The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise

256 Fu Zhi is Fu Chao's Daughter 2

"Haha." Fu Chao said concisely, "If the others are gone, he will die suddenly tonight."

Mr. Dong: "???"

Mr. Dong was very confused. He thought this was an opportunity to get in touch with the Fu family, but now the atmosphere doesn't seem right.

Although Fu Chao is young, his business skills are very admirable. Some people are born in Vanity Fair, regardless of starting point or age. Mr. Dong intuitively felt that his son had offended such a person, and his face turned pale.

He pondered for a moment, "I don't know what the dog has done wrong, I will ask him to make amends for you."

Fu Chao didn't hesitate, "It's not right for your son to breathe now, understand?"

Mr. Dong: "..."

Mr. Dong didn't know how to answer.

Fu Chao didn't bother with him, he was very straightforward, "Fu Zhi is my daughter, Dong Cun is a waste and wants to fight for her father, he is not even worthy to carry my daughter's shoes!"

Fu Chao hung up the phone.

Mr. Dong's expression became more rigid.

He had never heard that Fu Chao had a daughter.

Illegal daughter, goddaughter, or something else.

In short, Fu Chao's attitude made it clear that he wanted to kill his son.

Du Min knew that the old man was too utilitarian, and said solemnly: "If Mr. Dong can't give us an explanation for Mr. Fu, I think there will be many people who are willing to seek justice for Mr. Fu."

Du Min left the Dong family.

Mr. Dong sat slumped on the chair for a long time, then hurriedly went to call Dong Cun.

But it can't get through, it shows that the opposite side is turned off.

He panicked in a cold heart, and ordered his servants, "Set up a plane, I'm going to City A now, this pervert!"


When Lu Chuwan informed Dong Cun that she had an accident, Dong Cun was coming out of the laboratory. His mobile phone was out of power early in the morning and had not been charged. He and Lu Jingqing arrived at the hospital one after the other.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon. Lu Jingqing and Dong Cun only knew what happened after hearing Lu Chuwan's explanation.

Lu Jingqing frowned, feeling amused: "You said she took your medicine? She needs to take your medicine? This is ridiculous."

Although Fu Zhi didn't take any medicine during this period of time, and only asked Lu Jingqing and Xu Wei to make tea with flowers, Lu Jingqing did not believe that his daughter would do such a thing.

"Do you think this is absurd? There are the same pills and porcelain bottles as mine in her cupboard. Isn't it stealing?" Lu Chuwan was used to the partiality of Lu Jingqing's family, with a cold face, not even calling her second uncle, He sneered: "She took my medicine because she didn't like me. If she doesn't have a guilty conscience, why would she find someone to kill me before I go to the police station to tell her?"

Speaking of the murder, Dong Cun also said: "This is not the first time this has happened to her."

"I respect you as an elder, so I'm calm and reasonable here, but," Lu Chuwan raised her head to look at Lu Jingqing, "You blindly cover up her crimes, which makes me really chill."

Lu Jingqing: "..."

What's so chilling about this?

Does he have a problem maintaining his daughter?

However, Lu Chuwan's matter is more complicated. Stealing, Lu Jingqing is sure that Fu Zhi has never done it, but buying a murderer and killing someone, Lu Chuwan is really miserable.

He had to find out the matter before he could return his daughter's innocence.

"Second brother, your own daughter, discipline yourself well!"

Bai Yao looked at Lu Jingqing.

Lu Jingqing said, "I've already called, and Zhizhi will be here soon."

And the director of this hospital, Lu Jingqing was well prepared.


Fu Zhi and Lu Yumo came quickly.

As soon as he came in, Bai Yao rushed up: "You murderer!"

Her eyes widened, as if she had planned a long time ago, and she picked up the remote control, "Little bitch, what is your identity, how dare you find someone to beat our family Wanwan!"

Bai Yao has always been willing to beat and scold children from other families.

She was arrogant and arrogant, and she was bound to win in front of Xu Wei.

Now that Fu Zhi has done something wrong and almost killed someone, she must not discipline her properly?

Her words made Fu Zhi's eyes cold, and her delicate face endured the cold for a day.

Bai Yao's strength was not light, and the remote control in his hand smashed straight at Fu Zhi's face.

Fu Zhi had already stepped aside when she rushed over.

The remote control hit the ground and was torn apart.

"You buy murder and kill, your elders educate you, how dare you hide?!"

Bai Yao tilted her head, rolled up her sleeves, raised her hand again, and said viciously, "What kind of orphan in an orphanage knows to lie at a young age, and came to our Lu family to earn inheritance! Hurry back, don't kill my Wanwan!"

Can you get out of jail?


Bai Yao sincerely wanted to call Lu Chuwan back.

Fu Zhi grabbed Lu Yumo, followed by taking out a sharp army thorn from his pocket and aimed it at Bai Yao's face.

Bai Yao's rushing footsteps stopped under the cold light of the thorns that had opened the blade.

Fu Zhi's blade slapped her face, and Bai Yao felt that her face was cut, and warm blood dripped down her skin.

She saw the coldness in Fu Zhi's eyes, and the impatient ruthlessness.

Inexplicably, my heart skipped a beat, and I didn't dare to cry anymore.

"Before the matter was investigated, you were so cruel. I was young, and I was overly defensive. At most, I was coaxed by the state to appease you. You are dead, but you are really dead."

The sharp blade patted Bai Yao's face.

Fu Zhi spoke indifferently, her eyes were deep, like an endless night, for no reason, Lu Chuwan thought of Ye Jiu's eyes.

A knife, or a military thorn, a serious child, who would bring such a thing?

Bai Yao was angry and afraid, and directly questioned Lu Jingqing, her voice trembling: "Second brother, your daughter is like this, knowing the law and breaking the law, you still don't care?"

Just watching Fu Zhi slap her face with a knife?

Even the country coaxed her to appease her, if it weren't for a senior Shen Jingbing, she wouldn't be able to say such a thing!

"Sister-in-law, whoever beats people, must not be ready to be beaten." Lu Jingqing glanced at Bai Yao, "I'm looking for Zhizhi to reason with you, you beat people indiscriminately, and my daughter calls back, I don't think anything is wrong."

The atmosphere at the scene was very quiet for a while, even Lu Chuwan was honest and did not dare to move.

Dong Cun looked at Fu Zhi with indifferent eyes. He had thrown an olive branch to Fu Zhi before, but Fu Zhi didn't want it. He looked down on the weak who couldn't grasp the opportunity, but he also knew that if the orchid in the laboratory was exhausted, there might be more. Need Fu Zhi.

It's just that Fu Zhi did such a few things today, which made Dong Cun extremely disdainful.

She doesn't even have the most basic bottom line of being a human being.

Pointing at Bai Yao with a knife, do you still want to kill?

It's so brainless to be able to do this kind of illegal thing in front of everyone's eyes, and Lu Chuwan said that Fu Zhi's brothers, Fu Zhi never mentioned it, presumably because he was too shrewd.

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