Men were tied behind the horses, one after another. Once the men showed signs of fatigue, the Huns around them would beat them hard.

Among this team heading north, there were several very special ox carts, with prison cages pulled on the ox carts.

The woman in the cage is obviously different from ordinary farm women.

Their skin is fair, their fingers are like onions, and they wear clothes made of gorgeous silks.

Although they had not washed their hair or put on makeup for many days, it was still difficult to hide their appearance.

The road was very bumpy. The women on the oxcart looked back in despair, looking south. They were getting further and further away from home.

Some women even covered their faces and cried. This was not the first time they cried. When they were captured by the Huns, their makeup had not been removed from their faces.

The makeup on her face has already been stained by tears.

The women on the prison car are all"top quality". After a long process of sinicization of the Huns, the aesthetics of the aristocrats have become similar to those of the Han people.

And on the oxcart, these elegant and beautiful women were used as gifts for Humphrey.

I believe Humphrey will reward them with cattle, sheep, and richer pastures.

These women were all kidnapped from Hongnong.

They never dreamed that there would be Xiongnu in Hongnong County so close to Luoyang City.

What's more, what makes them even more unbelievable is that after two days of being robbed, no Han army came to rescue them.

Of course, they should be grateful that their appearance and status make them different from ordinary women and will not be insulted by the Huns soldiers.

However, all this is only temporary.

They are like canaries in a cage from which escape is impossible.

As for who their 'master' will be, they themselves don't know.

At this time, a group of cavalry ran towards them quickly.

The women in the cage stood up immediately. They were expecting soldiers and horses sent by the court, or their own troops.

However, they were soon disappointed.

Because the cavalry who came were also Huns.

However, this group of Huns seemed to be very anxious. After talking for a while with the Huns escorting the prisoners, the group of Huns actually threw away the rope.

Then, nearly a thousand Huns cavalry galloped towards the north.

As for the captured slaves, there were carts of money, food, jewelry, and women, all of which were abandoned.

"Sir, where are they going?"

"I don’t even know"

"Could it be that the imperial army and horses are chasing us?"

"It must be the military horse of the imperial court."

Just when the officials and scribes were secretly rejoicing, the rumble of horse hooves was heard again.

The horses stepped on the ground, as if the ground was cracking!

The officials, scribes, and women in the motorcade all looked over.

I saw a large group of people. The cavalry wearing yellow scarves are running towards them.

Looking into the distance, the plain is full of yellow and black!

There are at least tens of thousands of cavalry!

When did so many cavalry appear in Sili!



The one rushing at the front was a big black horse that I had never seen before. The black horse was unusually tall and extremely fast. The general on the horse was holding a very scary horse and didn't even look at the prison car.

"Are the moth thieves hunting down the Huns?"

The scene in front of me subverted everyone's understanding.

"Didn't the moth thieves collude with the Huns?"

"If they were colluding together, why did the Huns flee?"

When the officials and scribes were puzzled, they noticed the big flag with the word 'Zhou' carried by the cavalry.

"Zhou, Zhou...could it be Zhou Cheng!"

Finally, some officials and scribes thought of Zhou Cheng.

Because only Zhou Cheng, who dominated the grassland, could have such a huge cavalry.

Moreover, the accompanying cavalry were obviously foreigners from the north.

They wore Hu clothes, and judging from their appearance , some of them looked like Xianbei and Dingling people.

Tens of thousands of cavalry rushed past, raising dust and sand all over the sky.

People around the bullock cart couldn't help but lower their heads and cover their mouths and noses.

About evening, another infantry group appeared.

This infantry also wore yellow scarves.

On the road, they discovered these 'trophies' abandoned by the Huns.

Tian Chou got off his horse and said to the scribes and officials on the roadside:"I am a subordinate of General Zhenbei, and the military advisor is offering sacrifices to the wine field." Zitai, a man from Beiping on the right side, has been specially ordered by his lord to deal with all of you."

Zhou Cheng has already led the cavalry to chase the Xiongnu and Mrs. Guo.

Tian Chou is responsible for leading the infantry and escorting a large amount of loot.

Tian Chou is also a scholar-bureaucrat, so he is more polite to the scribes and officials he meets.

This time he encountered such a There were many officials and scribes, Tian Chou thought, to win the hearts of Zhou Cheng.

However, these scribes and managers just announced their names very coldly, and did not have a good attitude.

Some even said in a cold voice:"Wu Zhong Tian's family Also a thief?"

In their bones, they look down on the moth thieves, and they even look down on the scholars who take refuge in the moth thieves.

"It was just as the Lord said. Tian Chou secretly shook his head, then remounted his horse and said to the group of officials and scribes:"My lord knew that you are all ungrateful people. If my lord's army and horses hadn't chased you, you would have been sent to the grassland as slaves. In addition, Let me tell you one more thing. The leaders of your party, Yuan Shao and Yuan Benchu, have already surrendered the Huns and will not be responsible for them."

What Zhou Cheng said is right. The scribes and officials in the world all despise the moth thief with arrogance and prejudice.

Even if the moth thief saves them, they will not be grateful.

For such people, there is no need to talk nonsense, just pull them. After arriving outside the Great Wall and suffering enough in the bitter cold land, you will know the value of food.

After saying this, Tian Chou was too lazy to look at these people again.

PS: Please collect new books, flowers, recommendations, rewards, and monthly tickets. I want it all( ̄ヘ ̄o)_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - close

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