Ouyang Feng squinted his eyes, not knowing what Fu Zhi wanted to do, but he could guess something roughly, and nodded.

With his promise, Fu Zhi was relieved, and with a burst of anger hidden in his heart, he directly asked the math class representative to lead the way.

At this moment, in the great hall of No. 1 Middle School.

This class was originally He Ming's class, but the class representative of Class 21 had an important matter to discuss with the teacher and rejected this class.

Therefore, there are only boys from Hangyuan who are competing with No. 1 Middle School and students from Class 21 in this conference hall.

Because it is already the third year of high school and facing the pressure of the college entrance examination, the basketball team now has fewer students in the third year of high school and more students in the second year of high school.

It's just that, since the last time the two schools' fraternity ball game was played by the third-year students, this exam was also a PK between the third-year students of the two schools.

The test questions are freshly released test questions downloaded from the Internet by the professional teachers of the two schools.

When Fu Zhi was taken by the math class representative, he happened to see a boy from Hangyuan standing up holding a sign that said 'I'm an idiot'.

Fu Zhi remembered that boy, named Chen Shan.

Looking at the entire hall, all the students from Hangyuan are there, even the dean and Wu Zhiyou are also there.

Chen Shan stood up, smiling very cheaply, held up the sign, and shook it in front of Song Fang, as if he was very sorry.

"You said, what's worse than people who are so far away from us, it has to be better than learning! Our Hangyuan, even the worst student, is much better than the above-average students here, okay?!"

His sign waved in front of Song Fang's eyes, "I asked you to raise the sign, it's really a bit of a shame for your handsome guy. How about this, you slip under my crotch, and this matter is over, how about it?"

Chen Shan's calf was resting on the desk, and he looked sideways at Song Fang, who was blushing.

The students from Class 21 next to him took a look at Chen Shan, feeling as if they had eaten a fly.

Whether it's raising a sign or getting under his crotch, it's an insult to him!

They are not children of a certain age, they are the age with the strongest self-esteem!

Although the promise should be fulfilled if the bet is lost, but at the same time as fulfilling the promise, he made such an insulting action, which is really difficult to explain and very provocative.

Song Fang didn't say a word, but wanted to take the sign away.

"Oh—! Don't worry!"

Chen Shan withdrew his hand cheaply, and looked at the group of teammates behind him, "Why do you have to choose an election card and call yourself a fool in front of everyone? Everyone knows the trouble, how ugly! Brothers, today I'll be the master, as long as he turns around from my crotch, how about everyone walking around him? No one should tell this kind of thing to the outside world!"

The few boys who were with Chen Shan felt elated.

The day of the exchange between the two schools has arrived, and they are about to leave.

I thought I would leave in disgrace, but who knew there would be such a big turning point!

The boys approached step by step, one of them was a tall man with a relatively raw face, he didn't look like a student, passed by his hips? It's so simple, Shanzi, you are just too good-tempered. Do you know how I dealt with that cheap man who joined forces with others to fight against me last time and made me unable to get off the stage? "

"How to deal with it?"

The man walked in a little bit, "I found a big backer by myself, just jumped around with me, I directly took someone to tie him up, and didn't show any color, I really thought I was a character."

Chen Shan glanced at Song Fang's direction, and asked, "What happens after you tie it up?"

"I left the person there, but an old lady passing by called the police and sent him to the hospital."

Another boy was also excited, "I just lost some money, and the parents didn't dare to care about it, so they were dragged away by the child! I laughed so hard, if Song Fang wants to raise a sign, he will serve like this."

Chen Shan watched Song Fang's face getting darker and darker, the young man held back his breath, clenched his fists, and sighed: "Oh, I want to make a big problem smaller, but the other party doesn't appreciate it!"

"Go to Nima and turn the big thing into a small one!" Wang Yu was about to rush up with his fists in his hands, "Come at me if you have anything, don't just go to me and Fangge, who are a group of men threatening and insulting here? I have been drinking since I was a child." Is the old man who grew up with wolf milk afraid of you?"

"Brother Wang, keep a low profile!" The Fat Sports Committee grabbed Wang Yu who was about to take off, sweating profusely.

