The most reckless man in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 184 A vicious plan! Wei Zhang died in battle!


Wei Zhang led a thousand soldiers to come here.

Among the three major coastal defense camps, Wendeng Camp protrudes into the sea and alone blocks the danger of coastal defense in eastern Shandong. It has jurisdiction over the four defenses of Ninghai, Weihai, Chengshan and Jinghai.

It turned out that the leader of the Bendeng camp was Bian Xiong's nephew Bian Yuda, a dandy who rose to power through the back door. He was later captured and imprisoned by the Marquis of Zhongshan.

After the Marquis of Zhongshan was forced to lead his army to Qingzhou to quell the rebellion, Wei Zhang discussed with Xu Tianci (a descendant of Xu Da), the commander of the remaining Beijing army, and decided to first clean up the borers and rice bugs in the three major camps of Haiphong, and prepare for the war. Next, prepare for the Marquis’ plan.

So Wei Zhang took a thousand soldiers from the Beijing army and went straight to the Wendeng camp.

After all, Bian Yuda was once the commander-in-chief of the Wendeng camp, which caused the four guards of Ninghai, Weihai, Chengshan, and Jinghai to become corrupted. The middle and high-level generals were either his confidants or became his lackeys. Naturally, he would rather kill these bastards than let them go. Pass!

After nearly half a month, the three guards of Ninghai, Weihai, and Jinghai had been eliminated, and only the Chengshan guard remained.

Wouldn’t it be nice for everyone to cultivate the fields in peace and contentment?

No enemy will come here anyway!

They still have to pay rent and earn food rations. Otherwise, what will a family of three eat?

Wei Zhang endured the sadness in his heart and explained patiently.

"According to the order of Marquis Zhongshan, conduct an inventory of coastal guard posts and strengthen the defense of Chengshan Guard!"

But now, one by one of them, all of them have their heads chopped off and are hanging here!

In addition, due to the hereditary inheritance of officers in the guard station, the fields that should have been the army directly became the private property of these guards officers and generals, while Ding, a soldier at the bottom of the army, became a serf who plowed the land for them, let alone They were doing daily exercises to defend themselves against the enemy. They were all so thin that they were just skin and bones, which made people feel distressed just looking at them.

But Wei Zhang did not back down, but became more fierce and brave.

So this time, we can only rely on the Beijing soldiers in front of us!

This was all stolen money confiscated from homes, and it came from those corrupt and bribed guards officers. In essence, it was the people's wealth and money plundered from these low-level sergeants. Therefore, Wei Zhang was actually "returning the property to its original owner." Naturally, there was nothing wrong with it. Distressed.

The thorn-headed criminals of the Zhan Pei Battalion finally found a place to vent their anger!

A Japanese pirate rushed towards Wei Zhang, howling and stabbing Wei Zhang in the heart.

Now, Wei Zhang finally had his chance.

The more than 500 sergeants of Chengshan Guard had just picked up the sword again, and they were not used to it from farmers to sergeants. If they were allowed to fight against Japanese pirates at this time, they might not even know how they would die.

Starting from his grandfather Wei Qing, resisting Japanese aggression was his lifelong glory.

Especially Wei Zhang, the commander of the Beiwadu Division, gave himself two hard slaps.

"Leave immediately and go back to General Tianci for help!"

"Brothers from the Beijing Army, it's up to you this time!"

This brutal battle lasted from late at night to dawn.

All the resentment and anger they had accumulated in their hearts over the years burst out at this moment, turning into wanton and crazy laughter.

This is the sound of warning for help when an enemy is attacking!

Wei Zhang was immediately shocked. After standing up and listening carefully, he suddenly woke up.

Fortunately, he eliminated Chengshanwei one step ahead of time!

But he suppressed his anger and ordered people to take the heads of the Chengshan Guard officers and generals and hang them on the top of the city.

"These officers and generals who usually oppress and enslave you have all been beheaded by me, and their heads are here!"

"Don't worry, I'm here!"

Xu Tianci stepped forward and closed Wei Zhang's eyes, then looked towards the still fierce battlefield.

But on this night, a shocking change happened!

The only thing he can do now is to compensate these guard sergeants as much as possible, and then with the full support of Zhongshan Marquis, re-establish a coastal Japanese defense system, and even follow Zhongshan Marquis to go to sea to suppress Japanese pirates, and completely kill those bastards who do all kinds of evil!

"Go quickly!"

Is it possible that the Japanese pirates are really coming to attack?

When he thought of this, Wei Zhang felt a little scared and a little lucky!

If Chengshan Guard were in the same state as before, if Japanese pirates attacked in large numbers, Chengshan Guard would not be able to withstand it at all, and innocent people within a hundred miles would suffer as a result!

