The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 503: Holy Family Dinner

Outside the house, the cold wind swept away the leaves on the street, and the "dirty snowdrifts" hanging upside down in the sky dropped raindrops mixed with snowflakes.

The house was filled with warmth, and the faces of the people who had agreed to celebrate the Holy Return Festival together were full of smiles.

"Allie, the clothes are very atmospheric!" Winnie 1902 was wearing a white skirt with a blue apron on the outside. Seeing that Aaliyah was wearing a sweater with the pattern of the Holy Returning Tree, she said with a smile.

The two girls started helping Winnie prepare dinner in the kitchen, and could hear occasional laughter from across the kitchen.

Sean and Moonlight were in the living room, watching the professional baseball finals on black-and-white TV, decorating the tree.

The hitter of the New York Yanqis, Miller, hit a home run. The excited and fast-talking commentary and cheers came from the TV. The moonlight finally connected to the little boy on the Holy Return Tree. The light bulb, the small tree that originally looked a little monotonous, suddenly became bright and alive.

"Seriously," Moonlight panted, straightening up, "going to explore with you... er, exploration is much more fun than decorating a Christmas tree."

Sean chuckled lightly, knowing that Moonlight was speaking from his heart, but he still said, "Dude, let's cherish this peaceful day."

On the one hand, it is to remind myself and the moonlight, who are the explorers, that they should not be greedy for the stimulation of the task-to seek stimulation and no longer settle for daily life, which is a dangerous state for the explorers.

Sean, on the other hand, was alluding to the "catastrophe" that was approaching.

Before the death of the old man Pompeii, Sean foresaw the catastrophe.

God knows next Homecoming, will they be able to decorate the Christmas tree while chatting in a bright house with the heating on?

But...the mood that would have been irritable because of this, was calmed down for some reason.

"Even if the storm is bound to come, I now have the shelter of the Black Mansion."

No matter what happens, in this house, Sean's family will be sheltered in the event of a crisis.

This made Sean feel at ease.

He relaxed and took two steps back with Moonlight, looking at the shining "Holy Returning Tree"...

Thinking of the recently completed things, Sean felt that he could rest for a while these two days.

First, the mechanism of the shelter is fully established. Mike Downs and Father Taylor, who were far away in Glory City, have already received the Scarlet Rose brooch, and only Evan Burns is left.

Then, the "Yefeng Faith" that can continue to grow the spiritual world and Sean's soul already has more than 20 believers, among which there are even four "Indestructible Silver Flames" - staunch believers who connect life.

Because of this, he has the rare ability of "Oath Torch" - a spiritual flame that can purify evil without the need for priest Keen.

And "Nightwind Faith" is still slowly and steadily increasing its followers.

In addition, with the help of the characteristics of the spirit room and the invaluable sales channels, Sean also sold his Spirit Medicine Mist. Monthly fixed income jumped from $500 to nearly $3000 above the middle class.

"With this income..." Sean narrowed his eyes, "My white knight will be able to open a newspaper soon."

Openly run a newspaper; secretly expand a belief...

Sean can see that a powerful force that belongs to him is about to take shape slowly.

After taking stock of the recent "work progress" in his heart, Sean accompanied Moonlight, sitting on the sofa and enjoying the fragrance of black tea.

Some news of current affairs began to be broadcast on TV.

"I heard from a friend in Rongguang City that they have temporarily banned all kinds of performances there." Yueguang said, "All gatherings have also been banned."

"There seems to be something going on that shakes the Messianic faith."

Sean frowned, and the evil believer whose eyes were stained with Deep Sea Dream Green appeared in front of him again.

"I don't know if it will be the same here - the owner of Palm Tree also has a song and dance theater, and he has always been worried recently..."

Gu Yan didn't need to make it clear, they knew in their hearts that entertainment such as art performances and parties was related to Kluvitan's recovery.

The times are quietly moving in the direction of violent conflict.

"Sure enough, it's absolutely wise for me to ask for concealment." Shawshank Rogers meditated in the black mansion on the haunted farm, concealment as the belief he represented...

"I have to be more careful during this time." Sean thought.

He looked at the moonlight and tapped his fingers, putting the teacup down.

Suddenly, the New Testament reporter frowned in confusion: "Moonlight, why haven't you smoked today?"

The pianist from the ocean shrugged mysteriously: "I quit smoking."


He shrugged his shoulders casually: "Originally, this bad habit was only learned after landing on land, in order to be like everyone else-I think recently, I still prefer fresh air."

The New Testament reporter took a sip of hot tea, and saw more meaning from the moonlight's eyebrows: he had other reasons for quitting smoking...

what is it then? Sean was a little confused for a while.

The sun in winter seems to be particularly fond of home, it sets early, and the sky outside the window darkens quickly.

While Sean and Moonlight were chatting about some old things, Winnie's voice came from the kitchen: "Boys, it's dinner."

The two gentlemen stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

Olivia was walking out of the room with a plate of roasted lamb chops.

"Wow..." Looking at the beautiful girl walking briskly carrying the food, Yueguang couldn't help but sigh...

A great meal assisted by Winnie 1902 Chef, Arya and Olivia is complete.

Lamb chops that are fried and then grilled with charcoal grilled sauce, crispy fried chicken marinated with Winnie's secret recipe, shortbread with mango stuffing, and spicy seafood soup with cheese...

"Darling." Moonlight 1902 sitting at the dining table, looking at the food on the table, gently kissed the back of his wife's hand, "Returning the kitchen to you is the most correct choice I have made this year."

None of the present are true believers of the Salvation Church, so the part of praying before the meal was omitted. Under the gestures of Moonlight and Winnie, they all raised their wine glasses and touched them lightly under the warm light:

"Happy Homecoming."

The smiling faces made Sean feel extremely warm.

After clinking glasses, Sean felt a little hungry and asked Arya to hand over a mango shortbread.

Moonlight hadn't picked up the knife and fork yet - he got some vegetables and and put them on a small plate, then took out Miss White and put it on the small table beside the table.

Captain Luke, who was curling up at Arya's feet and calling softly, apparently found Miss White, and the captain walked slowly to the small platform,

Miss White the guinea pig was obviously not as comfortable as usual, and shrank nervously on the stage, avoiding the gaze from below.

Seeing this scene, Moonlight laughed and said, "Don't be afraid, man." The strong soul of the explorer can suppress all kinds of unconscious attacks. Captain Mustache will not attack White in this room. Moonlight strokes with his fingers. The back of an old friend.

When Arya finished telling a funny story about her encounter at grammar school, Moonlight and Winnie exchanged glances.

Then, the pianist took a sip of red wine, cleared his throat and said, "Actually, I have something very important to announce today..."

Ok? what's up?

Feeling the special atmosphere, even the always calm Sean stopped chewing temporarily and looked at his old buddy.

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