The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 100: sea ​​of ​​collective subconscious

On the small glass bottle, there is a diamond pattern unique to the Slavic Salvationist belief: "This is a spirit brewed by the ancient Slavic clergy, and it is the highest degree of aging in the world."

The bottle cap was opened, and Sean could smell a strange fragrance that filled the entire tavern.

People who are incapable of drinking alcohol may get drunk even just by smelling this fragrance.

"It's called the water of life." Steve poured a little carefully, "The only wine used in the Moon Wheel Ceremony that can make it easier for people to enter a state of ecstasy.

"The water of life level, the powerful Ace level is this level.

"After the concentration of the soul reaches the water of life, people's understanding of the inner and outer world will become different, and the functions have entered the category of divine power that ordinary people cannot understand. Manipulating the weather in an area and going all out can accomplish the miracles of a demigod...

Sean swallowed the clear and viscous wine in one gulp, as if he had swallowed a small fireball, burning all the way to his stomach.

After a while, Sean, who was a good drinker, felt that everything in front of him became illusory and ethereal.

"Your friend is a good drinker," Steve said to Moonlight. "Usually when I explain this to someone, he's already drunk, and he's just a little dizzy."

Sean recalled Steve's explanation: "The intensity of the soul is divided into seven levels from low to high - water, beer, red wine, mead, gin, golden tequila and the most advanced water of life... …”

Steve wiped his hands with a clean white cloth and added, "It's not certain whether the water of life is the most advanced.

"I heard that after the soul has surpassed the highest concentration, there is another state.

"That kind of realm has broken the confinement and boundary of a single soul, making one's soul closely connected to the spiritual ring, and can feel the spirituality of all creatures in the world, and enter the 'collective subconscious sea' that exists only in theory. '..."

"This state can no longer be defined by the 'concentration' of the soul, so I don't know what kind of 'wine' it is. Maybe it's more appropriate to call it 'sea' rather than wine - all beings are I, I am all beings.

"In addition," Steve blinked and lowered his voice, as if telling a forbidden secret, "All gods are born and exist in this sea."

"The sea of ​​collective subconscious..." Sean said thoughtfully, "So, are all souls connected?"

Steve smiled mysteriously: "Do your best to practice spiritual practice, spiritual practice will give you all the answers."

"You're a good friend, you drink well, you're talented..." Steve laughed, "I also like his mask, it seems to indicate something..."

Another guest was coming, Steve patted Sean's arm: "Anyway, come here often!" He threw the white cloth over his shoulder and walked away.

Sean is still indulging in his thoughts about the concentration of souls and the "sea of ​​collective subconscious minds".

"It's fascinating." Moonlight sighed, "Isn't it?"

Finally, Sean can roughly understand what Moonlight said, the mystery is fascinating.

He used to be a person who seeks truth. This kind of discussion involving the essence, core and secret of life makes him unable to stop.

Thinking of the moon wheel spiritual ritual worth 600 New Zealand dollars, Sean thought to himself, "It seems that I have to save money quickly..."


The three-day observation period is over, and Catherine has also woken up. However, to eliminate the hidden risks of the evil god, she has to spend a month-long closed observation period, so Sean can't see her for the time being, so he can only write a letter by hand. A letter of condolences.

On the day when the observation period ended, the reward for the spontaneous task of exploring the Undercurrent Street and dispelling the sinker "Gambler Jock" was also finalized. Sean and Moonlight came to the tenth floor task center again with some excitement. In front of the red door with the quest sign.

It turns out that Moonlight's estimate of the bonus amount was a little too optimistic.

Due to the quest income of quests above the Queen level, the big head is not a fixed trap reward, but a share of the mysterious heritage or quest resources obtained, so even if Sean and Moonlight submitted the long-lost man Erkes's change , and to disperse a sinker, the original bonus was only a fixed 600 New Zealand dollars, after deducting half of the dereliction of duty, the bonus was only 300 New Zealand dollars.

With the cash on hand, Sean's total assets are now 400 New Zealand dollars, which cannot allow him to perform the spiritual ritual of "Wheel of the Moon Valley" immediately.

