The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 55: mission report

The car drove to the "Silent Street" downstairs of the Wall Street Explorer Center.

Carlos and Lehman's car, as well as Wendy and her "baby", have already arrived, and they don't know where they are at this time.

The street outside the Quest Center is called "Silent Street". Due to the influence of continuous magic, it is difficult for non-explorers to "discover" the existence of this street. Even on the map drawn by the New York City Urban Planning Bureau, There is no name on the street.

As long as you walk into this street, you will step into the prosperous and secret world of explorers. However, passers-by will bypass this street in mysterious ways. This is a thoughtful protection set up by the explorers to protect the fragile worldview of ordinary citizens.

Across the street, people outside the street hurried past, and they couldn't see the masked explorers who were active in Silent Street.

Of course, it doesn't matter if the explorers and ordinary citizens meet by chance. After all, the existence of the secret world is an undeclared secret of the civilized world.

After Sean drove a Ford sedan with the logo of the Explorers Association into Silent Street, it attracted a lot of attention.

Because it is impossible for the industry to hide an incident of the "Angel Return" level, and the occurrence of the call, as well as the direction of the car's return and its slightly embarrassing appearance, it is difficult not to let professional explorers imagine.

The people on the street stopped, looked straight at the car driven by Sean, and slowly stopped downstairs in the Explorer Center.

"This is the team that solved the angel's return-level incident!" Although King-level explorers are not so difficult to see, people in the industry want to see the team that completes such a difficult task with their own eyes.

Downstairs in the Quest Center, Sean turned off the engine and got out of the car. Moonlight still led Jasmine out of the car in a gentlemanly manner.

Taking advantage of Jasmine's inattentiveness, Sean used a black leather handbag in the car to put Wilson's corpse in it.

When Sean did this, he didn't notice the eyes around him, he just handed the car keys to the young parking attendant who stood aside and looked at Sean with awe.

"The mask is the 'No Name'? Are there any apprentices in this team?!" After someone saw Shawn getting off the car, he whispered to his colleagues in the distance, and the tone raised unconsciously because of shock.

"A court musician, a first-daughter at dawn, an unknown person? This kind of team may even be in danger of Jack-level missions..." Some people's masks couldn't hide the shaking of his worldview, "After they 'drawn the grand prize', Did you solve the angel's return incident?!"

"Drawing the jackpot" is a slang term in the industry, that is, an event that has been misjudged on the level - for example, Sean and the others went to Levin Town as a Jack-level event this time, and only found out that it was a King-level event. A risky event to resolve.

Shawn, who was walking towards the gate of the Quest Center, suddenly found that the surrounding atmosphere was a little weird - it was much quieter than usual. He turned his head and looked, only to find that almost everyone stopped and looked at him.

Sean was still in doubt, some explorers on the street whistled, and some even applauded sincerely.

The three of Sean's clothes were tattered, their bodies were covered in dust and blood, which was really not a sight to behold, but they walked into the building amid increasingly strong cheers and applause.

In the usually bustling hall, a group of people stood. "Professor of Stealing Dreams" Leiman and "Thug" Carlos are among the group of people, "Mom" Wendy is not there - she does not seem to be a member of the Quest Association.

A tall woman with glasses wearing golden chains and curly hair looked back at Lehman, the latter nodded slightly, and the woman turned her face and said, "Because of the special circumstances, you need to report the mission immediately. Please tell the staff if you need meals and other aspects, and we will provide them during the reporting period."

The woman nodded - Sean could feel that this was her most humane and polite way of expressing herself.

The report seemed to be carried out separately, and when Moonlight and Jasmine were taken away by the staff wearing the uniform "First Executor" brass masks, Sean handed over the black tote bag in his hand to a staff member and solemnly said: "This The bones of the 'devout soldier' ​​who came with us..."

The woman with glasses nodded: "Understood, we will handle it properly."

Sean was taken alone to a high-floor office. There are no windows in this office, only slightly dim lighting.

Due to the overly stimulating incident just now, he felt bitter in his mouth at the moment, and he refused the dinner provided by the association, and just sipped a glass of water on the table.

He is a little nervous at the moment, and his nervousness comes from two aspects: First, he still doesn't know whether this "big jackpot" was planned by the organization that kidnapped Aaliyah. If so, then the association is not safe, even if Just such a separate report made him feel insecure.

Second, he now knows the candlestick-shaped symbol in the depths of his soul, which in the knowledge of angels is called "God's Root".

The root of the gods... Just by hearing the name of this thing, you can roughly guess its function. "Could it take root in the future and become something like a "tree of life" that can give its owner divinity? "

Due to the lack of mystical knowledge reserves, Sean can only guess its possible utility based on the name and the state of Aegwyn when he saw the "Sacred Root", and its preciousness.

"If it's something that even Aegwynn covets, then I must keep it a secret, even if I can't mention it to Moonlight." Sean remembered the "Guardian of the Kingdom of God" who used his psychic substance to check himself, "After all, a member of the explorer industry. The big risk comes from peers!

"Therefore, in the report to come, I have to find a way to conceal the existence of Shengen, but..." Sean picked up the cup, took a sip of water, and was a little confused, "However, they passed Professor Lehman, it should be Knowing that I somehow devoured Aegwynn's soul and caused him to fall into great pain for a period of time...

"I have to find a way..." Sean put down the cup and closed his eyes, "But don't panic, my function is a reporter, and I have the opportunity to take the initiative to talk..."

Click, Sean was still closing his eyes and thinking, the door opened.

The two entered the room, and under the dim light, Sean could clearly see their masks. One person was wearing a gray plaid suit and black bow tie. His temples had some white silk, and he should be around forty-five years old. The mask he wears is the image of a young man wearing a laurel crown, eyes closed, and blood on his face - a "martyr of truth", the material seems to be ivory, so the other party is Queen-class, with excellent insight and investigation ability." function”, which in everyday life could be a scholar, a lawyer, a prosecutor or something like that…

Sean felt a little bitter in his heart: if it was just an ordinary executor or someone with limited investigative ability to make a report and inquire, it would be more likely to conceal the secret.

"However, the plan remains the same." He had already begun to simulate the possibilities of conversation in his mind, which is the gift of the reporter's function.

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