The Mingyu of Prehistoric Times

Chapter 383 On the day of Shang Rong’s death, the prince worships the immortal master

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Chapter 383 On the day of Shang Rong’s death, the prince worships the immortal master

Let's say that after Empress Jiang was killed by herself, she had two sons, one was Yin Xiao and the other was Yin Hong. These two sons are extremely well-behaved and eager to learn. Daji was tricked by Juechengtang, and she set her sights on the two highnesses, so she looked for Jiang Huan, an official who served Empress Jiang at the time, to plot a scheme.

Yin Xiao and Yin Hong were indeed deceived. After hearing Daji's words about harming his mother, he felt sad in his heart. Without thinking about the seriousness, he took up his sword and wanted to avenge Daji's mother's murder. Unexpectedly, he fell into Daji's plan and attracted King Zhou. Angry, he wants to kill his son to please the beauty.

There were reckless generals Fang Bi and Fang Xiang in the court, who were the guardians of the two princes. Seeing that King Zhou had no distinction between flesh and blood, and his loyalty was about to show, he wanted to save the two princes.

Seeing the imperial army coming to arrest the two princes, he couldn't help but become anxious. Fang Bi took action and held Yin Jiao. Fang Xiang held Yin Hong and shouted loudly: "King Zhou is unethical. He killed his son and destroyed the ancestral temple. He killed his wife for his evil deeds." Gang Chang. Today, I will protect the two highnesses from going to Donglu to borrow troops. In addition to Hun Jun, we will rebel!"

After the two men shouted fiercely, the Imperial Guards still had a trace of loyalty and did not dare to harm the two princes. They allowed the Fang brothers to carry their highnesses on their backs and left the south gate of Chaoge. They were probably very powerful. I don't know how many officials fell down at that time. Even the officials who had the intention to stop them were unable to stop them.

It is said that many civil and military officials were shocked when they saw that they had rebelled against Fang Bi and Fang Xiang. If Duhuang Feihu didn't know it. Yabiqian came forward and said, "Sir Huang! Fang Bi rebelled, why didn't you say anything?"

Huang Feihu replied: "It is a pity that there is no one like Fang Bi and Fang Bi in civil and military affairs. Fang Bi was a reckless man. If he knew that he could not bear the humiliation of his mother, the prince would die in vain. He knew that he was humble and did not dare to remonstrate with the king, so he carried the two highnesses on his back. If After being chased back by the imperial edict, His Highness will definitely die, and Zhongliang will be killed. He knew that he would die, but he was forced to commit this crime because of his loyalty. However, it is extremely embarrassing. "

However, it was said that the Fang brothers escaped from Chaoge with their two highnesses, but they were penniless and realized that they were acting recklessly. In desperation, Fang Bi asked the two highnesses to say: "I have a message to wish you two thousand years old! I am a brave man, but my heart is stupid. Yesterday, I saw that your highnesses suffered such injustice. I suddenly got angry and rebelled against the court. Song; I never thought that the journey would be long and that I would lose all my money. Now I want to sell the jade left by General Huang and use it, but I am afraid that it will be inconvenient to interrogate him. In order to avoid disaster, I need to hide something. , we must separate ways and hide ourselves, so that we can be safe. I hope you will be careful for a thousand years, and you will not be able to finish it!"

As a result, everyone had to go their separate ways to avoid being caught by the imperial army. Yin Xiao and Yin Hong also knew they had to separate, but the two of them had been living in a deep palace. They didn't know what the world was like outside. Looking at the dusty road and the vast wilderness, they really didn't know which direction to go. Go, go wherever.

When they were confused, the two brothers Yin Jiao and Fang said: "The general's words are very true; but my brother is young and doesn't know the way to go, what can I do?"

What Yin Jiao said was reasonable. After thinking for a long time, Fang Bi suddenly had an idea. He clapped his hands and said, "This road goes to Donglu. There is Jiang Hou's fiefdom. Your Highness can go there. This road goes to Nandu. It's a big road, and if people gather together, you can travel for a long time."

Yin Jiao said: "In this case, the two generals are going to nowhere. When can we meet again?"

Prime Minister Fang sighed. He didn't know whether he was going to live or die, so he had to pretend to be happy and said to the two princes: "I don't care where to control the princes. I will settle down for the time being. When His Highness borrows troops to march to the court, I will come to worship and surrender to you." Be the pioneer!"

