The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 972: At that moment, he was like a god


Immediately afterwards, an explosion sounded, and the entire active volcano burst. In the horrified eyes of everyone, a black fire dragon full of black flames rushed out from it.

The fire dragon roared, and the sound shook the entire secret realm of the Great Zhou royal family.

At this moment, everyone felt a terrifying coercion, as if facing a high **** looking down on them.

When everyone looked over, they saw that the fire dragon was a thousand feet long, hovering and dancing in mid-air, wherever it passed, the void burned, and cracks appeared in front of them.

There was an immense dragon power, and the suppressed people couldn't stand firm in the air. They all fell down one by one. They could barely stand on the ground, looking at the black flames billowing in mid-air with horror.

"too frightening."

"My Da Zhou, is it going to be destroyed under this fire dragon?"

Everyone in the Zhou royal family looked extremely ugly.

The mighty power of this fire dragon is really terrifying, even the great elders of the Nascent Soul Stage realm are trembled, revealing an incredible color.


Along with the roar of the fire dragon, the active volcano below exploded even more, and at the same time, a very powerful black flame spewed out.

"It's over..."

Where the black magma passed, the entire ground began to melt, and even everyone obviously felt that the secret realm of the Zhou royal family was beginning to tremble.


"No, I can't run. I obviously feel that the fire dragon's air force has locked us. If we run, we will be dead."

Everyone wanted to run, but they didn't dare to run.

The eyes of the black fire dragon that was hovering kept staring at them, and the killing intent without the slightest emotion in the eyes made everyone tremble.

They believe that as long as they dare to move, this fire dragon will definitely rush over.

Cold sweat, drop by drop.

His face was extremely pale.

They could only gritted their teeth and looked at the fire dragon without daring to move.

"No, it won't last long. The black magma will come over. By that time, we will die if we don't run. We might as well run now. One can escape."

Then, the great elder of the Great Zhou royal family said solemnly, "You go first, I will block it."


However, before they moved, the fire dragon erupted, and a roar sounded, and the Qianzhang fire dragon rushed directly towards them.

"It's over."

The terrifying dragon power and fierce might enveloped everyone, causing everyone's look to change drastically, shouting, "Run!"

However, it was too late at this time. As soon as they moved, they felt terrible and terrible pressure, which enveloped them all, making them unable to even move quickly.

"How to do?"

Among the crowd, even the masters of the Golden Core Stage were sweating profusely, but the Great Elder roared and rose into the sky to fight the fire dragon.

Bang bang bang!

However, he went faster and returned faster. In the blink of an eye, his whole body was burning with black flames and hit the ground.

The black fire dragon roared and rushed down towards the crowd, opening its mouth wide, and a terrifying suction burst out, and it was about to swallow the crowd.

"not good."

As everyone’s expressions changed drastically, Kong Shuai, who was the weakest, only felt that he was floating and was about to sink into the fire dragon’s mouth. He was scared to use space abilities one after another, but he was shocked to find that his space abilities were useless. It was completely suppressed by the coercion of the fire dragon.

"It's over."

His expression was dull, and the whole person kept murmuring, he could only watch his whole person float up and flew towards the fire dragon's blood basin.

"catch him."

Behind him, Atari and Xiaoqi and Xiaowu shot at the same time, holding him tightly.

However, it was useless at all. In the blink of an eye, not only them, but also Zhou Wang and Zhou Feng, the masters of the Golden Elixir period, were attracted by this suction and flew upwards.

"It's over, it's dead..."

"Why haven't I heard that a dragon can eat people? What kind of dragon is this?"


Everyone screamed, they could only fly towards the sky with despair.

In mid-air, the eyes of the lantern the size of a burning black fire dragon showed complacency, ready to enjoy a meal.

Seeing that someone from the Great Zhou Dynasty was the first to enter its mouth, it almost screamed out with excitement.

"damn it..."

The great elder below roared again and again, and he also flew up, but his whole body was wrapped in black flames, there was no other action at all, he could only do his best to resist the flames' refining him.

Seeing that everyone from the Great Zhou royal family was swallowed by the fire dragon one by one, it was about to be the turn of Kong Shuai and others.

At this moment, their eyes were full of despair, especially Atari, who closed his eyes and yelled, "It's over, help..."

No matter how loud the screams were, it was useless, and they still could not avoid their fate.

Only, Xiao Wu and Xiao Qi showed firmness in their eyes, looked at the skyfire furnace still wrapped in flames, and whispered, "Master, goodbye!"

There is no greed and fear of death, only worry. If they are gone, how sad would the prince be?

The prince who is used to them by his side, will he be able to live well without them?

But what can I do if I don’t give up?

The blood basin had a big mouth with a stench, and it had already passed, and in the next second, they would be swallowed.


As their voices fell, it was as if Emperor Xiao Qing heard their voices. Accompanied by a sword roar, a nine-colored sword light suddenly flew out, standing directly on the head of the fire dragon amidst the roar.


The fire dragon uttered a roar when it was in pain, and closed its mouth, the suction disappeared instantly, and everyone fell to the ground.


The rest of the people showed the excitement of the rest of their lives, only Xiao Wu, Xiao Qi, Atari and others raised their heads to look at the burning skyfire furnace.


There was a roar in the Skyfire Furnace, and the infinite flame burst in all directions. The nine-colored rays of light circulated all over Xiao Qingdi, holding the Skyfire Furnace in one hand, and walking out of it with the sword tire in the other.

At this moment, he descended like a god

"Fortunately, there is finally time."

He muttered to himself in a low voice, his expression was calm, his clothes and hair still remained motionless, just looking at the fire dragon burning with black flames.


"Boss Xiao!"

"It's him, can he kill this fire dragon?"

The people below all showed excitement.

Emperor Xiao Qing strolled in the air, came to the front of the fire dragon, and said calmly, "Did you surrender yourself, or did the king behead you, cramping, peeling and refining flesh and blood?"

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