The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1695 Abyssal Fall Rune

"The breath of the abyss!" Leo stood on the periphery of the refugee group, feeling the extraordinary power shrouded in Huajing City ahead, and said to himself solemnly.

Although this abyssal aura is perfectly hidden, almost completely covered by the strong aura of natural power in Huajing City, but under the influence of the abyssal power, the people in the city have more or less fallen into a chaotic and violent mood. In this way, it further stimulates the hidden abyssal atmosphere around it, making it particularly eye-catching in this city full of natural power.

However, the source of these abyssal auras also noticed this, and before the abyssal aura attracted the attention of the natural shaman in the city, they used the abyssal corruption runes arranged in Huajing City to restrain them.

However, maybe the source of the abyssal breath did not expect that someone like Leo, who is extremely sensitive to the abyssal breath, would appear outside Huajing City. The location of the Abyssal Fall rune.

According to the memory of the abyss serpent, the rune of the abyss is not the favorite method of corrupting the world used by the superiors of the abyss. This is not because the effect of the rune of the abyss is not good, but because it takes too long. It is rare, even thousands or tens of thousands of years are not too many.

The abyss superiors prefer to use corruption methods that take a short time and have quick results. Usually, these methods are very direct and violent. Many times, the world is broken in the battle between the internal degenerates before it completely falls. In the end, What the abyss gets is just a wreck, but what does it matter? For those who are superior to the abyss, they can find another world to corrupt. As long as there are enough people, they can still get the favor of the will of the abyss.

However, there are exceptions among the abyss superiors, such as Tokatni. Although they are also abyss superiors, their power comes from the favor of the abyss. Compared with other abyss superior races whose bloodlines are extremely powerful, Their strength is obviously at the bottom. If they are to corrupt the world according to the vulgar means of those abyssal superiors, they may not even be able to drink a sip of soup in the end, so they can only create their own exclusive corruption according to their own characteristics Means, Abyssal Corruption Rune is the corruption method that Tokatni is best at using.

Tocatene would sneak into the world they were targeting a long time ago, and then arrange abyssal corruption runes, and use a subtle way to corrupt the world and corrupt creatures little by little over hundreds or thousands of years, and eventually corrupt The location of the abyss becomes an abyss domain, thus forming an abyss anchor point. Even if the rest of the world has not been corrupted and the original world laws are still maintained, they can also use this abyss anchor point to drag the entire world into Abyss, in order to achieve the effect of small and broad.

Obviously, Tokatni should have targeted the polar mountains and planted the Abyss Fall Rune, trying to turn this place into the Abyss Domain. The Church of True God could not gain a foothold here, and it should have something to do with the Abyss Fall Rune here. , People who have been affected by the Abyss Fall Rune will involuntarily and instinctively reject the gods representing the laws of the world.

If the Abyss Fall Rune of the Polar Mountains has taken effect, turning the Polar Mountains into the Abyss Domain, Leo will definitely not stay here any longer, and will leave immediately with Sylvia, because no matter how much they do It's useless. Fortunately, judging from the current situation, it is clear that the Abyss Fallen rune has not had any effect, and it only affects Chang Changwai's character in the rune domain.

The reason why the effect of the Abyssal Fallen rune is so small is probably related to the spread of shamanism in the polar mountains. Although the power of natural shamans cannot eliminate the power of the Abyssal Fallen rune, it should not be suppressed or weakened. Difficult.

Most of the runes of abyss and corruption exposed in front of Leo's eyes are in the periphery of Huajing City and some civilian areas. These areas are also the most chaotic places in Huajing City.

Even so, it doesn't mean that only these areas of Huajing City are decorated with Abyssal Runes. There may also be Abyssal Runes in other areas of the city, but these Abyssal Runes are hidden deeper.