After such an explanation and agreement, the four of them said goodbye to each other in tears, but Fang Bi and Fang Xiang said goodbye to His Highness and walked away on the side road. Let us also say that Yin Jiao said to his younger brother Yin Hong: "Brother, which side are you going to vote for?"

Yin Hong said: "But it depends on my brother." Yin Jiao thought for a while and said to his younger brother: "I will go to Donglu, and you will go to Nandu. When I see my grandpa crying and complaining about this injustice, my uncle will definitely send troops. I will send an official to know With you, you may borrow tens of thousands of troops to attack Chaoge and capture Daji, so don’t forget this matter!”

Yin Hong nodded with tears in his eyes: "Brother, we are no longer together. Do you know when we will meet again?" The two brothers burst into tears and were unable to separate their hands. After Yin Hong and Yin Jiao parted ways, they set off on the road, unable to dry their tears, miserable and full of sorrow.

His Highness is young and lives in the palace. How can he know how to travel long distances? He walked and stopped, then he stumbled and thought forward, and he was hungry again in his belly. Do you think that His Highness lives deep in the palace, thinking about clothes and brocade, and thinking about food and treasures? How can he beg from others?

Suddenly I saw a village where people, big and small, were eating. His Highness Yin Hong walked up to him and called out, "The food is for the lonely family." Everyone saw Yin Hong dressed in red and looking extraordinary. He stood up hurriedly and said, "Please sit down, there is food." He hurriedly took the rice and put it on the table.

Yin Hong ate, stood up and thanked him, saying, "I have troubled you with the food. I wonder when I will repay you?" The villagers asked, "Where are you going, little brother? What's your surname?" Yin Hong said, "I am not someone else, King Zhou." His son Yin Hong is also. Now you can see E Chongyu wherever you go south. "

When those people saw that it was His Highness, they hurriedly kowtowed to the ground and said: "Thousand years old! I don't know this, I missed you, please forgive me!" His Highness Yin Hong said, "Is this the way to Nandu?"

The villagers said: "This is the main road." His Highness left the village and hurried forward, but could not cover twenty or thirty miles in a day. Most likely, His Highness was raised in a deep palace and could walk there. At this time, there is no village in front of us, no shop in back, and nowhere to rest. I was very busy and walked another two or three miles. I saw dense pine trees, clear roads, and an ancient temple.

His Highness Yin Hong was overjoyed and rushed to the front. I saw a plaque on the temple gate and wrote to Xuanyuan Temple. His Highness entered the temple, prostrated himself on the ground, and said: "Holy King Xuanyuan, who has the system of clothes, the crown of ritual music, and the market in the middle of the day, is the holy king of ancient times. Yin Hong is the grandson of Chengtang in the thirty-first year, and the son of King Zhou. Today His father was unjust and killed his son and his wife. Yin Hong fled and stayed overnight in the Holy Emperor's temple. He will leave early tomorrow and hope that the Holy Emperor will protect him. If he can find a place to live, Yin Hong will rebuild the temple and change his body. "

At this time, Yin Hong was walking all the way and was feeling sleepy, so it didn't matter that he slept with his clothes on under the holy throne.

By the way, when we were walking along the Donglu Avenue in Yinjiao, the sun was getting dark. After only forty or fifty miles, we saw only one mansion, Taishi's mansion in the morning. Yin Jiao thought: "This is the eunuch's gate. You can stay overnight and leave early tomorrow."

His Highness asked: "Is there anyone inside?" After asking, no one answered. His Highness had no choice but to enter another door, only to hear someone inside sighing and writing a poem: "How can a loyal heart be wasted after a few years of waiting for sin? The prime minister has a heart for the country, but insists on being private without land. Who knows that evildoers give birth to palaces, It makes the people turn into ghosts; it is a pity that the wild ministers are worried about Wei Que, and they are begging for help and knocking on Fengchen."

It was said that His Highness listened to the poem written inside, and Yin Jiao asked again: "Is there anyone inside?" There was a voice inside, asking: "Who is it?" It was already late, and he could not see clearly in the dark shadows.

Yin Jiao said, "I'm passing by to visit relatives. It's getting late. I'll stay overnight at my house and leave early tomorrow." The old man there asked, "Do you sound like a Chaoge singer?" Yin Jiao replied, "That's right." The old man asked: "Are you in the country or the city?" His Highness said: "In the city." "Please come in and ask you a question?"

His Highness Yin Jiao looked forward and was shocked: "Ah! It turns out to be the old Prime Minister."