"You rush back immediately to ask for help. I will lead my brothers to stay here and bite them as much as possible. The Japanese pirates can only ride on the wind. They will not be able to leave without the sea breeze at dawn. When General Tianci leads the reinforcements, these four thousand If the Japanese pirates are dealt with in one go, the people along the coast will no longer suffer from Japanese pirates’ plunder in a short time!”

Rather than gathering here to listen to the lectures of the military officers, they would rather go back to the fields to cultivate. After all, if there is no good harvest and the rent cannot be paid, they don’t know what these military officers will do to them!

Seeing the cowardly and restless looks of these guardsmen, Wei Zhang felt his heart bleed.

"And their ships are often flat-bottomed and cannot break waves. They can only sail with the wind. If there is no wind or headwind, they will tip the mast and swing the oar and cannot turn, so they can only sail with the wind!"

"My sons, pick up your weapons and return to your posts!"

"We must catch up!"

When Wei Zhang arrived at Chengshan Guard, all the officers and generals were frightened.

More than five hundred guardsmen were all stunned on the spot, staring blankly at the bloody heads.

If he had not chosen to give in and compromise, and had not let the beast Bian Xiong put his hand into Beiwa Dusi, these soldiers of the third coastal defense battalion would not have lived so hard!

It is a pity that since then, Ming Dynasty has become ill, so ill that no matter whether it is the court or the local government, he likes to do business with Japanese pirates and other miscellaneous people, and they all like to make profits from them.

"Your duty is not to cultivate the fields, but to protect the borders for our Ming Dynasty!"

I don't know why, but the more than 500 sergeants at the guard suddenly felt very relieved.

According to the pattern of Japanese pirates' incursions, the Ming Dynasty adjusted measures to the current conditions, using March to May to prevent Japanese major floods, September and October to prevent Japanese minor floods, and would increase vigilance at each corresponding time.

"Brothers, while the Marquis is away, kill a few more Japanese pirates and do meritorious service!"

Hearing this, a thousand soldiers burst into laughter.

Encouraged by the food and salary, these battered guard sergeants were finally willing to leave the fields they had cultivated for more than ten years and resume training and duty.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Zhang began to inspect the coastal defense, and first discovered that it was very lax.

Until one person had the courage to ask, "Sir, why should we... wait and see?"

Seeing this scene, the thornheads of Zhan Pei Camp were immediately unhappy.

Wei Zhang didn't waste any time and directly ordered all the officers and generals to be beheaded in public display!

In special times, important scriptures can calm people's hearts!

Wei Zhang immediately put on his armor and came out with his sword.

With the temperament and temperament of that thief Zhongshan Hou, it is really possible for him to do such a thing.

Wei Zhang laughed and nodded when he saw this, and then immediately led his army to the water village to rescue.

They had long heard about what happened in Beiwa Dusi in recent days, so they immediately panicked when faced with the commander who came to investigate.

"The main Japanese pirates are the Three Island Japanese pirates. Counting them together, there will not be more than 5,000 Japanese pirates, so these Japanese pirates in front of us are the main force!"

With red eyes, he looked at everyone and shouted loudly: "From today on, no one will dare to oppress and enslave you!"

"Otherwise, when he comes back, he will kill less and still be scolded!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Wei Zhang grabbed the Qianhu of the Beijing Army by the neck and shouted: "I have just calculated that the Japanese pirate ships are different from our Ming Dynasty ships. The space is small. The larger ones can accommodate 300 people, and the medium ones can accommodate 100 or 200 people." , as small as 40 to 50 people, 70 to 80 people...the Japanese pirates’ strength should be around 4,000!”

"I am Xuancheng Boweizhang, the commander of the Beiwadu Division!"

However, Wei Zhang suddenly felt a cold feeling on his back, followed by a slight pain. Without looking back, he swept his sword backwards to force the enemy back, and then he turned around and knocked away the head of the Japanese pirate who sneaked up on him.

Wei Zhang thought about the feasible options at present, and then fell into a drowsy sleep.

"Yes, if we stop farming, what will happen to the harvest? What will happen to the rent? What will happen to the military rations for the next year?"

The more than 500 farmers looked at Wei Zhang on the high platform with bewildered expressions. They didn't understand what happened to deserve the fuss made by these military officers.

Wei Zhang had actually been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Wei Zhang summoned all the sergeants of the Chengshan Guard, and under his jurisdiction was the Xunshan Bei Imperial Empress Qianhu Station. According to the establishment, there should be about 2,000 soldiers, but at this moment, there were only more than 500 people gathered in the school grounds, and they were all of the same color. farmer.

"You are not farmers, but sergeants of my Ming Guards!"

