
When Emperor Xiao Qing hesitated, the aura of the ice demon had already risen to a terrifying level, far surpassing the aura that could erupt from a strong man in the third realm of longevity.

Suddenly, a whirlpool appeared from the void, just as it sank into the ice demon's body.

The terrible power instantly severely injured the ice demon, and even confined the power in her body.

"who is it?"


Both Xiao Qingdi and Ji Xinyao were stunned.

Then, looking at the back of the ice demon, a figure came out of the void with a cruel smile on his face, "Old Qi, since you are so painful and trapped by love, then, as my younger brother, I will send you off. Get on the road."

"Don't worry, I will help you keep all your strength."


In an instant, accompanied by a huge roar, a demon shadow appeared on Yao Yun's head, roaring ferociously, and suddenly exploded.

However, this explosion was only in a small area, because, around it, a horrible vortex emerged, directly swallowing all the power of the explosion.

"This is really, a wonderful feeling."

Along with the long sigh, the aura surrounding the figure behind continued to rise, and a vast energy flowed endlessly.

"As long as I swallow you, I can directly break into the existence comparable to the fourth realm of longevity. From then on, I will be the demon in the devil."

The man laughed softly, and walked towards Yao Yun, who was covered in blood and breathless.

"Baby, dare you."

Yao Yun* burst out with the strongest force to kill the opponent.

"It's useless, you have already hit my move, you can't be my opponent at all."

The man was indifferent, the two sides fought against each other, and the roar continued. However, Yao Yun's whole body was blown off after the white move. Her breath was disordered and her body was scarred. Even the soul was almost torn apart.

"Old Qi, I said, you are not my opponent."

The man sighed and said, "Actually, no one is my opponent in this world. I just don't want to do it. What's the point of fighting and killing? It's better to be with my wife and children.

He sighed, raised his head and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, grinning, "You say yes, Boss Xiao."

"is it?"

Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was extremely calm, "Chu Feng, are you a Wind Demon or Chu Feng?"

"Aren't these all the same?"

It was Chu Feng, who had awakened all the memories and powers of Feng Demon, who had already left, but suddenly came in at this moment and attacked the ice demon.

He grinned, "In fact, no matter whether Feng Mo or Chu Feng is the same person, whether it is a demon or a human, it is just a moment of thought. Look at me, I am a human, just a person with powerful power, don't you think?"

"Really?" Emperor Xiao Qing asked again.

"Of course, haha, let's discuss this issue later, I will put the devil out of this demon first."

Chu Feng laughed and couldn't wait to kill Yao Yun, who had been seriously injured by him.

"Wind demon, you damn."

Yao Yun*, at the moment Chu Feng rushed over, he burst out with unmatched power, transformed into profound ice, and suddenly penetrated Chu Feng.

At the same time, the burst of power from Chu Feng also knocked her into the air.

As a result, her primordial spirit was shattered, and her breath fell to the bottom. However, Chu Feng was also traumatized, but it was not very serious.

At this moment, Chu Feng's expression was cold, his killing intent rushed into the sky, surrounded by devilish energy, and he directly turned into a whirlpool and rushed towards Yao Yun.

Obviously, he intends to swallow Yao Yun directly.

"Unexpectedly, I would die in the hands of my brother."

Yao Yun whispered, then, with a fierce look in his eyes, he suddenly roared, "Wind Demon, even if I die, don't think about it."

"Break it for me!"

A roar sounded, and her broken soul directly turned into a terrifying ice sword and slashed into the whirlpool.

The whirlpool was split, and Chu Feng's painful muffled hum was heard, but he healed again and moved towards Yao Yun.

As long as the next moment, this whirlpool will directly engulf Yao Yun, the demon in the fourth realm of longevity.

At that time, Chu Feng, the wind demon, will have unmatched power.

"After all, the deity wants to become the demon of the supreme demon, the seventh old man, thank you for your accomplishment."

There was a whisper with excitement.


However, before his words fell, he heard a sword groan, and immediately afterwards, a brilliant nine-color sword light suddenly split the vortex.

After that, Jianguang swept across again, directly splitting the vortex that had been split in half into four again.

The vortex burst, revealing the appearance of Chu Feng covered with blood and broken limbs. While coughing up blood, he looked at Emperor Xiao Qing in anger, "I will help you deal with the ice demon again, why do you still kill I?"

Jian Guang showed the figure of Emperor Xiao Qing at the same time. Facing Chu Feng's question, his eyes were cold, "I will kill you later, now, shut up for this king."


Chu Feng's expression changed drastically. He knew that Emperor Xiao Qing was definitely not talking about it. Since he was going to behead himself, he would definitely not be aimless.

Knowing that all his thoughts were understood by Emperor Xiao Qing, he no longer hesitated, but directly tore through the void, and instantly fled towards the distance.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing did not catch up, but wandered around and directly helped Yao Yun to check her injuries.

"You still can't let me go after all."

At this moment, Yao Yun, who was extremely weak, smiled miserably, raised his head and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, his eyes distracted.

Chu Feng and her are both one of the nine innate demons, and they are very aware of each other's weaknesses. Those few blows have destroyed everything about her, even her soul and soul are also broken.

"How can I help you?" Xiao Qingdi whispered.

"It's useless. The Nine Innate Demons are indestructible, but they have a way to deal with each other. The Wind Demons have completely destroyed my immortal soul, and I can't live anymore."

Yao Yun whispered, "Actually, after awakening the ice demon consciousness, I am Yao Yun, Yao Yun is me, and I have not changed much."

Her eyes gradually faded, and the devilish energy around her body disappeared a little bit, "Big Brother Ye, Brother Qingdi, I know, when I was Yao Yun, I missed you. Later, after I awakened the ice demon consciousness, I thought about chasing you, because I already have enough power, but I still haven't been able to control the devil."

"The devil is the devil, especially the innate demon gods like me, really can't be controlled with just 20 or 30 years of memory. It's too difficult..."

"Although I'm dead, it's okay, at least not in your hands. It won't make you regret."

"This is my last gift, you must accept it... Boom!"

As her weakest voice fell, her whole person was directly destroyed, and finally a blue ice crystal light escaped into Xiao Qingdi's body.

Then, a little blue ice crystal power suddenly shattered in the starry sky at the dantian in Xiao Qingdi's body, and then a little blue light enveloped his starry sky.

There are multiple rules of ice attributes in the starry sky of the Dantian universe. This is the rule of innate ice attributes, pure and powerful.

It seems that at this moment, the universe starry sky in his body, because of this ice attribute rule, has a little more vitality, and becomes more and more similar to the starry sky outside.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing did not care about the changes in the starry sky of the dantian universe, but a tear dropped from the corner of his eye, and he whispered in a low voice, "Sister Yao Yun, go all the way well, brother will take revenge for you."


The terrifying sword light suddenly shattered the void and left.

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