After confirming the current situation of Huajing City, Leo walked towards the city. At this moment, many people were blocked outside Huajing City. On one side were refugees who wanted to enter the city, and on the other side were city guards who forbade people from entering the city. The two sides were at war with each other, and a battle would break out at any time. At this time, Leo pushed through the crowd and walked to the temporary wall of the carriage built by the city guards. The army passed through.

It is obvious that Leo's movements are very eye-catching, even if he is standing far away, he can still see him, but the refugees around the wall-climbing site and the city guard who passed by before seemed to have not seen Leo, and they are still engrossed to cope with the immediate commotion.

This is Leo using witchcraft to erase his whole body from the various perceptions of the people around him, turning him into a non-existent person, but his witchcraft did not cover the entire Huajing City, even the city where he was located. The entire area is not covered, but only a small area around him. Although his actions were not noticed by the people around him, they were still seen by other refugees and city guards who were a little further away. arrive.

You must know that the situation of the temporary wall around the edge of Huajing City is as tight as a bow. Live back to normal life in Huajing City.

However, Huajing City violated the mutual aid agreement maintained over the past so many years and blocked them out of the city. All kinds of negative emotions such as anger, sadness, and complaints in their hearts accumulated rapidly and would explode at any time.

But the city guards fully understand that Huajing City's capacity to withstand the population has reached its limit, and it is very difficult to maintain stability now. If these refugees enter the city, it will inevitably collapse faster, and eventually the entire city will be dragged into collapse The abyss of Huajing City will destroy Huajing City. As a native of Huajing City, the residents naturally don't want to see this scene happen, and naturally it is impossible to allow refugees to enter.

But such a deadlock maintained in a delicate balance was broken because of Leo's move to look over the temporary wall. The scene where he climbed over the wall and the city guards didn't stop him was like a signal acquiescently allowing refugees to enter. Everyone who saw this The refugees in the first scene began to frantically rush forward, trying to climb over the not-so-high wall, and the city guards guarding above would naturally not let them pass. When they couldn't push people down, they couldn't help but draw their weapons , and slashed towards the refugees who climbed up.

When the first deceased appeared in the eyes of everyone, all the balance was completely broken. One side was the refugees who were completely dazzled by negative emotions, and the other was the city guards who wanted to surround the city. The two sides were inside and outside this simple city wall. A series of life and death battles began.

The battle at the city wall also spread to the city at an extremely fast speed. It is not known whether it was intentionally spreading false news, or the news was changed beyond recognition after various modifications during the spread. Refugees from outside have formed a large army, wanting to invade Huajing City, burn, kill and loot it, and completely occupy Huajing City.

As a result, the locals who were originally on opposite sides of the city and the foreigners who came to celebrate the festival immediately shook hands and made peace. They knew very well that if they still fought among themselves at this time, then when the refugees rushed in, none of them would be able to live in peace.

Because of the appearance of foreign enemies, the internal situation of Huajing City, which was about to collapse at any time, calmed down. All the adult men immediately took up their weapons and rushed to the outer temporary city wall to assist the city guards in resisting the refugees. The established women and old people also spontaneously took out some furniture to block the streets and set up fortifications, so that there would be places to retreat when the city wall could not be defended.

In addition, some officials in the city also rushed to the official residence of the city lord where the meeting was held, and planned to tell the officials who were in the meeting about the current situation and let them come out to preside over the overall situation, but the worst thing was that when the meeting was held, they unexpectedly According to Huajing City's habit, the meeting place is closed, and can only be opened from the inside of the meeting place, which makes those officials can only stay some to wait for the meeting to end, while the other part hurried to the headquarters of the Natural Shaman Society, Wanted to have nature shaman join the defense.

What is unexpected is that there is also a problem with the natural shaman society. According to the agreement, as long as the city lord or management committee of Huajing city requests to jointly guard Huajing city, the natural shaman society will immediately send people to join the defense team , to resist foreign enemies together, but the problem now is that all the people who are qualified to ask them to join the defense battle are in the closed conference room, even their president Vera Thothmuller is there, naturally the shaman of the shaman society Even if the Manchus are ready to participate in the battle at any time, they cannot participate.