"But... I thought I was going to be punished for making such a big mistake, but I didn't expect that I still got 300 New Zealand dollars... It's already a big surprise." Sean thought contentedly, and was in a very good mood.

The first thing after leaving the Quest Center, Sean planned to complete Peter Rich's last wish, so he called Daisy and made an appointment to have breakfast together.

Regarding his identity as an explorer, Sean planned to keep it a secret from Daisy, so he pulled the very handy tool, Moonlight 1902.

It was early morning when they left the Quest Center, and Sean and Moonlight went home and changed their clothes.

Around 7:30, Moonlight drove a blue convertible to the park opposite Sean's house.

Sean looked very relaxed in a camel-colored casual suit with a pair of dark blue jeans: "Oh? When did you buy the car?"

Moonlight wore a blue and white striped shirt, a flat straw hat on her head, and held up her round sunglasses: "Now all deposits are in the Heart Chakra Fund, how can it be moved. I will open the owner of the palm tree if I have nothing to do."

Sean raised his brows and jumped into the car.

The car started and drove towards the east coast.

From time to time on the road, fashionably dressed girls cast slightly seductive glances at Sean and Moonlight in the convertible.

Under the round sunglasses, Moonlight smiled: "You know why I love to drive this car."

Sean smiled and said, "It does feel good..."

Sean suddenly remembered the past.

A sedan running on the forest path was loaded with childhood playmates and college classmates. Several of them talked about a beautiful woman in the ranch, and went to the bar to get drunk together...

"That day," Sean looked at the line of beach on the right side of the vehicle, palm trees along the beach, and seagulls chirping and flying over, "it felt like a long way off."

Occasionally relax. Sean has a concern in his heart, but it doesn't mean that he can't live a normal life at all.

"Only urgent actions and a relaxed state of mind can continue this challenging journey..." Sean firmly believes in his philosophy.

The blue convertible was parked near the beach, under a white lighthouse.

Below the lighthouse is a restaurant named "Lighthouse". The environment is good and the food is very distinctive. It was the place recommended by Daisy on the phone the day before.

The two walked to the open-air area of ​​the lighthouse restaurant by the sea. Moonlight lowered his head and lit a cigarette. They saw a slender woman in a white dress walking slowly along the beach.

The sea breeze blew, Daisy pressed the straw hat on her head, and her red lips showed white teeth because of her smile: "The scenery here is beautiful. I like to walk here on weekends."

Blowing the sea breeze and basking in the mild sun, Sean took a deep breath.

After Daisy approached, Sean stretched out his left hand to Daisy: "Moonlight, this is Ms. Daisy Richie I told you."

Moonlight took off her sunglasses, stared at Daisy, took her hand quite gentlemanly, and kissed the back of her hand: "She is as beautiful as you said."

"This is is both a pianist and a person who walks in mystery."

Daisy's eyes widened, and she nodded knowing what Sean meant.

The three sat at the table in the open-air area, enjoying the sea breeze, drinking coffee, chatting while enjoying Gallic fried toast, scrambled eggs, sausages and other foods.

After finishing the food, Sean slowly drank his coffee and began to talk about the adapted "Undercurrent Street Tour".

In the story Sean tells, he is not a quester himself. In order to track down Aaliyah's whereabouts, he asked Moonlight, who is a scout, to help.

The two of them strayed into a mysterious space because of the clues. The story after that was very close to the real situation. Sean used Peter Rich's living memory to defeat him and allow him to find peace.

However, in the description process, Sean covered up the evil and terrifying side of "Gambler Jock".

The man has passed away, so it's perfectly right to leave a good memory for Daisy.

As Sean spoke, Daisy leaned forward more and more, and her eyes widened.

When Sean took out the two ivory dice from his pocket, he saw that Daisy's eyes were red, and when she closed her eyes, tears fell like the first drop of rain on the window.

Putting the ivory dice in Daisy's hand, Sean said, "Before he leaves, let me give you a message.

"He said that he regretted not being with you well when he was alive. If he could make another choice, he would definitely drop his chips and poker and accompany you every day.

"Finally, he quit gambling, and he will never sit at the gambling table again for eternity.

"If it is possible to meet in the next life in the future, he wants to be an ordinary couple with you."

Daisy hid her face, unable to cry.

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