Song Fang pulled the cards in Chen Shan's hand. He frowned, suppressed his anger, and said word by word: "No need, you can leave with whatever conditions you agree on. I'll go to the playground and shout during class breaks."

"Oh~~" Chen Shan retracted his legs, and the boys from Hangyuan around him started to laugh.

There was undisguised sarcasm in that smile.

They mocked Class 21 for their poor grades, mocked Class 21 for being overconfident, and mocked Song Fang for running around his school with a sign saying 'I'm an idiot'.

It's not that they want to laugh, but that the picture is so beautiful!

The students in class 21 couldn't bear to hear that Song Fang, who had been the last one, was insulted one after another.

Especially the few girls in the class, Su Xing's eyes were red when he woke up, "The reason why we lost is entirely because you found a classmate to rebel, otherwise the average score of our school students would definitely not be lower than yours ! It was you who cheated, regardless of face!"

"Sun Tzu's Art of War also says that soldiers never tire of cheating. What's the matter, our strategy and tactics are still questioned by you as shameless? Do you mean that the people who wrote the Art of War are also shameless?"

"If I'm not strong enough, I'll start looking for other people's reasons when I lose."

"Is it that difficult to admit that you are not good enough? Song Fang even agreed to run away. What are you doing here to claim to be righteous? Run with him if you have the ability. If you don't have the ability, you have to admit that our school is amazing!"


It can be said that Hangyuan has a thousand and ten thousand reasons to make this matter black and white in terms of quarrels.

Wu Zhiyou, who was sitting in the back row, wanted to accuse these boys from the same school several times, but finally, under the pull of several girls around him, he didn't even say a word.

"Chen Shan and the others are giving our school such a bad breath. We are going to leave. If we haven't won a game, how can we explain it?"

"That's right, Zhiyou, so many of our crew members have suddenly turned away. This time, if you don't let Chen Shan and the others stand up and show some courage, then everyone will say that Hangyuan is connected to a remote mountainous area. No small school can compare, who will come to your private school again?"

"We know you like Fu Zhi, but this kind of thing should be prioritized."

"Think about your dad and your brother! Your brother is so screwed up that he's not in the mood to go to school!"

However, this was originally just a bet, as long as you promise to do it. It's not glorious enough for Hangyuan to win, but he deliberately went to humiliate Song Fang again!

Chen Shan stood in front of Song Fang, swaying back and forth, just to suppress Song Fang mentally.

Wu Zhiyou pursed her lips.

Outside the door, Fu Zhi's mouth curled into a sneer.

As soon as she raised her hand, she directly pushed open the door of the great hall, using a lot of strength.

With a sound of "Boom--", the door slammed into the wall fiercely.

The little girl was full of hostility.

The originally chaotic classroom was suddenly quiet for a moment because of its appearance.

Subconsciously looking out the door.

Chen Shan paused in his heart.

Under Fu Zhi's gaze, the legs that had just been placed on the chair suddenly became hot and tingling.

"It's Fu Zhi, why is she here again?!"

"Justice will come from heaven." Wu Zhiyou answered.

The girl next to her glanced at her, as if asking her if she had figured out the situation and realized which side she was on.

Wu Zhiyou spread his hands, "Anyway, if it's a fair game, you can do whatever you want, but now, Chen Shan seems to be the one who uses unscrupulous means."

Fu Zhi walked in very indifferently.

Song Fang noticed that he felt guilty for a moment, and quickly took two steps back.

After reacting, I was a little aggrieved.

These idiots let him drill his crotch! Even let him not lift!

Fu Zhi walked directly in front of Chen Shan, and picked up the wooden chair in front of the podium with one hand.

As soon as Chen Shan came out of the hospital, he said that he had a bad feeling about why his eyelids were twitching all the time today. Sure enough, the ancients did not deceive him!

Chen Shan hurriedly hid behind the tall classmate.

That boy has a lot of dark circles and bags under his eyes. He smells bad all over his body. He was temporarily transferred to stay here for three days because of some problems in Wu Zhiheng's family and he couldn't continue to study in No. 1 Middle School. .

The boy didn't have a comprehensive understanding of Fu Zhi.

Facing Fu Zhi's direction, he exhaled the smoke ring, and said frivolously, "What's the matter? Little sister, also from class 21? Do you want to seek justice?"