This is not because the natural shaman will do things rigidly and pedantically, but because it is very dangerous for the natural shaman to participate in the battles between the polar mountain city-states and tribes, and if you are not careful, you may get burned.

Although the shaman belief has been spread in the polar mountains for such a long time, and the natural shaman society has been established for such a long time, the natural shaman society is still regarded as an external force by the city-states and tribes in the polar mountains. Under such circumstances, if the natural shamans attack a certain city-state or tribe in the polar mountains without authorization, they will inevitably be attacked by other city-states and tribes in the polar mountains. Only the city-states in the polar mountains, such as Huajing City, agree Under such circumstances, joining the defense of the city, rather than attacking other cities' defensive actions, will not be blamed and held accountable.

But now the people who can give them the right to act are all in the closed meeting room. Naturally, the shaman will have no choice but to face this situation. As for forcibly opening the door of the meeting room, it cannot be done by the natural shaman. The city guards do it, because naturally the shamans will do it, which is equivalent to their attack on Huajing City, and people will still be accused of using it as an excuse, and the city guards are all guarding the city now, even if they don't defend the city, they can't open it. The door of the conference room that contains extraordinary power.

For a while, Huajing City's seemingly perfect system in the past fell into a dead end, and everyone could only wait for the end of the meeting, watching the war around Huajing City intensify.

Leo, who was the fuse of this city defense battle, did not realize the serious consequences of his actions. After climbing over the temporary wall, he went to the nearest abyss without looking back. The location of the rune.

This place is a warehouse. As Leo expected, the abyssal rune was buried underground, and it was also under the cornerstone of the warehouse. It can be seen that the abyssal rune had already been buried at the beginning of the warehouse's construction.

After that, Leo found several surrounding abyssal runes, all of which were under the cornerstones of certain buildings or square statues without exception.

What's interesting is that all the buildings above the Abyssal Fall runes have a shamanistic natural totem pole. This kind of natural totem pole seems to be suppressing these Abyssal Fallen runes, but in fact it is more like giving the Abyssal Fallen runes Wen used it as a cover, if the entire Huajing City was not full of chaotic and tyrannical atmosphere, arousing the power contained in the abyssal corruption rune, Leo might be standing on the abyssal corruption rune, and I am afraid it would be difficult to sense its existence.

Just when Leo was about to look for an opportunity to dig out the abyssal corruption rune under his feet and study it carefully, a burst of abyssal breath erupted from his feet instantly.

Leo, who was at the eruption vent, thought at first that his actions had been noticed by the organizer behind the Abyssal Fallen Rune, and the other party wanted to act first, using the abyssal breath contained in the Abyssal Fallen Rune to quickly corrupt him.

But soon he knew that his guess was wrong, because the abyssal breath emanating from the abyssal corruption rune did not have such a strong attack and corruption power, and Leo, who was enveloped by it, let alone his own clothes, had no Affected by the slightest bit, the Abyssal Fallen Rune emitting the Abyssal Aura is not the only one under his feet, but the Abyssal Fallen runes in the entire Huajing City emit the Abyssal Aura, and this somewhat mutated Abyssal Aura is even for ordinary people It has not been affected in any way, at least on the surface.

Just when Leo wanted to capture a breath of the abyss and study it carefully, these breaths of the abyss were quickly integrated into the natural force permeating the entire Huajing City in the resonance reaction of the surrounding shamanistic natural totem poles. Even Leo, who was always staring at the abyssal breath, could not stop this fusion. Even after the fusion, he could not perceive the existence of the abyssal breath at all, as if everything he perceived before was just an illusion.

At this time, when he used the spiritual net to search for the abyssal rune underground, he found that the abyssal rune seemed to have been destroyed, and he could no longer feel any abyssal breath from it.

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