"There won't be any wars in this place, and no foreign enemies will attack. Why is this happening?"

"Wei Zhang, they are here for you. You are the commander of the Biwadu Division. This is a trap set by Bian Xiong against you!"

But it is already the end of May. If these Japanese pirates really want to plunder the Ming Dynasty, they are afraid that they will come in March and April. How can they wait until now, and it is the time when Wei Zhang comes to rectify the mountain guards!

So even a fool would like to know who these Japanese pirates are coming for!

Bian Xiong wants Wei Zhang to die!

Wei Zhang's heart sank to the bottom, and he felt that he had nowhere to vent his sorrow and anger.

Qianhu looked at Wei Zhang with a blank face, and couldn't help but roared: "What on earth do you want to say?"

A famous guard sergeant raised questions. They really couldn't understand why they did this.

Why is there an enemy attack here?

As soon as he finished speaking, the expected cheers did not happen at all.

Ten days passed like this. Wei Zhang, the commander of the Beiwa Dusi, even went to Haishuizhai in person, and used the same method to organize military affairs, awakening the blood of the lower-level sergeants who had been squeezed to the point of being extinguished, and the entire Chengshan Guard also Hence the new look.

He couldn't understand why a beast like Bian Xiong could hold a high position, and he couldn't understand even more why the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty Guards had fallen to this level!

You are a guard officer, how can you act blindly?

Immediately, hand-to-hand combat broke out.

There was a massacre on the beach, but the cooperation of the Beijing army soldiers was obviously more powerful. Even if the five-man team was in operation, it could still hold on even if more than ten or twenty Japanese pirates attacked. Facing the same number of enemies, it was simply impossible. Just crushing and killing!

A Qianhu from the Beijing Army nodded and said with a smile: "Don't worry, General Wei, we are here to suppress the Japanese!"

After Wei Zhang led his men to clean up the small group of Japanese pirates in the water village, he looked towards the beach not far away with the help of firelight, but his scalp was suddenly numb with shock.

"Death, finally death, evil people will be punished!"

Today, it is simply too difficult to build a ship!

Xu Tianci's body was still stained with blood, and he almost went through a big battle before he came.

Since Marquis Zhongshan wanted to go to sea to suppress the Japanese, warships were indispensable.

He looked at Wei Zhang in disbelief, but the latter pushed him hard.

Hey, how novel it is, soldiers have never seen food and pay!

Wei Zhang didn't waste any time, and directly asked the soldiers to carry carts of food over, and then distributed it one by one to the more than 500 sergeants of the guard station.

Wei Zhang spoke impassionedly on the stage, but the more than 500 people in the audience looked confused.

The next moment, these Japanese pirates looked at each other, and then rushed towards Wei Zhang crazily.

When Xu Tianci and his army arrived, Wei Zhang was standing with his sword in hand, wounds all over his body, and he had already lost his breath.

The Japanese pirate slashed Wei Zhang's back with a knife, opening a gash more than a foot long. The leather armor was split open, the flesh and blood rolled around, and the clothes on his back were soaked with blood in an instant.

"From now on, all military strongholds will repair their border walls, inspect each checkpoint and pass more intensively, and set up traps."

"What you will do in the future is not to farm the fields, but to guard the border. The food and salary that should be distributed to you will never be in arrears!"

Even so, the more than 500 guardsmen were moved to tears. They even knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Wei Zhang, shouting "Master Qingtian"!

Seeing this scene, Wei Zhang felt even more unhappy.

In the middle of the night, a rapid and harsh banging sound suddenly came from the water village not far away.

Therefore, there has not been a war in Chengshan Guard for many years, and the Ming Guard Army, when the world was at peace, was mainly engaged in farming and reclamation of military land, because they also had to pay a certain amount of taxes to the court.

"Now, I will compensate you for the wages that have been deducted from you in the past three years!"

After dawn, corpses were everywhere on the beach, and the tidal flats seemed to be stained red with blood.

After Wei Zhang stepped aside, he grabbed the Japanese pirate's neck with his left hand and pushed it down. With a thud, the Japanese pirate's head hit the stone, and his scalp exploded. Wei Zhang took advantage of the situation and chopped it off with a knife, turning his head upside down. Fei fell to the ground, and the blood in his neck spurted out, spilling a mist of blood.

Then Qianhu turned around and left resolutely. This was Wei Zhang's last request. He would help him complete whatever he said!

Watching Qianhu leave, Wei Zhang tore off the cloth and tied the sword to his hand.

"Don't you bastards want to kill me? Come on!"

Five more days have passed, and the time is almost up. Wei Zhang is preparing to return to Dengzhou Shuicheng tomorrow to discuss the next plan with Xu Tianci, the commander of the Beijing army.

