The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 970: One sword volley, who can stop?


In midair, a sea of ​​flames with a diameter of 100 meters was burning with flames that were 100 meters high.

This is not an ordinary flame, but a terrifying flame cultivated by a super-powerful person of the Golden Core Stage, which is enough to melt any steel, and even the gods of the world will be burned.

Originally, the highest level of Xiaowu and other people was only the cultivation base of the foundation period, and the moment they were wrapped in flames, they would turn into fly ash.

However, when King Zhou looked at the flame with sadness, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Within the flame, there was a looming nine-color light, and at the same time, he could sense that a terrifying power was brewing within the flame, as if it would explode in the next moment.

"not good..."

King Zhou suddenly thought of something, his expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed, "Get back quickly."


Qiang Qiang!

However, as soon as his voice fell, when everyone hadn't reacted, they heard a huge roar, and the infinite flame suddenly burst in mid-air.

A sword roar sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the endless nine-color sword aura tore through the flames, rushing out amidst the roar.

"this is..."

The complexions of all members of the imperial family of the Great Zhou Dynasty changed.

"Do not..."

Then, a terrified roar came.

Everyone looked over, and saw the infinite sword energy converging into a thousand-foot-long nine-color heavenly sword, slashing towards Zhou Huo with indestructible power.


Everyone can feel the terrifying sword intent carried in that thousand-zhang heavenly sword. It is a sword that is invincible in the world.

Regardless of the power of this sword, a sword cut out, the supreme sword power contained in it already makes people unable to resist any resistance.


In the eyes of everyone, this Qianzhang Jiucai Heavenly Sword directly split Zhou Huo's whole person in half.

Moreover, when the two halves of Zhou Huo's body fell down, this sword didn't seem to defuse its qi, but it shattered directly, turning into infinitely tiny sword qi.

A wave of sword energy swept across the air, only to see the rain of blood and meat, there was no more Zhou Huo.


This scene stunned everyone in the imperial clan of the Great Zhou Dynasty.


Even King Zhou had the same shocked expression on his face, "I should have thought that he couldn't have been prepared without any preparation. Yes, he took the initiative to use the Heavenfire Furnace to quench his body. His woman and brother took risks..."

At this moment, he didn't know whether he should be lucky or sigh.

Emperor Xiao Qing's sword aura is too obvious, the nine-colored rays of light burnt, and the sword is vast, which means the Supreme Sword Emperor, and the only Supreme Sword Emperor left in this world.

Don't look at the Heavenly Fire Furnace rotating in midair to refine Xiao Qing, but it must be Xiao Qing that controlled this sword energy to cut Zhou Huo.


"Hahaha, I'm still alive, Tenina's, I'm scared to death, I thought I couldn't have a good chat with Da Zhou's sister."

"My eldest nephew should be strong, and he left such a terrifying sword aura in the body of the little five masters. This sword, tusk, even if the old man of my master comes, it is estimated that he will be smashed."

The few people who escaped from the dead were very excited, especially Atari and Kong Shuai were the most excited.

Atali, the honorary uncle of Emperor Xiao Qing, felt that he was so embarrassed, and he kept sighing, "As expected to be the son of my senior brother, he is amazing."

"what did you say?"

Xiao Wu on one side looked at Atari coldly.

"No, it's nothing, I said my boss is really amazing..." Atari was shocked in an instant.

Ignoring the self-entertaining Atari, Xiao Wu and Xiao Qi gathered together, looking at the people of the Da Zhou imperial family with vigilant eyes, with constant coldness in their eyes.

"Everyone, what happened just now was done by Zhou Huo alone. We want to save you, but it's too late. Sorry." Zhou Feng and the elder of the elders of the Clan Association simultaneously apologized.

Although Zhou Feng, a strong man in the line of Heavenly Fire, was cut off, they carried more fortune in their hearts.

Fortunately, after Zhou Feng's death, at least the Emperor Xiao Clan would not blame all these crimes on their heads.

Otherwise, with today's Great Zhou, it really couldn't fight against the Xiao imperial clan at its peak.

"Wait a moment, the prince will naturally have a care with you." Xiao Qi's voice gradually slowed down, but still with a coldness, "We were brothers when Zhou Wang was a brother, and we specially came to congratulate him. So to us."

"Sorry, I'm really sorry."

Everyone in the Zhou royal family can only apologize one after another.


"No, it's going to collapse."

At this time, the magma controlled by the people made a roar, but a large amount of terrifying magma rushed in from the active volcano. In this way, no matter how powerful the people were, they couldn't hold it.

Zhou Feng hurriedly tried his best to help block the flame magma, but he was at a loss. Zhou Huo was the only one who hoped to take the flame magma away. After all, Zhou Huo was a natural fire cultivator and he was in control. I don’t know how many years it has been in the furnace.

And now, Zhou Huo was also slashed. Although there is no need to worry about being retaliated by the Xiao imperial clan because of Zhou Huo's affairs, this flame magma erupted and the secret realm where Da Zhou was located would also be destroyed.

"Does Da Zhou really want to be destroyed under this volcano?"

Everyone raised their heads and looked at this 100,000-meter-high active volcano that is still emitting flames, with a sad look in their eyes.


Seeing this scene, Xiao Wu screamed, his figure soared into the air, and instantly appeared on the other side, injecting his own strength into the air.

Xiaoqi, Kong Shuai, and Atari also disagree, and directly join them.

Although their strength is not strong, at this time, even more strength is enough to delay the time for the volcanic magma to flush out and give them more time to react.

"Thanks a lot."

Their behavior caused the few people who had been a little unhappy because of Zhou Huo's affairs, all their unhappiness disappeared, and they all looked at Xiaowu and the other people with gratitude.

"We and Zhou Wang are brothers."

Atari and Kong Shuai winked at Zhou Wang.

"Hahaha... Yeah, brother."

King Zhou was very moved, but now is not the time to reminisce about the past, he gritted his teeth and shouted to the elder, "If it doesn’t work, just wake up the ancestors in the forbidden land, otherwise, if the secret realm of the Zhou royal family is destroyed, those ancestors After waking up, it will also tear us up."

"No, you can only wake them up after you inherit the emperor. There is no way to wake them up now."

The great elder gritted his teeth, with a look of helplessness, "Although you have been determined by us as the true emperor in the future, you can't be regarded as the true emperor without officially taking over."

"Then what to do?" Zhou Wang was dumbfounded, "Is it the only way to let the Great Zhou Secret Realm be destroyed by this volcano?"

"Unless someone can control the Skyfire Furnace, absorb all these flames, and then suppress the entire volcano again." The elder said in a deep voice.

"Then do it quickly, you are not the great elder of Da Zhou, aren't you very old, there must be a way." Atari shouted on one side.

"For the entire Great Zhou, only Zhou Huo can control the Skyfire Furnace." The Great Elder said bitterly.

"Then organize the people to retreat, there is no other way, and they have been holding on, will they not be allowed to run until the final outbreak?" Xiao Wu shouted.

"Yes, let people retreat quickly, this secret realm can't stay." Zhou Wang shivered and said quickly.


However, when they were about to give orders, suddenly that active volcano vibrated, and a more terrifying flame of magma, even showing a blue flame, spurted out.

"not good..."

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