The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 1068 The Smell of Gunpowder Smoke

Fortunately, it can be confirmed that Hong Ge and the five of them did not carry any guns or ammunition, and at most had a dagger on them.

They can't follow too closely, and they are still casting long lines to hook big fish. The brothers in front have to take care of themselves!

Team Liu then received messages one after another. Just as they were still guessing the identity of the other party, they did not find any clues left behind for the next two hours, not even in the large traces left by the target person...

There were no traces of fighting around, so the brother in front left by himself again? It's just that because I saw it, I left a mark to see if the border armed police would find it.

And if you leave this signal, you can imagine whether the armed police at the border will see it. This brother probably guessed the identity of "Brother Hong" who walked away wearing a prison uniform. How could a normal person walk away wearing a prison uniform? ?

"No marks? Captain Liu, there are no traces of fighting around, so there should be no accident." After the scout quickly completed the surrounding reconnaissance, he wiped off the rain on his face and said in a low voice, "Either one person left first, or he didn't intend to leave any more marks." gone."

Liu Dui pulled down the rain cap a little more, glanced at the same green world, and said in a deep voice: "It should be brothers from other troops who survive in the wild. If you find out about the situation, let us know. Don't worry if there are no signs of fighting. Keep going."

Ye Jian did not follow any more. At this time, she had just arrived at the place where she could rest tonight, so naturally she didn't need to follow any more.

What's more, she felt that the armed border police seemed to be lagging behind on purpose, following them at a leisurely pace... In the end, there was no sound of the drug detection dogs, as if there was a barking sound to disturb Brother Hong deliberately and make them flee desperately.

The artificially dug hole was just big enough for a person to rest with their legs curled up. Ye Jian already had experience outside the overnight stay, so she had an idea of ​​what to do in the first step and what to do in the second step.

First use the rain curtain to block the wind and rain, and then spread the moisture-proof mat before spraying some anti-snake and insect powder around the entrance of the cave. After taking simple protective measures, put the most important sniper rifle on the inside side, and finally you can Go to bed before eleven o'clock.

The rain hit the rain cloth, and the rattling sound did not affect Ye Jian's sleep, but she was awakened soon.

Some people were still advancing in the rain, their steps were fast but not chaotic, and their breathing was relatively steady. Ye Jian's mind flashed the frontier armed police team he had encountered before.

Calculating the time, it was still within half an hour before Brother Hong and the five of them left.

It is really intentional to calculate the time accurately, and intentionally keep the distance within half an hour.

Ye Jian did not interfere with the affairs of the armed police at the border. They must have seen the message she left. If she stayed, she might confuse them. Tell them that the target person they are chasing has support, so there is no need to continue Leave a message.

Ye Jian's sleep time was limited to six hours. At five o'clock in the morning, Ye Jian had already packed her luggage and set off again in the wet rainforest.

Arriving at the location where the coordinates were transmitted at 7 o'clock in the morning, he turned on the locator and sent Principal Chen his location. This is the military's positioning coordinates. As long as the signal from the locator is sent out, he can accurately locate it.

Ye Jian drank the first sip of water she got up this morning, and ate another compressed biscuit. She only had five minutes to rest, and her slender figure entered the endless rainforest in a blink of an eye.

After walking for about fifteen kilometers, Ye Jian held a sniper rifle and jumped towards the bushes on one side like a slingshot. There was a smell of gunpowder smoke and blood!

Only two more days until August! Summer vacation... is over, how many goblins have already started military training?

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