The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 95: City of Two Suns

Moonlight didn't want Sean to be impatient: "How do you make sure you don't fall into a nightmare like Finks?

"Finks is a sinker. His soul is much stronger than yours. Even he has fallen into a huge terror. I'm afraid you will be lost forever!"

In the strange bright red light, Sean looked at the moonlight earnestly: "Finks is facing a conscious Catherine. Now that she has been controlled by the Ascetic Order, the situation is different."

Sean walked towards the huge unknown step by step: "At least I still have a choice. If I let her die, I will definitely regret it in the future."

Moonlight followed two steps, and Sean turned his head: "Moonlight, don't follow. We don't understand..." His eyes looked around, and the Moses Ascetic gave him a very strange feeling, "...You look at me back!"

Moonlight saw Sean's expression clearly, so he stopped.

The ascetic believers in the whole street were watching Sean walking towards the "Lord in Red".

"They used pain to summon miracles and control the out-of-control Catherine..."

Katherine said that the longer you play, the harder it is to get out of the role. So, Sean started running towards the "Lord in Red".

With a clatter, Sean suddenly realized that his feet had stepped into the water.

In front of him, the Thirteenth Avenue and the ascetic believers have disappeared.

In front of him is a large lake. Above the lake are two scorched yellow suns. Under the sun, on the opposite side of the lake, behind the towering Lord in Red, is a city with countless spires.

Before, Finks wanted to combine the wax figures to cross the lake, but this arrogance caused him to fall into long-term fear and pain...

However, the "Lord in Red" at the moment was restrained by the pain and miracle of the Moses Ascetic Order, so Sean who crossed the lake did not suffer any test.

Sean waded across the water. He saw many historical illusions in the Lake of Two Suns...

He saw a group of ancient humans sitting beside a bonfire of a primitive tribe. They seemed to be listening to a tribesman telling a creepy story. The stars in the sky lined up in strange patterns, and a red figure stood in the darkness of the bonfire. .

He saw a certain religion that once prevailed, everyone wore red robes dyed with petal juice, and the believers wandered in every dark night, terrorizing and warning mankind with stories.

He saw soldiers wearing bronze armor and holding bronze spears, rushing into the city and overthrowing the red-robed idol...

"This is..." Sean pieced together the illusion he saw in the lake in his mind, "No matter what the Lake of Two Suns once symbolized..." He looked up at the strange city where the Lord in Red stood, "This is The Lake of Two Suns in 2008 symbolizes the 'history' that separates this old belief from the present, and what I see in the lake is the silhouette of history..."

"The Lord of the Red Clothes used to be the belief of the prevailing earth, but it was overthrown by the Wemmers and Bogeldoes, and after fusion and beautification, it became the belief of the 'God of Drama'..."

Sean shook his head and denied some of his conclusions: "The old beliefs and the present beliefs should not be in one-to-one correspondence. Dionysus, the **** of drama that Catherine believes in, should be just one of the beautified images of the Lord in Red... "

During the process of wading across the lake, the tall figure of "The Lord in Red" did not gradually grow larger as the distance got closer, but as Sean approached, he slowly entered the City of Two Suns.

Soon, Sean passed the lake that symbolized history and stood in front of the huge City of Two Suns.

It is one thing to go through the boundaries set by the gods, and it is another thing to enter the realm of the gods.

Although the idea of ​​saving Catherine is very strong, there is a resistance from deep inside that makes Sean unable to move an inch.

This is an instinctual warning, like a sheep that refuses to step into a bear's cave.

He frowned, took a deep breath, and tried to hint to himself: "This is not the real one, the kingdom ruled by the Lord in Red... This is the City of Two Suns simulated by Catherine's consciousness...

"I, just walked into Catherine's consciousness!"

Taking a step over, Sean's heart suddenly felt a little more relaxed - he broke through the set and the barrier of his heart, and walked into the "City of Two Suns" which is neither real nor fake...

Here, loneliness and emptiness seem to be magnified a million times.

