Everyone was stung by Li Yuanba's sudden words.

This kind of pain is a kind of sadness that comes from the bones and blood.

"Yuanba, what are you going to do?" Mu Waner shouted.

Her instinct told her that something was going to happen. Including Liu Luoxi's inexplicable words before, coupled with Li Yuanba's sudden changes now, everything shows that he is extraordinary.

"Hey, madam, don't worry. As long as I'm here, this ancient world won't collapse." Li Yuanba did not answer Mu Wan'er's words.

After saying that, he raised his head and roared angrily: "Brothers, are you done killing?"

"Arhat is in place!"

"The sword power is in place!"

"Tian Shui is in place!"

"Crazy Sword is in place!"

Seven voices immediately erupted between heaven and earth, and at the same time, their figures' positions also changed rapidly.

"Then do it. This ancient world is the root of the boss."

"The boss is not here, so we have to hold on."

Li Yuanba unleashed the majesty that King Kong should have and commanded all directions.

After saying that, he took the lead, and the strength in his body quickly gathered. His whole body seemed to be on fire, and a terrifying aura surged through him.

He is the divine Vajra, with power to control the sky. At this time, all the power is surging, and it is like a god and demon coming to the world, possessing supreme majesty.

In a few steps, he came directly to the earth, looked up at the sacred mountain that was about to collapse and fall, and a touch of perseverance flashed in his eyes.

"Brothers, guard the ancient world."

Li Yuanba roared angrily, and his whole strength exploded at this moment.

However, the explosion is not a self-destruction.

Instead, release all your power.

Visible to the naked eye, his power spreads out to the heaven and earth, forming a huge pillar that rises into the sky.

"Heavenly Pillar of Divine Power, done!" Then, Li Yuanba shouted loudly, and his whole body began to melt away, leaving only a smile that lingered in the void and disappeared in an instant.

Everyone was stunned.

Li Wuxin, Zhang Yue and others fell silent, with infinite grief in their eyes.

"Donkey Kong!"

"Big guy!"

"Bald guy!"

Countless voices fell in the void, filled with sobs.

They have been with Li Yuanba for a long time, so they naturally have feelings for him. Now that they saw Li Yuanba disappearing in front of them, they felt extremely sad.

Men don't shed tears lightly, but at this moment, all of them were filled with tears.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the ground again.

It's Oya!

Oya threw out a sword in his hand, which turned into a sword light and hit the sky.

And then, her whole body turned into a sword light and rose into the sky.


"No, Oya, come back and you all come back to me."

Mu Wan'er was already crying.

The changes before her eyes had a great impact on her, and she burst into tears.

If Long Zhanting hadn't been holding him tightly now, she might have rushed out to stop a few people by now.

Long Zhanting's face was heavy.

He knew the choice of Li Yuanba and others.

Taking action now will not only not change their choice, but will only make the departure of Li Yuanba and Oya meaningless.

It may even lead to the complete collapse of the ancient world, which will cause a loss of life and cause more and greater sacrifices.

At the same time, he also knew that this was the mission of the eight Li Yuanba people.

Otherwise, Liu Luoxi would not have said such words before.

It can be said that Liu Luoxi may have known a long time ago that there would be such a day and the ancient world would collapse. That's why everyone was prevented from taking action before.

Her purpose may be to avoid such an outcome.

It's a pity that the result is still developing in this direction after all, and there is no way to reverse it.

And after Oya.

Black Sword, Lin Yousheng, Tian Shui...

one by one.

They all burn and release their power, violently raging between heaven and earth, and melting between heaven and earth.

In just a moment, their figures all disappeared without a trace, and there were only eight sky-reaching pillars left standing between heaven and earth.

And with the appearance of the Tianzhu, the ancient sacred mountain finally stopped falling and was supported by the eight Tianzhu.

The Eight Great Vajras transform into the Eight Great Heavenly Pillars!

Holding up this sky.

Some stability finally returned to the eyes of countless people.

The fact that the sacred mountain did not fall finally gave them some peace of mind.

However, they did not feel any sadness. Instead, they felt that everything was natural.

At this time, the expressions on the faces of the people in Wuji Temple were also extremely ugly. Originally, the collapse of the sacred mountain and the collapse of the great road were already unstoppable. But now, Li Yuanba and others' lives have been reversed.

"Kill me and smash these eight pillars. The ancient world must be destroyed."

"We can't give them a chance to breathe, we must destroy them. Come on, give them all to me, collapse this pillar directly, and definitely don't give them any illusions."


In an instant, people from all directions in the Wuji Temple began to roar crazily. The changes before them were unacceptable to them.

"Stop them!" Liu Luoxi also said loudly.

Immediately, her figure also joined the battle group, guarding directly in front of the Tianzhu, inducing the power of countless stars to come down and wipe out everything.

Li Wuxin and others were even more crazy at this time.

Hatred, anger and grief caused the universe in their hearts to explode, killing them crazily.

But at this moment, it is thousands of miles away from here.

Outside Longmai Mountain.

Long Fei's figure stood in the void.

Opposite him were Zun Zhou and others.

Zun Zhou returned and brought several helpers, directly sealing a void and binding Long Fei in it.

It can be said that it was not that Long Fei did not go back, but that the Wuji Temple had already figured out what Long Fei would do and therefore stopped him in advance.

"Hahaha, you must be sad. The ancient world is about to collapse. Your brothers and your women will also be done with it. Soon, they will die, and they will die under your eyes."

Zun Zhou sneered.

His eyes were full of cold contempt.

Being suppressed by Long Fei before had become a pain in his heart. He understood that only if Long Fei died could he become the only one in this universe.

As long as Long Fei lives for one day, he will never be able to get ahead, and will even be in fear all day long and unable to rest in peace.

Therefore, he discussed with the people from the Wuji Temple, and finally asked the people from the Wuji Temple to use the supreme secret method to seal the void and suppress Long Fei.

Long Fei's eyes were filled with anger.

He had forgotten how long it had been since he was angry.

But in front of him, in the picture condensed by Zun Zhou, he saw the disaster in the ancient world, the fall of the Eight Great Vajras, and the helplessness and pain of Liu Luoxi and others.

All of this made his heart almost burst.

It's a pity that the other party's method is too mysterious, and even his strength can't break free for a while.

"Haha, stop struggling. This is the formation carved by the spirits of our Hall of All Living Beings, Cangmang Hall, and Lian Palace. You are bound at this moment, which is equivalent to being suppressed by the power of the two hall spirits. No matter how strong you are, you will not be able to do anything." It's possible to break free." At this moment, a person from the Wuji Temple next to Zun Zhou said.

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