The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1834: This pot is inexplicable

"Genesis, it's really gone."

The old woman took the ninety-nine powerhouses and sighed, "I think Origin Star was the birthplace of the entire starry sky back then, and even countless gods and demons came out of Origin Star."

"And now, the source star's aura is exhausted, and the rules of heaven and earth are weak. At a glance, the soybeans are just ordinary people. It is really sad."

She sighed again and again, but unscrupulously released her own terrifying coercion.

Even if it is only the Primordial Spirit Realm, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is already an omnipotent god.

Not to mention the invincible existence of the third realm of longevity.

Her coercion crushed the world and excluded the rules of the world, causing the Origin Star to tremble, flash and thunder, and roar constantly.

At this moment, it is like the end.

The people behind the old woman all showed respectful expressions on their faces, admiring them, "Senior is worthy of being an invincible powerhouse. Once he is born, Origin Star's rules of heaven and earth cannot bear."

"This is still the case without hands. If Senior did it, I'm afraid the entire Origin Star will explode with a cold snort from Senior."


A smile appeared on the face of the old woman listening to these people.

But he looked rather modest, waved his hand and said, "Oh, these are nothing. For the old man, this time it is to help Origin Star solve the chaos of the Demon Cave and the Foreign Emperor. It is a pity that Origin Star's cultivation No one came to greet him. This is not only disrespect to the old man, but also disrespect to fellow daoists."

Her words directly revealed her dissatisfaction with the source star practitioners.

I worked so hard to help, but as a result, no one received?

When the others heard it, they all nodded in agreement, "Senior said yes."

"The juniors of the Origin Star really don't understand etiquette. Anyway, the Devil's Cave and the Inhuman Sovereign Chaos are not in a hurry, so let me teach them first.

"It's the extreme, let me do it, and grab all the practitioners above the Origin Star's Primordial Divine Realm and kneel down to worship Senior."

What's more, there is a strong man in the second realm of longevity who intends to do it himself in order to please this old woman.


The old woman was quite happy in her heart, but on the surface she hesitated and said, "This is not so good. Everyone is a fellow daoist. How can we catch them? If we ask them to explain the situation, it would be fine."

"Haha, yes yes, I'll go and invite it right away."

The strong man in the second realm of longevity was ready to leave.


Suddenly, a terrifying sword intent rose up, dispelling all the aura that burst out of everyone in an instant.


Accompanied by a cold voice, even this old woman was hit hard, and the whole person was as if cut by a divine sword, bleeding from his mouth and nose, and almost fell from the air.

She is the third realm of the longevity realm like this, let alone other people.

Each of the others was also faltering, and almost fell from the void.

The old woman wiped off the blood, her face was extremely pale, but she gritted her teeth and shouted, "Who is it that dared to attack my old body and get out of me."

At this moment, she was furious, and she just arrogantly said that she would let the practitioners of Origin Star come over and educate her. What she didn't expect was that a sword intent immediately shook everyone into the air.

This is simply Hong Guoguo's face.

"If you don't want to go, then don't go."


Accompanied by it was a calm word and a earth-shaking sword roar.

In the next moment, these immortals who had managed to stabilize their figures all saw the distance, a divine sword with nine-color dazzling light rose up, exploded with incomparable power, and suddenly cut towards them.

"not good."

Unmatched sword intent, mighty, that is the breath of the Supreme Emperor, the real supreme emperor's might.

Even this old woman's face changed drastically, "Who is it, is it the old fellow Juggernaut in Origin Star?"

"Old ghost, how dare you treat me like this?"

"Drive me."

She roared, blasting out a blow with all her strength, trying to smash the sword.

However, the power of this sword surpassed her imagination, the sword intent swept away, and the sword energy slashed over afterwards. With just one sword, the old woman in the third realm of longevity was cut and flew out.


The void burst, and the whole body of the old woman smashed into the void and was blasted out of the Origin Star.

As for the other immortals, seeing this scene, all their hands and feet were extremely cold, and they didn't dare to stay any longer, but rushed away from the source star.

"It's terrible, I don't know who the other party is, and he has such a terrifying swordsmanship."

"With a single sword, the immortal can be cut out of the Origin Star, this kind of power, this kind of swordsmanship, I am afraid the entire human race, there is only one person."

"In the legend, the elder Sword Saint has stepped into the realm of the Sword Emperor, and it turned out to be true."


When everyone escaped the Origin Star with a stream of urine, the old woman was covered with blood, and her whole body seemed to be skinned, roaring like a ghost, "Old bastard, you damn, ah ah ah ..."

"Very good, very good, your magnificent sword sage, hidden in the source star, sneak attack on the old body, I will definitely destroy your sword hall and cut off all your inheritance."

She had no face to stay any longer, her whole figure resembling a ghost, roaring and flying towards the stars.

But it is planning to take revenge on the sword hall of the sword master.


At this moment, the old Sword Saint, after being defeated by Emperor Xiao Qing, was sad, walking among the stars in the universe, while exclaiming, "The old man has been practicing swords for thousands of years, and he is known as the number one Sword Saint of the Human Race. "

"I became the Sword Emperor in vain. In fact, it was just a fake. There is only one real Sword Emperor, the Dragon King Xiao Qingdi."

"And me, what is it?"

"From then on, I will no longer sharpen my sword. When I return to the sword hall, I will teach the younger generation well. If I have not taught a strong swordsman who can compare with the dragon king Xiao Qingdi, I will never go out."

Feeling depressed, he went directly to the sword hall, the sect he opened up.

"I have seen the ancestors."

"I have seen the ancestor of the sword saint."

In an instant, up and down the sword hall, countless kendo practitioners all bowed in excitement.

"Get up, starting from today, the old man is teaching in the sword hall, anyone, even just beginners, can come and listen."

The old Sword Saint waved his hand and directly caused everyone to get up.


"The old ancestor is open to favor, the old ancestor is open to favor."

Suddenly, everyone in the upper and lower part of the sword hall was excited and kowtowing.

It is pitiful to see that, among the human race, the purest swordsmanship sect, in fact, there are not many, the sword hall is one, especially the presence of the sword master, the human race's first kendo powerhouse, makes the sword hall extremely famous.

However, after the sword saint created the sword hall, he did not pay attention to the sword hall, so that the power of having such a sword saint ancestor was extremely weak, and it was not even comparable to the power developed by ordinary longevity realm second stage practitioners.

Now, the old Juggernaut finally wanted to go, and he came to the sword hall to teach in person. It was the spring of the sword hall.

"Holy Sword Sect, sword world, my sword hall is about to rise."

At this moment, everyone in the sword hall was extremely excited.

"Old guy, you dare to attack me, today, the old man will destroy your sword hall."

At this moment, accompanied by a roar like a ghost, a guy covered in blood fell from the sky, carrying the terrifying power of the third stage of longevity, and suddenly attacked towards the sword hall.

It was the old woman who suffered a big loss at Origin Star.

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