Ma Teng is now facing a life and death situation.

If Ma Teng had no foreign aid, the battle between South Korea and Horse would end with the demise of the Ma family.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain.

Ma Teng believed that Han Sui would not let Ma go.

Wen Sheng had already seen Ma's plight, so he believed that this mission would definitely be successful.


After Wen Sheng left, Ma Chao wanted to persuade Ma Teng not to trust Zhou Cheng.

However, before Ma Chao could speak, Ma Teng said to Ma Chao:"Meng Qi, do you remember your ancestor Ma Tong? Today, the survival or death of the Ma family depends on Zhou Cheng's thoughts. Do you know?"

Ma is a famous general in the Warring States Period and Ma Fujun. The descendants of Zhao She, whose original surname was Ma Fu, were later simplified to the single surname Ma.

Ma Yuan's great-grandfather Ma Tong was a minister during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty.

Ma Tong and his brother Ma Heluo had a friendly relationship with his favored minister Jiang Chong and participated in the witchcraft rebellion.

Later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty reflected on the disaster of witchcraft and began to punish those who participated in creating the witchcraft chaos.

Ma Heluo was so worried that he took the risk and conspired with Ma Tong and Ma Ancheng to assassinate Emperor Wu.

However, his conspiracy was discovered and stopped by Jin Rixi, and the Maholo brothers and clan were executed.

At the end of the New Dynasty, Ma Yuan took refuge with the Longyou warlord Wei Xiao and was highly regarded by him.

Later, he returned to Shunguang Emperor Liu Xiu and made great military exploits for Liu Xiu to unify the world.

After the unification, although Ma Yuan was already old, he still sent troops to conquer the east and west, defeated the Longqiang in the west, Jiaozhi in the south, and Wuhuan in the north. He was promoted to General Fubo and granted the title of Xinxihou. He was known as"Ma Fubo" in the world. His demeanor of being old and strong, and shrouded in horse leather, was revered by future generations.

The Ma family experienced the rise and fall of dynasties, and was almost wiped out.

The reason why the Ma clan was almost exterminated was because of a mistake.

Because of Ma Chao's recklessness, Han and Ma turned against each other, and now the Ma family is teetering on the edge of life and death.

If there is no external help, the Ma family will inevitably collapse.

For aristocratic families, the family's inheritance is the most important thing.

Ma Chao remained silent.

At this time, Ma Teng said again:"If Grand Sima doesn't ask you to go, you can go to Liao City for your father."

Ma Chao said:"Father, I will go.""


December 198 AD.

In order to preserve the Ma family, Ma Teng accepted Zhou Cheng's conditions as a pledge and declared his allegiance to Zhou Cheng.

Later, Zhou was erected on the wall of Guzang City.

Yan Xing, who was outside the city, immediately reported to Han Sui after seeing the city changing its flag.

"What!"Han Sui was shocked. He had never thought that Ma Teng would surrender to Zhou Cheng.

The person who was even more surprised and angry was Yuan Shang.

Yuan Shang conspired with Feng Ji and others to plot Yongzhou and Liangzhou.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Cheng took the lead and succeeded in winning over Ma Teng.

As a result, Yuan Shang's plan to profit from both sides could only be aborted.

Ma Chao, riding a white horse and wearing some guards, quickly left Guzang. City, go to Zhenliaocheng


The camp was full of wounded soldiers, which was Sun Jian's current situation.

Although these Jiangdong disciples who followed him were brave and good at fighting Yuan Jun, Sun Jian was at an absolute disadvantage in terms of military strength.

Therefore, Ji Ling has been winning consecutive battles in recent times.

It seemed that the momentum of the Jiangdong Tiger was completely suppressed.

Inside the camp.

Sun Jian was discussing military affairs with Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang and others.

At this time, Sun Ce broke in.

Zhou Yu followed behind. He wanted to grab Sun Ce. However, Sun Ce was like a mad cow that had lost its mind and refused to listen at all.

"Father. After Sun Ce entered the tent, he said to Sun Jian,"My boy, I don't understand something."

Sun Jian looked at Sun Ce and asked,"What's wrong?"

Sun Ce asked in a questioning tone:"Why did my father retreat day after day?""

Han Dang, Cheng Pu and others were about to persuade Sun Ce.

Sun Jian laughed loudly and said,"Do you think our army is withdrawing?"

"yes. Sun Ce replied.

Sun Jian looked at Zhou Yu at this time and asked,"What do you think Gong Jin?"

Zhou Yu replied:"I think this is the lord's plan to lure the enemy."

Sun Ce snorted and said,"If this is really a plan, where will our army retreat to fight back?" Is it necessary to lead Yuan Jun back to Wu County?"

In Sun Ce's view, if it was a tactic to lure the enemy, then a counterattack should be organized in Xuyi.

However, Sun Jian was still retreating and had to retreat to the river.

Once forced to the river, he could only retreat to Jiangdong by boat.

Of course, this is what Zhou Yu didn't understand.

Moreover, Sun Jian's camp is now full of wounded soldiers, which affects the marching speed. They may be driven out by Yuan Jun at any time.

Sun Jian asked:"Did you know that our ancestors' 30,000 troops were defeated?" Two hundred thousand Chu troops?

Sun Ce replied:"Of course I know.""

As descendants of Sun Wu, both Sun Jian and Sun Ce have always been proud.

Moreover, in the eyes of Sun Jian and Sun Ce, defeating more with less is a matter of course, just like Sun Wu.

Sun Jian replied:"Nowadays, Although Ling led an army of 100,000 men, he must have thought that our army was already in a rout, and that we only needed to fight with our backs and attack head-on to defeat them in one battle."

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