Sean, who left with the book in his arms, saw a very special thing in the lobby of the "Explorer Center" building.

It was a large red iron cabinet with a glass window with light bulbs installed on the front, and different products were displayed on the window...

"Psionic smelling salts, 50 cents; first aid carbonated syrup, 50 cents; bottled holy water, 50 cents; Holy Light Bullets, 1 NZD; Demon Hunting Bullets, 1 NZD..." Sean looked over one by one, The neon sign above the iron cabinet flashed, and the built-in gramophone sounded: "Adam brand magic item vending machine, your good exploration partner!"

Sean was a little surprised - he had only seen a Coca-Cola vending machine, and he never thought that there would be such a machine that sells secret materials.

"Sacred goods vending machines are usually performed with magical techniques." A sturdy old man wearing a bowler hat, fluffy white beard and hair smiled beside him, "You can find this in a twisted world or a terrifying spiritual world. Kind of a vending machine - so when you're a detective, remember to bring money with you when you're on a mission. 'Money can even flow through hell', the old adage always makes sense.

"These common senses are described in the Handbook." The old man pointed at the book Sean was holding with his black cane.

The old man seemed to want to use the vending machine, but Sean stepped aside. The old man stepped forward, stuffed fifty cents coins into the coin slot, pressed the mechanical button, and there was a sound of things rolling down from the vending machine.

The old man placed the bottle of holy water he just bought on Sean's stack of books upright: "I have a premonition that you will need this."

Sean was dazed at the crystal clear holy water in the small glass bottle. Just as he was about to thank him, the old man with fluffy beard and hair had already walked away.

"There are some explorers..." Sean looked at the direction the old man was leaving, searching for suitable words, "Mysterious?"

Sean put the book down, picked up the glass bottle of holy water and looked at it for a while, "The concentration of holy water is 8%, I entrust it to the Ryan Church to make it... When there is an evil violation, sprinkle the holy water on the target...". Sure enough, it was an item used to exorcise evil spirits. Sean took the holy water bottle into his pocket, picked up the book and walked down the street.

Although he is still standing outside the door of the mysterious world, with a dagger and a bottle of holy water on his body, Sean feels much more at ease than before.


Back at the hotel, Sean's arms were very sore because he was holding the book all the way, but he had no plans to rest, but made a cup of coffee and sat at the desk.

"I don't have time to waste. Arya's whereabouts are still unknown, and that organization must still want to kill me." Sean took out the "Book of Souls", "The more you know, the more hope for me to survive..."

The concept of "Book of Souls" is not difficult, it is to analyze the essence and attributes of the soul and spirit from an academic point of view.

To put it simply, the soul is the essence of human beings, the root of "I", and it forms human consciousness and spirit. The spirit is not only manifested in the external personality, but also can protect the essence of people and stabilize the soul.

The so-called "spiritual strength" is a manifestation of "soul strength".

A person with a strong soul must have a high mental strength; and a high mental strength shows a firm will, and will not be easily frightened in the face of terrifying things.

After reading this, Sean realized his own problem.

You can easily feel fear, and fear can easily defeat your defenses. These are all manifestations of low mental strength.

His current mental strength is definitely not high, because whether he sees a collection of resentful spirits or the symbolic scene of the fire scene, he has a strong sense of panic. In that case, it is actually very easy to "lost the soul".

The reason why Sean has survived to this day is not because of his own mental strength, but because that symbol guards his soul that is actually crumbling.

As for the fragmentation of the resonance crystal, it is not like Catherine said that his soul strength is stronger than that of ordinary people. Just because of the existence of symbols in the soul, the output power is very abundant.

However, the power of symbols is limited. If he hesitated for a while, he would still lose his soul.

"Although there are symbols, the strength of the soul and spirit still depends on self-improvement."

In the Book of Souls, meditation methods to enhance "mental strength" are recorded. According to the record, Sean sat and practiced for a while.

It's not easy to get rid of distracting thoughts and enter a meditative state, but Sean has succeeded a few times.

After entering the state of meditation, Sean found that the brightness of the symbol was obviously higher than usual, and there were bursts of warm currents pouring out of the symbol, nourishing the soul and spirit...

"In addition to the diffuse state, this symbol can also enhance the effect of meditation. After I get started with mysticism, I must figure out what it is."

Sean was studying hard and didn't even leave the room to After watching it, he practiced the movements of drawing a knife, stabbing, and taking out a holy water bottle from his pocket - he did not improve his combat for the time being The method of skills, so Sean hopes that he can do the basics well.

It was getting dark. Sean felt that his eyes were a little swollen due to the long reading time. He closed the book, took a bath, and lay in bed ready to rest.

It suddenly occurred to him that he still has a "training program". So put your attention into the symbols and let your soul diffuse.

"Huh? It's a little strange..." Sean opened his eyes and looked at the "soul" that only he could see, scattered above, "It seems to have gotten bigger?"

"Did the volume of the soul increase after just a few meditation trainings?" Sean couldn't believe it, so he extended the soul and felt it carefully.

When the soul reached the longest state, Sean found that the length was really extended by about half a meter!

"It seems that meditation can increase the size of the soul. My perception and eavesdropping abilities will increase with the mental strength." Sean lay on the bed, clenching his fists a little excitedly...

Just like the first night, Sean controlled the slender "soul antenna" to explore around - he was not a voyeur, just to exercise his soul ability and ensure that there was no danger around him.

After sweeping the surrounding rooms and grasping almost every neighbor's situation, he controlled the soul antenna to probe downward. According to the height of the building, the antenna" should be located just near the restaurant.

Sean heard a voice that was deliberately lowered, and his intuition told him that this way of speaking means that the speaker has a secret that cannot be publicized. So he adjusted the antenna to point in the direction of that voice.

"... This thing can't go wrong, you repeat what I said!" The deliberately lowered voice became clear. The voice was thick, with a heavy Celtic accent.

"Yes, sir..." The reply's voice was a little low, like a woman's, "at noon the day after tomorrow, when Miss Daisy is not in the store, I will go to the precepts and find the 'Crackdown on Magical Items Crime'. The department's education officer, reporting that the hotel has black market artifacts..."

Sean suddenly remembered whose voice it was: that Nandel Continental doorman, little Leon!

According to Sean's previous reading of the "Explorer's Handbook", the divine power item is the kind of product he saw in the red vending machine during the day. However, those are relatively low-level consumables, and there are some high-value and powerful divine products.

Due to the prosperity of the exploration industry and the frequent occurrence of strange events, divine power items are a huge market in New Zealand. Due to its certain danger, the sale of divine products can only be involved with the approval of the "God Court", the central agency of the theocratic government of New Zealand.

In the whole of New Zealand, only eight companies have permission to sell magic products. In addition to these eight companies, all the magical items manufactured and sold belong to the "black market gods", and if they are found, they will face prison. "Black market gods" are similar in nature to "illegal guns."

Therefore, when Sean heard Little Leon say "report" and "black market gods", he knew that things were not easy, so he concentrated his attention on eavesdropping...

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