He looked Fu Zhi up and down, "Little sister is in good shape, so just say hello, and brother won't let your classmate go out to embarrass others."

Now, Fu Zhi couldn't help but speak. Song Fang, who had been admonishing himself to be rational, turned his head on and rushed forward, "Are you going to die? Is my sister Zhi also worthy of contamination by an ordinary person like you?"

He tried to use violence to solve the problem, but Fu Zhi reached out and stopped him.

Under Song Fang's puzzled gaze, Fu Zhi raised his eyes, hooked his lips, and glanced at the boy's badge, "Li Kunpeng, right? Are you hitting a girl?"

"Ah," Li Kunpeng was stunned for a moment, now he knew who the little girl in front of him was, and his desire to conquer became stronger, and he said, "Then I won't fight."

Fu Zhi weighed the stool in his hand again, "Then we can't be together."

"What's the matter, sister, do you like this?"

"That's not it. I like to violence others. I'm afraid that if you don't fight back, you won't be able to bear it."

"Sister, you love to joke too much."

Without waiting for Chen Shan to stop him, Li Kunpeng directly lowered his head, pointed to his own head, and leaned in front of Fu Zhi, "Little sister, how strong are you, I will let you hit me, are you willing to hit me?"

"Come on, brother will give you a chance, you hit him on the head, let him see what violence is?"

Song Fang: "..."

Class 21 students: "???"

There are also those who are reincarnated?

Is this boy really sick?

Chen Shan didn't dare to think about the consequences of letting Fu Zhi go on violently!

He stretched out his hand to pull Li Kunpeng, "Brother, you will die! Don't do it! The organization sent you down to complete the task, not to die heroically! You can't let your parents down because of your parents!"

"Let go!"

Chen Shan shouted heartbreakingly, but Li Kunpeng didn't give him any face at all.

He only told Fu Zhi, "If you have the ability, hit me on the forehead, if you don't, then--"

There was a loud noise of "哐——".

The sawdust on the bench that was pinched and hit on the head flew all over the place.

Chen Shan covered his eyes, and he could see blood flowing from Li Kunpeng's head through the gap between his fingertips.

Li Kunpeng raised his hand slowly, touched the warm liquid on his forehead, handed it to his eyes, then stared at Fu Zhi with wide eyes in disbelief, and passed out in the next second due to dizziness.

Fu Zhi put down the chair and spread his hands, "I can't help it. It is my duty as a student of No. 1 middle school to respect the demands of every student in the rival school."

Hangyuan: "..."

I don't see you fulfilling your obligations at ordinary times, but when it's critical, it shows you the fucking way!

Fu Zhi stood on the small chair that just hit someone. The chair was not high, so it would make her a head taller than the boy in Hangyuan opposite.

Fu Zhi casually pulled the cards in Song Fang's hand, looked at them, and threw them directly on the table.

The thickness of the card is not too thin, and it fell on the table, so it made a crisp sound.

"Is it interesting to have an exchange between the two schools like this?" She sneered, "You can't even compete fairly in the ivory tower, so you can imagine what it will be like after leaving the school!"

"You are a hero now, and you have learned well, but don't ask us what you say. It's not your turn to tell us what kind of people we are!"

The man in Hangyuan stood up, unwilling to hear what Fu Zhi said.

It seemed that the next sentence would accuse Fu Zhi of 'why not eat minced meat. '

But what did they do wrong? They just want to bring glory to the school, and the PK between the two schools must have one party suffer enough bullying before it will be reflected in the other party!

"What kind of people are you?"

Fu Zhi raised his eyes to look at the students in Hangyuan, and smiled angrily, "Take the international super-class problems, which you can't solve yourself, to embarrass the students in our school, negotiate with the captain of our school's cheerleading, let She said she was sick and couldn't do the opening dance for the basketball team, disrespected the rules of the game, deliberately stimulated Song Fang to compete, and privately asked the boys in the first class to play Song Fang! Do you deserve to be called individuals if you do such a thing?"

"Yes, the environment in No. 1 Middle School is not good, and the teaching equipment is not as advanced as yours, but at least every teacher and student here has received a comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor! They will not participate in unfair competition."

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