Sean's mood at the moment is extremely complicated and contradictory.

Dyson Lauer's tone on the phone was gloomy and extremely depressed. It's impossible to pretend that emotion.

His tone reflected his current state of mind. Sean believed that Dyson did not finish listening to the deciphered content, but the incomplete content also had a serious impact on his spirit, which made him so sensitive and angry.

Sean has retrieved the record, but instead of playing it directly, he put it on the table in front of him.

Thinking of Dyson Lauer's tone on the phone and what he said, Sean has the urge to smash this record...

He was again caught in the contradiction of whether to investigate further:

"It might be safer to just destroy the record instead of listening to it, as Dyson suggested, but you might also lose clues about Aaliyah...

"However, if I listen for clues, I may be in great danger again...

"This is really a set of contradictions that cannot be solved...

After hesitating again and again, thinking that those people might take Aaliyah away from New York City, Sean made the next thought: "I did so many things just to get Aaliyah back?

"If I miss a clue because I'm afraid of danger, I'll spend the rest of my life in regret.

"...In that case, it's better to die easily!"

Thinking like this, Sean tied the holy dagger under his flank, put five bottles of holy water and two bottles of psychic smelling salts in different pockets on the windbreaker, and then put this cursed record on on the record player.

Sean pinpointed the position and pressed the stylus.

"In the Utopia, God's will will be faithfully fulfilled!" Although there were many interfering sounds, Sean could hear that after the cry was amplified and adjusted, it turned into a cadence and a special infection. The recording of the male speech of the force...

"In an ideal country, people's sins will be completely forgiven!

"In that country, people's souls will be sublimated..."

Sean listened to the recording with shock. The first part of the recording is still normal, the thick male voice has been preaching a concept called "Utopia".

"Utopia?" Sean frowned, "At the church in [Melinas], I seem to have heard the priest talk about it...

"Could it be that this ideal country is the source of [Melinas]'s pollution?"

Thinking like this, the content of the recording began to get weird. The thick male voice began to use some filthy and wicked words to describe Salvationism and Holy Father Keen.

Sean's heart skipped a beat when he heard it: "Newlander is a country with a constitution of God, the Church of Salvation and the Court of God.

Then, during the recording, he began to sing and pray for the ideal country.

"Utopia! The place where life originated, where the stars shine, and where everything ends!"

"Hundreds of millions of lives originate from this, return to this, and all life should praise Him forever!"

The voice of the speech became more and more high-pitched, and Sean could hear a few hints of madness in it...

What the voice said, and the tone of its prayer itself, had a feeling of madness.

Sean was already thinking about stopping the record player: "It's just a blasphemy... No wonder, no wonder Dyson was so angry when he heard the recording."

Although Sean's mental strength has been tempered, it has become stronger. But he still felt unable to withstand the madness of records for long.

"It's over." Sean decided to pause the playback, walked to the record player and raised the needle.

"What is the ultimate mystery of life? What is the face of God? These secrets..." Sean was horrified to find that although the stylus had left the record, the sound had not stopped!

In front of him, the record was still spinning, and under the record, like the cracks of a grinding disc, viscous, stench, and red blood flowed out!

"Spooky out of control!" Sean was already alert to the explorer, and took out the dagger under his threat.

The spirit plunged into the symbol, the psychic tentacles opened, and the vicious puncture directly pierced the record: "It can only be destroyed before it causes more damage!"

The rusty esoteric blade plunged into the record, and the record turned out to be as flexible as the skin of some kind of animal. After the blade penetrated, the record gushed out stench of blood!

"Out of control is irreversible..." Sean tried his best to remain calm, "Something weird might happen next..."

The gap between the record and the record player began to gush out a lot of blood, and the flow of blood increased rapidly, as if it had turned into a scarlet waterfall.

Sean's field of vision also turned into scarlet. His spiritual tentacles swept around, and suddenly he felt a strong emotional fluctuation.

The emotion was so complicated and intense that it made Sean's breathing and heart beat faster. He tried to feel it. The intense emotion contained deep resentment, extreme sadness, and a little comfort...

Suddenly, the scarlet in front of him subsided, and Sean found himself in a banquet.

The dim lights were filled with smoke, and well-dressed men and women looked at the stage.

On the stage, the spotlight illuminated a woman with blond curly hair, her eyes were blurred and charming, and she was singing a lingering song with the accompaniment of the band behind her.

"This voice... is that female singer Julia?" Sean looked around, his position and posture were rather abrupt, but no one noticed him.

"This seems to be a spiritual room..." Sean felt it carefully with his psychic tentacles, "I can clearly feel the resentment emanating from the resentful spirit."

The spiritual realm is a special space separated from the real world by resentful spirits, and can only be entered through a specific method.

"The way to enter this spiritual world should be to keep playing that weird speech!

"However, this spiritual room is different from the one on the central avenue. The spiritual room on the central avenue is larger in scale and has a fixed location.

"And this spiritual realm..." Sean glanced around, "It's like a fragment of the past.

"Maybe it's this spiritual consciousness that wants me to understand a piece of the past." Sean thought.

Julia finished singing and walked off the stage. When passing by a man in a black suit, Sean saw her eyes linger on the man's face...

The music starts, a charming man with a mustache sings...

"This is Jason's voice." Sean suddenly understood the meaning of this scene...

Jason sang, his deep eyes and white teeth were shining, he blinked at the crowd in the dark, UU reading www.uukanshu. It was Julia who was standing there.

"This is the scene where Jason and Julia meet for the first time!"

Then, the scene began to change. As a bystander, Sean experienced the process of Jason and Julia from acquaintance to love.

"The chorus album "Midnight Elopement" is the last record they recorded before their elopement." Seeing Jason and Julia embracing on the stone bridge and watching the fireworks in the distance, Sean thought, "This record seems to be taking me through the story of what happened between them."

Then, the scene changed again, Jason seemed to be in his own home. He broke out into a heated argument with an old man with a similar profile to him.

As Sean listened, he concluded: "Jason's father was an archbishop of the Salvation Church. Julia, however, followed her mother and believed in a small god. Jason's father, Bishop Howard, citing different beliefs, Disagree with this romance!

"Although Jason tried his best, he couldn't convince his father, and he couldn't disobey his father as an archbishop..."

Jason told Julia everything. The two planned to break up, but found that they couldn't live without each other.

So, the two decided to elope. However, before leaving the country, they decided to leave one last album as a farewell and a memory of love...

The scene changed to a recording studio. Jason and Julia have finished recording "Midnight Elopement" and are celebrating with a bottle of champagne with their producer friend.

Suddenly, Julia vomited. She vomited out what she had eaten at night, but the vomiting did not stop. She continued to vomit and spit out yellow water. When she could not spit out the yellow water, she began to gulp. vomiting blood...

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