood-red eyes, staring at the only prey in nearly a century.

Although they have been tortured by hunger, they can still calmly wait for their prey to approach until Leo walks under the first stone pillar at the edge of the square. The peculiar monster at the top of the stone pillar can no longer bear to swallow it from the stone pillar. Leaping, opened his mouth and claws, and fell straight towards Leo.

However, before waiting for it to catch its prey, the prey that was still in its eyes a moment ago suddenly disappeared, and then a hard fist mixed with great power directly hit its head and instantly gave its head It was smashed, and its huge body was smashed and flew out, and it fell heavily on the ground in the center of the square.

The strong **** gas filled the entire underground garden in an instant, and all those peculiar monsters were irritated by this **** gas, and they rushed down from the stone columns one by one, but it was interesting, except for the two peculiar monsters. In addition to Leo, who was contaminated with the blood of the special monster, the remaining nine special monsters were directed at the body of their former companion. The blood of the companion's body was obviously more attractive.

In the face of the two strange monsters, Leo still shot with all his strength. Before the monster approached, the foot pressed **** the ground. The whole person rushed out like a shell and rushed directly into the arms of the monster. Before the monster had responded, the elbow hit the monster's chest. While knocking it out, it also smashed the bones, muscles and internal organs of its chest completely.

   Another peculiar monster also responded very quickly, taking advantage of Leo's slight stagnation after striking his companion, and grabbed toward Leo's head towards Leo.

However, although Leo’s body stalled a little because of the reaction force, the movements on the hand did not slow down. I saw that he punched directly and hit the monster’s claws with great precision. The power on the fist was Like the explosive bomb, the claw that was enough to tear the stone was burst, and then the right hand that was rushed out grabbed the head of the special monster at once, and then twisted the head directly to break the head. This monster also fell heavily to the ground.

"It's too simple!" Leo didn't seem very happy after solving the three monsters, because after his full shot, the three monsters described as very dangerous by the hunter were fragile and vulnerable. , Can't give him any sense of crisis at all, nor can he stimulate the power in his body's blood.

At this time, a monster who was eating the same kind of body suddenly made a roar, and this roar also frightened the other monsters. Immediately afterwards, he saw that the monster was inflated as fast as fast. It swelled and became a lot bigger, and the shape became gritty.

   And the other strange monsters seem to have begun to fear the same kind they had just now. They are not eating corpses of the same kind, but slowly receding to show the fear of this mutant kind.

"Evolved?" Upon seeing this, Leo immediately understood that the monster had evolved by ingesting the same kind of flesh and blood, so he moved his heart and turned the other two monsters killed by him towards the mutant. Jade Monster threw it over and rushed towards other Jade Monsters.

Under Leo's full-strike attack, all the monsters were unable to withstand a single blow. One died in his hand, less than ten minutes of kung fu. Except for the evolutionary monster, all other monsters It was killed by Leo, and all the dead bodies were thrown away. The evolved dead bodies were eaten,

   After throwing out the last corpse, Leo retreated to the side, watching the evolutionary corpse eating the same kind quietly.

Leo’s behavior did not attract the attention of this mutant monster, and its attention was all devoured by corpses of the same kind, and a monster was sent into the mouth by him, and with the eating of the monster Strangely, its body also expanded rapidly, and the epidermis also formed a layer of scale armor. The long horns that originally rotated to both sides began to crack, revealing a burst of red light from the cracks as if it were lava, and the top of its head was even more A pair of burning antlers grew.

   However, the biggest change was the eye on his forehead, which had become ruby-like, constantly shining evil red light.

At this moment, Leo can feel that this monster has evolved to a higher life form, and like a vampire, the blood on it has also begun to change. Even without the exploration of the spiritual network, Leo can Through supernormal perception, I feel that this monster is already very powerful, at least not worse than the Dirac that I encountered before.

After the last monster was devoured, that monster looked at Leo, and at this moment its sight was no longer full of animal nature, but it had more wisdom, and it also spoke, said to Leo: "Humans, although you helped me complete the evolution, I still want to kill you, but you can rest assured that when I kill you, I will move faster and will not cause you pain."

  Finally, the witted wit who spoke and had wisdom suddenly disappeared in front of Leo, as if invisible.

  However, Leo was very calm in the face of this situation, staying in place for a while, and then moved two steps to the side very quickly, and there were three more scratches on his original stand.

Then Leo moved quickly. Every time he moved, there were several scratches on the ground, and Leo moved faster and faster, as if the monster’s chase speed was also getting faster and faster. In the end Leo Suddenly he stopped, and he punched his hand and waved out into the open space.

Immediately thereafter, an invisible force was generated at the front of Leo’s fist. Leo was also shocked by this force and took a few steps back, and this force also formed a shock wave in the surrounding air and spread to all sides. The peculiar monster that disappeared on the ground also appeared.

   It's just a little embarrassed, because one arm was broken and paralyzed on the shoulder. The look at Leo was also full of surprise and fear.

   Leo did not give it a chance to breathe, and rushed towards the special monster, and immediately fell down in front of the special monster.

The body of the strange monster almost disappeared again at this time, but Leo didn’t stop. The sole of the foot stepped **** the ground, changed its direction, moved a few meters to the left, and then punched the open space in front. past.

   A scream came out of the open space, and the peculiar figure appeared again, but this time its injury was more serious, and the bones of the entire waist were broken by Leo's fist.

   Leo did not slow down due to the screaming of the special The rapid movement of the body interrupted the other three intact limbs of the special monster.

  Special blame seemed to know that he could not escape from Leo's hand, so he turned his head and aimed the third eye above his head at Leo.

   It's just that Leo has much more combat experience than it. As soon as its actions have been made, Leo already knows what it wants to do.

Almost at the same time, he rushed down in front of the special monster, punched him in the head of the monster, and shattered the entire head of the monster, and the monster's red eyes were in the special monster. The moment the strange head broke, it dimmed.

  Followed Leo directly to twist the monster's head, completely killing this monster that has evolved to another form.

I don’t know if it’s because of the twisting of the skull’s head, or because of other reasons. In short, after the skull’s head and body are separated, the expanded body of the monster’s bulge begins to retract, and it retracts into a shape. It is smaller and weaker than any other special monster just now, giving all the essence of a body to be taken away.

"Fortunately, it was picked off in time. If it is one step later, it will be useless." Leo Si lifted the head of the peculiar monster in his hand regardless of the blood of the monster on his body. He looked carefully and his face showed satisfaction. Smile.

Later, he took off his twin gloves, looked at the swollen fist, and checked his fist injury. Obviously he just looked like he had crushed the special monster completely, but in fact he also because of the special mutation of the special monster The hard body was hurt a little.

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