When Shang Rong saw Yin Jiao at first sight, he couldn't help but bow down and said: "Your Highness! What brings you here? The old minister failed to meet you, please forgive me!" Shang Rong said again: "Your Highness is the crown prince of the country, how can you come here alone? There must be something ominous about the country. Zhao, please give birth to your highness, if I hear the details."

After Yin Jiao saw Shang Rong, he couldn't help but burst into tears. He recounted in detail the incident in which King Zhou killed his son and his wife. Shang Rong paused and shouted, "Who knew that the unfaithful king is so cruel, destroys human relations, and loses all three principles? My old minister Although I am in Linquan, I still have Wei Que in my heart: How could I know that this strange thing happened in Pingdi? The empress was brutally tortured and the two highnesses were left in ruins. Why did all the officials not obey Yan Ji's advice and turn the government upside down? Don't worry, I will wait for the old ministers to join the court song and directly admonish the emperor to change his ways to save the trouble."

Immediately he called to the left and right: "I ordered the banquet to be organized and entertain His Highness." I will prepare the book tomorrow. It goes without saying that Yin Jiao is in Shang Rong Mansion. Let us also say that the two generals Yin and Lei led their troops to chase the two highnesses. Although they had three thousand men and horses, they were all old and weak. They could only travel thirty miles in a day and could not go far. After three days of traveling, we covered hundreds of miles.

One day, I came to a three-way intersection. Lei Kai said: "Eldest brother! Place your troops and horses here; you lead fifty strong soldiers, and I will lead fifty strong soldiers, and we will pursue them separately. You go to Donglu, and I will go to Nandu."

Yin Pobai said: "This is a very good idea. Otherwise, if we walk with the old and weak soldiers for less than twenty or thirty miles a day, how can we catch up? It will be a mistake." Lei Kai said: "If my brother comes back first, wait here. "Me. If I rush back, I'll wait for you here." Yin Pobai said, "That makes sense."

The two of them stationed some old and weak soldiers here, and each led fifty strong soldiers to come separately.

After the two princes of Yinjiao and Yinhong fled Chaoge, Guangchengzi of Taoyuan Cave in Jiuxian Mountain was practicing Qi. Suddenly his mind was shocked. After some calculations, he sighed secretly.

"Back in the Yuxu Palace, the teacher once said that the seven sects would consult with each other on the list of gods, and my brothers and I were all on the list. Now that a destined person has appeared, I will go to the world for a walk!" After saying this, he left the Nine Immortals Mountain. Go to Chaoge.

Like Guangchengzi, there is also the red sperm of Yunxiao Cave in Taihua Mountain. He was wandering in Taixu. As soon as Yin Hong left Chaoge City, he sensed that the person with whom he was destined had appeared, so he hurriedly went to the mortal world. Look for.

Besides, Shang Rong went to Yin Jiao to narrate the events in Chaoge. He learned that King Zhou was unjust, his civil officials were unclear, and his military officials were unfaithful. Thinking of how I resigned and returned home when I saw King Zhou being dishonest, I couldn't help but regret it. If I was in Chaoge and could remind King Zhou every day, maybe there would be nothing to do later. Thinking of this, I feel heartbroken. Master Wen is leading the army outside. As the Prime Minister, he cannot fulfill his duties and only goes out to escape. How can he explain to Master Wen?

Unexpectedly, on the second day, after Shang Rong and Yin Jiao discussed for half a day, they knew that it would be very bad for him to go to Chaoge. King Zhou even threatened to kill his own son, let alone a minister. He told Yin Jiao to stay away from Chaoge and wait until Daji was punished and King Zhou changed his mind before going back.

Yin Jiao originally wanted to go to his grandfather Jiang Hou, but was eventually stopped by Shang Rong. He first let him live in his own home, and then made his own arrangements after he had an idea. Yin Jiao had no choice but to do this. One day later, Shang Rong said goodbye to Yin Jiao and headed to Chaoge.

Unexpectedly, he went to the Jiujie Palace to remonstrate with King Zhou. Countless loyal ministers and virtuous people of a generation were in embarrassment. They could only remonstrate with death and die in court. Shang Rong didn't mention the matter of going to Chaoge. Besides, he came down the mountain from Guangchengzi and went directly to Chaoge. On the way, he saw a line of purple energy coming out of Chaoge City and heading east. He couldn't help but lower his head and think about it for a moment. Go in the direction of the purple energy. This purple energy is none other than the purple body-protecting energy of the two princes Yin Jiao and Yin Hong.

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