The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1810: Juggernaut

"Linglong girl is still at Origin Star."

"Send an order to let people go, no, you go to Origin Star yourself, bring back Linglong girl, and bring some good hands. I'm going to participate in the Council of the Immortal Alliance."

Within the Okura family, the moment Okura Long learned the news, he asked Okura Linglong's father to personally take the strong from the family to the source star to take Okura Linglong away.

And he came directly to the Longevity Alliance to participate in the meeting.

Not only him, but even the powerful people such as Wan Mo Old Ghost, Yan Old Ghost, and even Qiao Yi Old Immortal received the news and learned of the shock of Origin Star.

Especially the old fairy Qiao Yi, he got more news, "Lin Tian is dead?"

"Similarly, Hongwo and Bai Yin, the two previous human saint masters, were also beheaded, and the nine great alien emperors were born. This is a big trouble."

Looking at Lin Yi with a dull expression on one side, this old fairy Qiao Yi suddenly sighed, "This child is also extremely pitiful."

"Master, why are you looking at me like this?"

Lin Yi didn't know it yet, seeing Old Immortal Qiao Yi's gaze, his face showed a smile.

During this period of time, after his apprenticeship, Old Immortal Qiao Yi also devoted everything he learned to him, making Lin Yi's longevity bridge finally condensed a little bit.

Lin Yi, who saw hope, respected himself as a master in his heart.

"You have to practice hard. If you have something to do for the teacher, you have to leave. It may take a while to come back."

Immortal Qiao Yi said, "What should be passed on to you is already given to you as a teacher. You must not slack in the next practice. Even after the longevity, you must work hard. Remember, no matter what You can't be impulsive at any time, you must have the strength of the third and even the fourth stage of the longevity realm to be truly invincible."

"I know, Master, what happened to you today?"

Lin Yi responded with a smile, but didn't know about his grandfather Lin Tian.

"It's okay, don't laugh, practice hard, besides, if you don't come back within three years as the teacher, you can open the secret room by yourself. There are all the treasures left for the teacher's life."

Immortal Qiao Yi's words made Lin Yi completely panicked, "Master, why do you say this? What's wrong, don't scare me."

"It's okay, just tell you something, you just practice hard."

Old Immortal Qiao Yi knew in his heart that if all the passages of the Demon Caverns of Origin Star were opened, countless experts from the Gods and Demon Realms would flood into Origin Star. With his power, it would be hard to say whether they were dead or alive.

Therefore, let everything be explained.

He left directly, but before leaving, he waved his hand, and a powerful seal sealed all Lin Yi's cultivation land.

"This kid, I hope you can reach the second stage of the longevity state in your lifetime. At that time, even if you know about your grandfather, you should be able to bear it."

Qiao Yi shook his head, looked at the void, and exclaimed, "Old friend, that's all I can do."

While thinking about it, he stepped out, and instantly found the old farmer who was still sharpening his sword and preparing to kill the chicken, who was also the number one Sword Master of the Human Race.

"Old guy, there is no time to sharpen the sword, it's time to see blood."

Old fairy Qiao Yi said with a smile.

The old farmer raised his head and glanced at him, "What's the matter, has the power of the gods and demons reached the source star? Or is there something unusual in the abyss?"

While speaking, the old farmer let go of the big rooster, which turned into a scabbard, and directly put the extremely bright sword into the scabbard.

When Lao Nong held the magic sword with sheath in one hand, when he raised his head to look at Old Immortal Qiao Yi, he was already full of sword energy and terrifying.


Immortal Qiao Yi was overjoyed, "Old fellow, you are finally willing to go out, we will go to the League of Winners for a meeting."

"Who went to the Longevity League with you?"

The old farmer gave him a white look, and then, holding the divine sword, walked towards the starry sky, sighing as he walked, "Some people just like to be smart."


At this moment, Old Immortal Qiao Yi was puzzled and hurried to catch up with him, "Aren't you going to solve the problem of Origin Star? Where are you going?"

"You are really weird, if you don't go to the Origin Star, what else would you go to the Longevity League to do? Do you think that group of guys can solve the gods and demons by meeting?" The old farmer looked at the old fairy Qiao Yi in surprise .

"It seems to make sense, then I will be with you."

Old fairy Qiao Yi thought about it, and quickly followed the old farmer.

Not only the two of them, but also some other lonely powerhouses, both disdain to go to the Longevity Alliance to accept dispatch, and they came directly to the Origin Star.

In just one day, beyond the source star, there were several powerful breaths of immortals descended on.

"Are they the reinforcements from the ancient ancestor of the Xuanyuan Clan?"

Emperor Xiao Qing frowned, thought for a while, didn't pay much attention to it, but waved his hand and added a layer of defense to the entire Dragon King Island before closing his eyes and practicing.

Origin star is not his. Others will come as long as they don't humiliate the top of his head.

As for the others, what to do with him?

At the same time, other people on the island are also bathing in spiritual blood.

As for the God King Tianyi and God King Tianxiang, as well as the Four Great Inhuman Sovereigns and other six longevity realm third-level powerhouses, they also concealed their cultivation on the island.

Even strong men like the Human Sword Saint and Old Immortal Qiao Yi would never have imagined that there are so many strong men hidden on such an ordinary island.

At this moment, outside the starry sky, the old farmer stepped in, and the rules of infinite heaven and earth were crushing down towards him, but he ignored them and did not put these rules of heaven and earth in his eyes, but walked directly in the void.

"It's weird, why didn't I sense the sharp sword aura that a sword repairer should have? Did he deliberately constrain it?"

At this moment, this invincible kendo expert was curious and kept looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" Immortal Qiao Yi's face was puzzled.

"Naturally looking for the strong sword emperor, unless his kendo has surpassed me too much, or even soon to surpass the realm of the sword emperor, otherwise, I can't feel it."

At this moment, the old farmer swordsman was very puzzled.

"Oh, you are looking for that kid."

Old fairy Qiao Yi casually agreed, "Come with me, I know where Dragon King Island is."

He took the old farmer sword sage directly to the outside of Dragon King Island and stopped. However, instead of rushing in immediately, he just held his fist at Dragon King Island and said, "My friend, old man is here to chat, can you go in?"


The sword sage old farmer looked over, but was surprised and repeated, "This island... my God, this is a real holy land for cultivation, how do I feel like the legendary dragon nest?"

"Furthermore, even though I was sealed by the formation, I could sense that there are countless strong people on this island, especially the six auras, which are terrifying, comparable to the third-level strong, this... ."

He became excited, "The old man has sharpened his sword for a lifetime, and finally found someone who can shoot, hahaha."


An overwhelming sword intent rose from the old farmer's body.

The complexion of the old fairy Qiao Yi beside him changed, "No, this old guy's problem has committed again. This is a big trouble."

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