The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 925: In the future, who can be the enemy? (Eight more flowers)

"The super master who surpassed the realm of the Nascent Soul Stage was just cut off?"

Xiao Ding and Xiao Zhengjing stared blankly at the common occurrence of a cloud of blood that exploded in the wind, with an incredible color in their eyes.

Looking at Emperor Xiao Qing, at this moment, all the sword energy has been swallowed into the whirlpool, and the whirlpool has been absorbed into the body, and his aura has returned to calm.

However, both Xiao Zhengjing and Xiao Ding could sense that Emperor Xiao Qing's breath had reached a terrifying level.

Even if it was them, they couldn't see the realm of Emperor Xiao Qing.

"You have refined all the hundreds of thousands of sword qi?" Xiao Ding opened his mouth, a little speechless.

Looking at Emperor Xiao Qing, who was like a jade **** and was like a humble gentleman, he suddenly felt a little inferior.

Xiao Zhengjing was trapped for more than 30 years, and finally got the reservation of Zhou Huang, a strong ancient magic way, so it was enough to have strength beyond him.

But what about Emperor Xiao Qing?

It's only a little more than eight years of cultivation, and there is no direct inheritance of anyone's power. That's it, a little bit of growth to a sword that can smash a strong person beyond the Nascent Soul Stage?

As a result, he, who was originally the most powerful in the Xiao family, became a bit ordinary.

What's this, what's the matter?

"Partially refined."

Emperor Xiao Qing put the sword fetus into his dantian, but the sword fetus at this moment was more clever than ever, and he never broke out of evil spirits.

It seems to be full.

However, he didn't care.

His cultivation became stronger and stronger, and after condensing the golden core, unless all the power of the sword fetus was unlocked, the sword fetus would have little effect on him.

When the sword fetus is truly transformed, it will become a true supreme soldier, and can only become a sharp blade in his hands.

"Good job."

Xiao Zhengjing patted Emperor Xiao Qing on the shoulder and sighed, "Thanks to you, otherwise, this time not only me and the old guy, but even the Xiao royal family are in danger."

"what is the problem?"

Until this time, Emperor Xiao Qing had time to ask about the specific situation.

"In the Great Desert, they were spying on the side."

Xiao Zhengjing said solemnly, "No one of us even noticed. They probably used some magic weapons of peeping. The three of them should belong to the Sacred Sword Sect of the ancient twelve sects."

"They found me in order to seize the Sifang Magic Orb. This time, if you didn't arrive in time, I'm afraid this old guy and I will be dead."

After speaking, he glanced at Xiao Ding with a gloomy look on his face, "Commander Xiao, can you kill your opponent?"

"Uh, ah..."

Xiao Ding was stunned, "Why do you ask?"

"Unfortunately, the troubles are endless."

Although Xiao Ding did not answer explicitly, Xiao Zhengjing understood that Xiao Ding had not cut off the weakest woman.

"Who told you not to deal with that woman by yourself? My old man is kind-hearted and can't bear to deal with weak women." Xiao Ding whispered.

At this moment, he also understood that he had made a big mistake because of his own reasons, but he refused to admit it.

"What's so nervous? Whoever dares to make trouble will just kill it."

On the contrary, Emperor Xiao Qing was more indifferent, glanced at the four-legged snake in the distance, and said calmly, "Take out the two magic beads."


The four-legged snake was stunned, "This..."

He also thought about gathering and refining all the four magic orbs. What I didn't expect was that the four magic orbs could not be gathered, and even the two magic orbs on his body would be lost.

There was a heart that didn't want to give it, but in the face of Emperor Xiao Qing's solemn expression, he had to spit out two magic beads and handed it to Emperor Xiao Qing.

With a wave of his hand, Emperor Xiao Qing gave two magic beads exuding demon energy to Xiao Zhengjing. If he looked at him profoundly, "Uncle, you have the memory of the remnant soul of the ancient demon master, which is equivalent to the inheritance of the demon path. The four magic beads are the most suitable for you. Now they are all handed over to you, whether you want to refine them or keep them for yourself."

"Do you really want to give them to me?"

Xiao Zhengjing looked at the two magic beads floating in front of him, with a smile in his eyes.

Before that, after the Great Desert War I ended, although he won, Emperor Xiao Qing only gave him two magic beads. He obviously didn't trust him, for fear that after he gathered the four magic beads, no one could check and balance. The power, but completely enchanted.

Now, he even gave him the other two magic beads directly.

"You are my uncle."

Emperor Xiao Qing simply said a few words, and then directly grabbed the four-legged snake and turned it into a sword light and went away instantly.

"This kid..."

After hearing this, Xiao Zhengjing was stunned, and then he laughed, "Have you finally recognized me? This is also good. From now on, I will not only be your uncle, but also your strongest backing."


With a wave of his hand, he gathered the two magic beads, stepped out in one step, and instantly disappeared in place.

Only Xiao Ding was left with a depressed look, "This is bad, I really want to become the weakest."

Xiao Zhengjing was originally stronger than him, and now he has gathered the magic beads in the four directions. If he is completely refined, he will probably have earth-shattering power.

At that time, he, the leader of the Xiao Huang family's law enforcement team, seemed to be a little under-read.

"No, it's time to dig the old graves of those old guys from the law enforcement team..."

After making up his mind, Xiao Ding also left quickly.


"What's the matter with the Heavenly Beast Grains outside of the Happy Family?"

After leaving, Emperor Xiao Qing did not immediately return to the East China Sea, but grabbed the four-legged snake and asked.

This time, after encountering strong men like Chang Jian, he suddenly realized a problem. Since there are so-called invisible ancient holy places and sects in this world, the emergence of the heavenly beasts of Xiaoyaomen is absolutely impossible. It's not what Li Xiao said, maybe some powerful force specially left it, or it was related to the inheritance of the emperor's seal.

All this, only the four-legged snake can give an explanation.


The four-legged snake looked cute, "Master, what do you mean by that."

"Don't tell me?"

Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at the four-legged snake indifferently.

This glance caused the four-legged snake's face to change drastically, and he no longer dared to pretend, "Master, specifically I don't know how the Heavenly Beast Gravel came from. I only know that the alien beasts of the Heavenly Beast Gravel are actually my guardian. Beasts, but now they are too weak to be useful."

"Where is the locked beast?" Xiao Qing asked.

"Oh, you said that big guy, its strength is actually nothing, it's just one or two realms stronger than Yuan Yingqi."

The four-legged snake said, "If you wake it up, you can guard one side, but the big guy has been injured before, and now his head is a bit unclear. It's not easy to wake it up unless..."

"Huh?" Emperor Xiao Qing glanced.

The four-legged little snake, who originally wanted to pretend, said quickly, "The only one who can control the big guy and even help him heal his injuries is the Emperor Palace, but the Emperor Palace has disappeared for too long, even I can't find it. "

"Emperor Palace?"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Xiao Qing frowned slightly, looked in the direction of the overseas temple, and said softly, "It seems that it is time to go overseas again."

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