The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1903: Ten emperors

"Twelve Blood Kings!"

Little Sage Emperor and the dean of Tiandao Academy were embarrassed.

They don't know what to do.

The ten kings of the newly awakened blood clan seemed a bit different from the previous three.

In fact, the strength of these few is too strong, it is not like awakening after being sealed for infinite years, it is a bit like self-reclusive practice for a long time to go out, and their strength has reached the peak state.

At this moment, everyone looked at the Blood Prince and Luo Xia.

The cultivation of the blood prince and Luo Xia also reached the peak, especially the blood prince, his whole body is not the unique golden light of the blood emperor, nor the blood light, but the black light surrounding him.

In the depths of this black light, a faint little nine-color light appeared looming, just like stars appearing in the dark starry sky.

He stood with his hands on his back, the whole body was not breathable, just like a scholar.

The strength of his body is extremely terrifying, and it seems that he is no weaker than these ten blood emperors.

With a slight smile, he saluted the blood emperors, "The younger generation, I have seen all the seniors."

With this salute, the dean of Tiandao Academy and the little Sage Emperor's expressions changed, "It's over, this kid has caused trouble."

In particular, the dean of Tiandao Academy sighed, "I still only crow's mouth a little bit. Although the bad things I said have been fulfilled, these blood emperors exist, and they may be born at any time. It’s not my fault either."

"And this kid is different."

He looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, sighed and shook his head, "He created such an invincible blood emperor with his own hands, no, two."

There is Luo Xia on the side.

He didn't believe it. Faced with the invitation of the top ten blood emperors of the blood clan, and he was still a strong person of the same clan, as long as he agreed, he could become the supreme blood emperor, and he could rule the starry sky and rule the universe.

Luo Xia and Blood Prince would certainly not disagree with such a good opportunity.

Even if the dean of Tiandao Academy asked himself if he was in their situation, he could clearly see the strengths and weaknesses of both sides at a glance, it would be impossible to find death on the side of the weak.


The Little Sage Emperor and the Dean of Tiandao Academy kept shaking their heads.

At the same time, they looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, wanting to know what would happen to Emperor Xiao Qing?

Seeing that the two powerhouses who had been trained by their own hands had directly become their own enemies, I am afraid that Emperor Xiao Qing would be crazy...

However, when they saw Emperor Xiao Qing, they found that Emperor Xiao Qing's face was plain, without the slightest anger.

"This kid's disposition is not weak." The dean of Tiandao Academy secretly said in his heart.

The little holy emperor also admired, "It's not chaotic in the face of danger, and has the demeanor of the strong, not bad."

Emperor Xiao Qing opened his eyes, looked at the blood prince and Luo Xia calmly, and then looked at the top ten blood emperors on the opposite side, secretly shocked.

The strength of these ten blood emperors is obviously much stronger than the ones who were killed by himself.

Especially the first blood emperor, who said that it is the same life existence as this universe, although a bit exaggerated, it is really powerful.

Aiming at the ancient aura carried on the opponent, Emperor Xiao Qing believed that the opponent was the most terrifying among the current blood clan.

Even if he puts on the emperor armor suit, he is not at all sure that he can deal with this first blood emperor.

However, this is not the time to deal with the first blood emperor, but to see how the blood prince chooses.

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the blood prince, and at exactly this moment, the blood prince also looked at him.

"How do you think I should choose?"

With his hands on his back, the blood prince looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile.

"It's all based on my heart." Emperor Xiao Qing also smiled.

Opposite him, the blood prince smiled softly, ignored Emperor Xiao Qing, and walked directly towards the top ten blood emperors.

"not good."

Seeing the actions of the blood prince, the expressions of the little holy emperor and the dean of the Tiandao Academy changed drastically.

"To stop him, he can't be united with the top ten blood emperors."

"When the time comes, the eleven blood emperors will merge, and the bursting power will be stronger, and it will be even more unstoppable."

"While he is still his own, kill him first."

The two of them *, it was obviously too late for them to do it, but they wanted the Emperor Xiao Qing who was the closest to the blood prince to do it.

Emperor Xiao Qing didn't bother to pay attention to the two, but still sat in the void, devouring the unparalleled energy around him to restore his strength. At this moment, his cultivation has almost reached the peak.

A small part of the consciousness sank into the emperor's hall, calling out the strong man with the dragon head, "Opposite the ten blood emperors, can you kill with one blow?"

"It's just a mere blood demon."

Facing Emperor Xiao Qing's question, this strong man with the dragon head looked very disdainful, just glanced at the starry sky outside the emperor hall, "Blood demon, no matter how powerful, it is just an ant."

"Then you can kill everything with one blow?" Xiao Qingdi frowned.

"Yes, but I only have one blow, Master, and I will fall asleep even with the Emperor Palace. It is not worth wasting this blow on these ten little blood monsters." The brawny man said solemnly.

"Don't worry, you can never do it unless you have to."

Emperor Xiao Qing responded, withdrew his consciousness from the palace, raised his head to look at the blood prince, and found that the blood prince had arrived in front of the top ten blood emperors at this moment.

The ten blood emperors displayed their true kinship bodies, with a size of one million feet, golden light flowing around their bodies, and between the flapping of their golden wings, waves of cosmic storms were set off.

The blood prince is only a normal person tall, facing the ten blood emperors, like an ant.


The face of the first blood emperor showed satisfaction, "You are the eleventh blood emperor."

The other nine blood emperors also smiled and nodded, showing kindness to the blood prince.

The blood prince smiled softly, "I am the blood emperor, but I am not the blood emperor."


As soon as this statement came out, the expressions of the top ten blood emperors changed, and the first blood emperor squinted at the blood prince, wanting to know what the blood prince meant.

"The blood emperor should end in my hands."

Without waiting for the blood prince to speak, Luo Xia's magnificent voice came out.

I saw the golden light of Luo Xia's whole body circulate, and the aura of blood-chewing burst out infinitely.

He walked towards the top ten blood emperors in the air, and said in a low voice, "I am the blood emperor, you are the ten blood emperors, only worthy of being my food."

Boom boom boom!

At this moment Luo Xia, the aura bursting out of his body became stronger, and the starry sky collapsed wherever he passed, and the rules of the universe were shaken by it.

After swallowing the fourteenth blood emperor, Luo Xia had already reached a level no weaker than the fourteenth blood emperor.

"Fourteen, do you think you are the blood emperor who eats the blood, you can become the nemesis of the blood emperor like me?"

One of the blood emperors smiled and looked at Luo Xia, "It seems that it is just luck that you can swallow fourteen. If fourteen is there, you will not dare to talk to us like this."

"What do you mean?" Luo Xia frowned.

"The blood emperor, forever, only ten!"

The first blood emperor smiled, its voice was magnificent, spreading far away, the entire starry sky was shaking.

However, the face of those who heard it changed drastically.

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