Qianhu gritted his teeth and roared with red eyes: "The soldiers of the Zhanbeibing Battalion obey the orders, obey the command of General Wei Zhang, and fight to the death!"

However, the number of Japanese pirates was too much. There were four times the number of Japanese pirates, and even the soldiers of the beheading camp also suffered many casualties.

He wanted to tell these Japanese pirates that he wanted to chop off the heads of these bastards!

This is Daming!

Anyone who disturbs our mountains and rivers will be killed!


Most of the sergeants at the guard station still looked numb, or they didn't understand Wei Zhang's words at all.

A thousand warriors have already gathered, all covered with armor, gathering urgently. Everyone is holding torches and pressing the hilts of knives at their waists, ready for action at any time.

In fact, this is understandable. After all, whether it was the Hongzhi Dynasty or the Zhengde Dynasty, or earlier, the local gentry colluded with the Coast Guard and began to cooperate with the Japanese pirates to smuggle goods for profit. Under this model, the Japanese pirates naturally did not They will be so full that they have nothing to do. They have to come and rob them, which ruins the cooperative model.

Generally speaking, Japanese pirates often cross the sea around the Qingming Festival and after the Double Ninth Festival. They often take advantage of the southeast wind or the south wind to cross to northern coastal areas, such as Shandong and Liaodong.

When they arrived at the water village, they were horrified to find that there were too many Japanese pirates!

Needless to say, the soldiers of the Beijing army pounced directly on these Japanese pirates, regardless of whether they were real Japanese or not, they just killed them!

Even though most of them were Han bandits, under the guise of Japanese bandits, they ravaged the people along the coast, raped, plundered, and committed all kinds of evil. This was enough for them to die thousands of times!

For a time, flames shot into the sky and fighting continued.

"Look at Song Qianhu, look at his stubborn expression, does he look like my daughter who committed suicide after being raped by him?"

Qianhu of the Beijing army immediately realized that something was wrong and roared: "Damn it, these densely packed ships are all Japanese pirate warships. They are not ordinary Japanese pirates, but organized Japanese troops!"

In fact, Qianhu who rushed back to report the news were intercepted and killed, but he was smart enough not to take the pipeline, but escaped through the trail.

But he would definitely not leave just like that. Not to mention abandoning these Beijing army robes, if he left, what if these Japanese pirates took advantage of the situation and invaded Chengshan Guard?

The people in the entire radius of a hundred miles will suffer because of this!

"Don't leave!"

Of course they knew these people. They were the senior military officers who usually beat and scolded them, the lower-level sergeants. If the harvest of the fields they were responsible for failed, they would be hung up by these military officers and whipped...

"From now on, no one will ask you for rent. These fields are all the fields of the guards. You only need to pay taxes and grain to the court on time. Do you understand?"

In fact, the rent they paid in the past was also collected by the officers and gentlemen of the guard station in the name of paying taxes and grain to the court, so there seemed to be no difference between the two parties at all.

He roared angrily at the crowd of Japanese pirates who were watching eagerly: "Come on! I am Wei Zhang!"

He also left part of it, not for corruption of course, but for the purpose of repairing the city walls, military strongholds, etc., so he only distributed three years of food and salary to these low-level sergeants.

"In addition, the ordnance in the arsenal must be reorganized and useless ones selected. All officers and soldiers must return to their posts and be ready for action..."

Wei Zhang spoke sincerely, with a look of hope on his face.

In terms of the current number of warships in the three coastal defense battalions, if we want to transport the 13,000 elite soldiers under Zhongshan Hou, including the guardsmen who can prepare Japanese troops for a battle, out to sea to suppress the Japanese at one time, That's simply impossible!

Therefore, we must find a way to get more warships!

However, during the Xuande period, the Ming Dynasty completely reduced its defense lines, stopped Zheng He's voyages to the West, and implemented an extremely stringent maritime ban policy. As a result, all the major shipyards along the coast were abandoned. Then a large number of coastal people lost their livelihoods or fled and became refugees. , or become tenants in the gentry's fields.

As soon as these words came out, Qianhu was stunned.

Qianhu roared angrily, revealing the secret in one sentence.

Hearing these shocking words, Wei Zhang felt more and more guilty.

Wei Zhang's next words successfully mobilized everyone's enthusiasm.

"Soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, kill!"

Wei Zhang rushed to the front with his sword in hand.

After living for so many years, this was the first time they saw people paying them wages.

"In addition, you will get the corresponding food and salary every month. This is what you deserve!"

But his eyes were still wide open, as if waiting for something.

"Kill them all!"

"Leave no one behind!"

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