The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1901: The good but the bad will come true

The emperor seizes thirteen swords and can seize everything.

Life, body, consciousness, even soul, etc. cannot escape.

When the thirteen swords are unified, they have unparalleled power, domineering and fierce, and can cut everything.

When they were separated, there were legal decisions specifically aimed at all aspects.

Win the spirit sword!

With one sword, plunder all the consciousness and true spirit of this blood emperor.

The consciousness of the blood emperor who had been split into pieces by the holy emperor sword was swallowed by the holy emperor sword at this moment.

Then, after the conversion of the Holy Emperor Sword, it turned into an extremely pure and masterless power of consciousness and lost to Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Holy Emperor Sword, a good thing."

Even Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help but sigh.

At this moment, after he got the consciousness of this blood emperor, he only felt empty-hearted, and his whole person was a lot of energy.

Looking at the blood race body that was still active but had lost consciousness, he pondered for a long while and directly sealed it into the soul of the soul.

Then, he turned his gaze to the Dean and Little Sage Emperor of the Heavenly Dao Academy who were jointly beheading a blood emperor.

At this moment, the two people tried their best, each wounded, and still failed to kill the blood emperor.

Seeing Xiao Qing emperor slaying a blood emperor so cleanly, they were completely stunned, "This kid, is it so terrible? All of a sudden, this blood emperor was beheaded?"

"That sword..."

When they saw the Holy Emperor Sword in Emperor Xiao Qing's hands, they all understood that the ability of Emperor Xiao Qing to possess such a fighting power was absolutely inseparable from this sword.

"Supreme Sword, a magic weapon beyond the pinnacle of this world."

When the two of them were horrified, they accidentally caused the blood emperor to explode with incomparable power. In the roar, they blasted them separately, and then quickly fled towards the distance.

At this moment, this blood emperor was completely frightened.

Originally, Emperor Xiao Qing killed the Thirteenth Blood Emperor. It felt that it was a coincidence. Then, this time, Emperor Xiao Qing killed a Blood Emperor so easily. It was absolutely impossible to be a coincidence.

Rather, the Supreme Blood Emperor was truly and completely beheaded by Emperor Xiao Qing.

too frightening.

It is simply not an existence they can fight against.

"Only after the remaining ten blood emperors wake up, can we be able to deal with him, otherwise, with my power, he will be beheaded."

The blood emperor trembled in his heart, wishing that he had ten more wings to make it escape faster.

"Can you run?"

If only the Dean of Tiandao Academy and Little Sage Emperor were there, it was really possible that this blood emperor would escape, however, Emperor Xiao Qing would have been waiting a long time ago.

At this moment, a sword was cut out, and a million swords appeared densely, directly blocking this blood emperor.

Then, Emperor Xiao Qing directly merged the human sword into one, turning into a million-foot giant sword and smashed towards this blood emperor.


A sword instantly split this blood emperor in half.

Then, following the same method, displayed the sword of seizing the spirit of the emperor's thirteen swords, directly destroying and plundering the consciousness of this blood emperor, and putting away its body.

The flesh bodies of the first-class blood emperors of the two blood races still retain their maximum activity, and they are included in the soul of the soul.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

In my heart, I was very happy, and the harvest was huge.

Even if they leave here, with the flesh and blood of the two blood emperors, it is enough to make the flesh power of the closest people on Dragon King Island reach the realm of the nine heavens.

"After the creation of the Nine Heavens, it is necessary to face the problem of eternal life. If a terrifying existence that surpasses the Blood Emperor can come and bathe in the blood of the Blood Emperor, it may be possible for their bodies to surpass the Nine Heavens."

When Emperor Xiao Qing was thinking about how to improve the physical strength of the people on Dragon King Island, the dean of Tiandao Academy and the little Sage Emperor came to Xiao Qing with horror.

Looking at the stern Emperor Xiao Qing who was wrapped in the emperor armor, their expressions were horrified, "You killed this blood emperor so easily."

"too frightening..."

This time, the dean of Tiandao Academy and the Little Sage Emperor completely convinced Emperor Xiao Qing.

With one sword and one, two blood emperors who were stronger than them were completely wiped out by Emperor Xiao Qing.

In this world, I am afraid that no one can compare with Emperor Xiao Qing.

"All this is just luck."

Emperor Kai entered his body, and Emperor Xiao Qing exhaled. He could not help but shook his head because he consumed most of the energy in his body.

Even if it is him, killing the two blood emperors seems simple, but in fact they have already used all the power in the body. If the soul of the soul is not wide enough, and the energy contained in the dantian star sky in the body is terrible enough, I am afraid he is one of them. The power will be completely exhausted.

"It's not easy to do it again."

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing was extremely vigilant, staring at the breath of the ten blood emperors who were awakening, and directly addressed the dean of Tiandao Academy and Little Sage Emperor, "If you don't take action at this moment, what are you waiting for?"

"Almost forgot."

The two chuckled, "I was frightened by your two swords to kill the two blood emperors. I forgot these ten blood emperors who were awakening. We will pass now, and we will smash them directly before they wake up. Up."


Then, the two of them instantly reached the void, and their bodies burst out with unparalleled sharpness, and jointly displayed the sealing method, intending to completely seal them before the ten blood emperors completely awakened.

"Fortunately, the master left this sealing law decision back then, otherwise, if the ten blood emperors were born together, we would definitely not be able to stop it."

"However, as long as they are not fully awakened, we are not afraid."

The Dean of Tiandao Academy and Little Sage Emperor smiled softly.

At this moment, sensing the trend that these ten blood emperors had not yet awakened, they were very relaxed.

Before Saint Emperor Xuanyuan left, he was worried that the Thirteen Blood Emperors of the blood clan would one day wake up completely to bring disaster to the world, leaving this sealed law early.

With the power of their two great powers, as long as these blood emperors have not fully awakened, it will be enough to shock the seal again.

Therefore, for these ten blood emperors, they don't feel worried.

"It's a trick."

Upon seeing this, Emperor Xiao Qing also laughed.

That's good, although one's own power can indeed kill the blood emperor, but each sword requires infinite energy, and if you use a few more, you can't hold it.

"Restore the cultivation base first."

He sat in this void, and accompanied by the incomparable nine-color energy burst out, the surrounding void was directly shattered and turned into an endless black hole.

In the depths of the black hole, what is connected is the deepest void, and the incomparable mysterious energy is drawn by him from the deep void.

At this moment, the primordial spirit world and the physical world are also unfolding, consuming the energy in this endless void on a large scale.

In an instant, the movement was so terrifying, even if the seal was being used, most of the deans of the Tiandao Academy and the little holy emperor who had already suppressed the breath of the ten blood emperors were shocked.

"This kid, it's terrible, the exercises he cultivates are definitely not something the universe can have."

At this moment, even the dean of Tiandao Academy realized something was wrong.

His eyes flickered, and he whispered, "Could it be that the legend is true, that really gave him the secret of origin?"

"Brother, don't think about it, concentrate on shaking these ten blood emperors." Little Saint Emperor said solemnly.

"Don't worry, it's already this time, the top ten blood emperors will not be able to rush out anyway." The dean of Tiandao Academy said vowedly.

"Don't relax your vigilance." Little Saint Emperor is still very heavy.

"Little Junior Brother, you are so suspicious. At this level, if the top ten blood emperors can break through our seal and wake up, this time, brother, even if he is desperate to die, he will eat them alive."


As soon as the Dean of Tiandao Academy had finished speaking, a huge roar suddenly sounded.

Then, a terrifying breath suddenly broke through their seal.

Little Saint Emperor, "..."

Dean of Tiandao Academy, "..."

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