"no, do not want!"

Liu Xie woke up from his nightmare. At this time, he was already soaked in cold sweat.

In his dream just now, he had the scene of Dong Cheng and others being killed again and again.

He saw Zhou Cheng holding a gun and heading towards him. He walked step by step and even raised his spear to kill him.

Dong Guiren, who was beside Liu Xie, was also awakened by Liu Xie at this time.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"Dong Guiren asked.

Liu Xie's breathing became a little hurried, and then he moved his head like a rattle and said:"I am the emperor, I will not be afraid."

When Dong Guiren saw Liu Xie repeating, 'I am the emperor, I will not be afraid', she was very worried.

Her father Dong Cheng had been killed.

Now his body is still hanging at the palace gate.

And outside the palace gate, there are The corpses of the soldiers who participated in the"rebellion" are now hanging outside the city gate outside the palace, allowing them to be exposed to the wind and sun.

After Liu Xie experienced the excitement half a month ago, he would be awakened by nightmares every night.

As for the couple, It is even more impossible to proceed.

Obviously, he was frightened out of his heart.

Although he is the emperor and is much better than Liu Bian, after all, he is only a flesh and blood body, just a mortal who is named the 'Emperor'.At this time, the guards responsible for guarding the palace have been replaced by Xiliang sergeants.

As for the Zhou army led by Taishi Ci, they have gradually withdrawn to Jizhou.

Zhou Cheng has no intention of occupying Luoyang.

He only needs to control the passage through Luoyang. That's it, and then control the situation in Luoyang.

As for what Guo Huai wants to do in Luoyang, that is Guo Huai's freedom, and Zhou Cheng is not responsible


October 198 AD.

Zhou Cheng reported to the emperor, demanding a crusade against the 'rebels' in Qingzhou.

Regardless of whether Liu Xie wanted to or not, he still gave Bai Yan the Yellow Yue.

Bai Yan and Huang Yue represent the expedition, which is equivalent to the emperor's authorization to Zhou Cheng.

Hold the emperor hostage to order the princes, and serve the emperor to punish the unworthy ministers!

Zhou Cheng took Xu Huang and Zhao Yun as generals, each leading 50,000 troops. After passing through the original county, he marched towards Beihai and Jinan in Qingzhou.

The only forces that still exist in Qingzhou are Beihai Kong Rong and Ji Baoxin.

As for Kong Rong and Bao Xin, there is no way they can be Zhao Yun and Xu Huang's opponents.

Sure enough, as soon as Xu Huang's army arrived in the north, Kong Rong led his army out of the city and surrendered.

Although Beihai County has 30,000 county soldiers, fighting against Xu Huang's 50,000 elite troops is like hitting a stone with an egg.

Kong Rong was a descendant of Confucius, and Xu Huang did not make things difficult for him. After taking away Kong Rong's military power, he sent people to escort Kong Rong and his family to Zhenliao City.

As for the people in the city, Qiu had no fault.

Bao Xin, on the other hand, had a strong character and was unwilling to surrender to Zhou Cheng. He mobilized Jinan's army and horses, as well as young people and civilian men, and then organized the wealthy families to send their tribes to participate in the war.

Jinan Kingdom, Dongpingling City.

Nearly 100,000 troops and horses have gathered in the city.

Although only more than 40,000 people had weapons, the remaining 50,000 people only had farm tools, wooden sticks and other simple weapons.

However, Bao Xin was quite prestigious in Jinan, and the local wealthy families were also afraid of Zhou Cheng. Therefore, they all sent people, money and food to assist Bao Xin in guarding the Dongping Tomb.

When Zhao Yun's army arrived at Dongpingling City, they saw that the city gates were locked and flags were scattered on the towers.

Not only 'Bao', but also 'Zhang'’、‘Liu' and other flags.

If it weren't for the scouts from the Qingqi Battalion who had already detected the situation and confirmed that no reinforcements had entered Dongpingling City, Zhao Yun might have been deceived into thinking that there were reinforcements from the princes in the city.

At this time, Zhao Yun rode his horse to the foot of the city tower and shouted to Bao Xin:"I have heard that the general is a loyal man. Today, Grand Sima is following the emperor's order to attack the rebellious princes in various places. Please keep the people in mind throughout the process." , don’t resist stubbornly"


Hearing this, Bao Xin burst into laughter and said,"The thieves of Zhou held the emperor hostage and attacked Zhongliang in the name of the emperor. This is a perverse act that cannot be tolerated by heaven and earth. You weaklings help the emperor to commit evil and you should be punished by heaven!"

Zhao Yun shook his head and persuaded him to surrender. a process.

The best way is to persuade them to surrender.

If not, then we can only lead the army to attack.

Zhao Yun said:"Blow the trumpets and drums and prepare to attack the city."


When Xu Shu came to Zhenliao City, he was amazed at what he saw.

Zhou Cheng ordered canals to be dug in the farmland to irrigate the fields.

At the same time, the roads were compacted with earth and rocks.

There is no jolt at all when vehicles pass by.

Cars and horses are in order on the road, and ox-carts and horse-drawn carriages can be seen everywhere, carrying either people or goods.

And there is an endless stream of caravans coming and going.

It is unbelievable that Zhenliao City is only a newly built city.

At the city gate, Xu Shu got off the bus, registered and checked his identity, and then entered the city.

The roads in the city are paved with stones, which are not only neat but also clean.

There are dedicated people on the roadside who are responsible for cleaning at all times. One person is responsible for a section of the road to ensure that that section of the road is clean.

However, compared with Yecheng, the 'cultural' atmosphere here is not that strong.

On the contrary, the martial style here is stronger.

Warriors riding war horses can be seen everywhere, equipped with swords and bows.

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