Huge walls and buildings make Sean extremely small, and there is only wind in the air that seems to be blowing from the depths of history, which makes people doubt that the life of the whole world has completely disappeared due to the passage of time.

Space and time have also become extraordinarily weird.

There is a wall that is close at hand, and Sean can't walk no matter how he walks; a steeple that seems to be far away in the sky, Sean walks to its feet in one step...

Sean clearly remembered that he only had ten minutes. He raised his watch to check the time, but the three hands were sticking out of the surface, moving randomly in the air...

"This is the junction area where Catherine's consciousness and the real City of Two Suns overlap...

"It not only reflects the world of consciousness, but also has some characteristics of the realm of God.

"All the laws in the normal world are invalid here..." Sean used his divine roots to guard his consciousness and mind tightly to ensure that he would not get lost, "I can only follow my feelings into Catherine's subconscious... "

Sean saw many wonders here.

Since the evil **** does exist here to a certain extent, Sean perceives the "divine power" of the old ruler...

Sean looked at the pictures that had really appeared before him: "The Lord in Red represents things that spread fear, such as fear, narrative, extreme emotional experience, and rumors. In the ancient and wild times, He represented the fearful stories, controlling, imprisoning and enslaving people..."

Faith will dissolve and deform in history, and the academic problems that even explorers and archaeologists can't figure out, but Sean, who has walked in the half-truth City of Two Suns, has realized it.

"This is very important information. If you can know the scope of the divine authority of an ancient god, you can even trace the source of the changes in the divine authority..." Sean, who has basic knowledge of mysticism, knows what this means, "This is mysticism. , one of the key gaps in the field of religious belief!

"However, I have only taken the first step in understanding this old master. There are still many mysteries about the birth and death of the Lord in Red..."

The other side of this "City of Two Suns" symbolizes Catherine's memory and consciousness.

Therefore, Sean also saw a lot of pictures from Katherine's memory here.

He saw a little girl in a dress holding a newly bought toy airplane, running on the street like a tomboy...

He saw the little girl wearing an adult's hat and fake beard, holding her uncle's big pipe, and imitating the big detective to speak in front of the mirror...

"Catherine when she was young didn't seem to be as cold as she is now... Moreover, from a very young age, she showed interest and talent in acting."

With his own feeling and perhaps Catherine's guidance, Sean walked to a huge palace.

This palace is not only the hub of the kingdom of God, but also a symbol of Catherine's "subconscious mind".

Sean climbed the stairs and walked into the palace.

Not long after, the ancient lonely wind was isolated from the gate of the palace, and the quietness in the palace symbolized the majesty of the gods...

In the gloom, Sean didn't expect that he would be able to see the secret hidden in Catherine's heart...

It seemed to be a Katherine Haley drove home in high spirits, and Sean could sense that the once cheerful Katherine had just passed a challenging audition and landed a decent role… …

"Mom!" After entering the door, no matter how loud she shouted, the response to her was silence.

Usually, at this point in time, her mother, Jennifer Haley, must be at home.

Catherine never thought that she would not get a reply after she went home and called Mom.

Catherine searched the house. She saw her mother's slippers and some clothes on the bed.

She saw fresh vegetables and beef bought on the kitchen table.

She saw the clothes in the washing machine that were washed but not dried.

But she just didn't see her mother who took care of her since she was a child.

After countless efforts and no clues, Katherine realized that her mother, Jennifer Haley, was missing.

Moreover, this is obviously a supernatural event.

So, in order to find the missing blood relatives, Catherine threw herself into the exploration business.

Her personality has also changed from lively and cheerful in the past to slowly becoming cold and independent...

Sean looked at the dark palace, and Catherine kept flashing memories hidden in the depths: "In order to find her mother, she traveled through almost all the dangerous spiritual realms in New York City...

"This time, she was willing to lead us into Undercurrent Street with a lower commission, also to search for her mother's whereabouts.

"She has high expectations for the search in Wannu Cave. After checking all the corners through the ancestral eagle, she still couldn't find any clues..."

That's why she shed tears.

Sean's heart felt heavy and he sighed.

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