Team Liu was a little bit more settled, he was a little uncertain about how much he didn't have Ye Jian's number, now he seemed to know the tone of Team Leader Xu, and instantly felt hopeful.

"If it's the Ye Jian I know, then we must keep her here!" Xu Yu, the team leader, said quickly and calmly, "I'll confirm my identity with her team right now, and I'll get back to you in two minutes. People stay!"

Ye Jian, the Sixth Team actually met Ye Jian..., that Ye Jian who fought together in Australia once and killed the Red Scorpion in the vent, if it was her, the Sixth Team had to keep her in order to be successful. .

Three minutes later, Ye Jian saw Team Liu in "auspicious uniform" approaching, and Team Liu looked at the young female soldier in jungle camouflage. Thinking of Commander Xu's solemn advice, Team Liu walked over and greeted Ye Jane gave a military salute.

Special female soldier! God-like existence in the army! A character who is more powerful than a male soldier! He must be respected!

Not only did he behave respectfully, but even his words contained respect. He reported the serial numbers of all his troops, introduced himself briefly, and then said: "Commander Xu said that he must keep you, and he also said that if you join us This mission will be smoother!"

who? Team Xu? She didn't know a soldier with the surname "Xu" in her memory.

"The communication has not been suspended yet. If you have any doubts, you can ask Team Xu for confirmation." Team Liu really hoped that Ye Jian would agree immediately. He intended to let Brother Hong out to catch big fish for a long time. He wanted to poison Brother Hong. The point is to catch all the catch, and before releasing him, the team had a very detailed deployment and arrangement based on the information they had. Who knew that the big fish was indeed caught, but I didn't expect it to be so big!

Three high sentry positions required three snipers, plus Ye Jian, just right!

Seeing Team Liu being so cautious, Ye Jian felt a little sorry, and said quickly, "Then I'll talk to Commander Xu first. I'm sorry, I didn't remember who Commander Xu is for a while."

"Okay, absolutely fine!" Team Liu heard that she didn't immediately refuse, and hurriedly led the way.

When Ye Jian heard the voice of Chief Xu, it didn't take three seconds for Ye Jian to remember who Chief Xu was.

"I haven't cooperated with you since I came back last time. I didn't expect that after a few years, the opportunity to cooperate with you will come again." I haven't seen Xu Yu for a few years and has become the captain of the frontier defense team. Hearing Ye Jian's voice , although there is a little change, it still matches the voice in memory.

Ye Jian also smiled and said, "I was wondering when I met a Captain Xu, but it turned out that I was really an acquaintance."

Without exchanging too many pleasantries, after chatting for a few words, we got down to business. Xu Yu said, "Since the Vietnamese red scorpion was killed, Laos, a drug production site in the past few years, has developed and expanded in an instant. The brother Hong we hunted down in the Mekong River He has been arrogant for two years, and we have been keeping an eye on him for two years..."

First explain the ins and outs of the matter to Ye Jian in a simple and clear manner, and then tell the current problem, "Three high-ranking checkpoints, we have two snipers here, and there is another high-ranking checkpoint that can't be solved. In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, I would like to ask you to take charge of a high post."

"Just now I asked the head of your army. He said that it is up to you to decide, and the army will not interfere. What do you think?"

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