The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1702: domineering

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Tian Sheng and Tian Huan rose up into the sky, looking at the young man with a long business environment, their faces were shocked.

"Holy Sword Sect, when has it become so weak?"

Along with it, a calm voice sounded, the young man ignored Tian Sheng and Tian Huan, but showed disdain, and looked up and down the Holy Sword Sect, and found that there was not even a strong man of the Nine Heavens. Disdainfully shook his head, "Really it's a waste. No wonder I was given up to stay in this aura of the home planet."

"who are you?"

Great ancestor Tiansheng looked at each other solemnly.

The second ancestor looked at Tian Sheng in surprise, "Old guy, what's the situation? This thing means that our Holy Sword Sect was just abandoned and left here?"

"Don't listen to him nonsense."

Tian Sheng snorted and stared at the young man.

"Ten thousand years ago, Juzong, the strong man of the Sacred Sword Sect, moved to the extraterritorial world of stars. Only a group of people with the worst qualifications at that time were left to guard the old site of the Zongmen, and you are the ones who inherited it from the weak."

The young man smiled indifferently, "Sure enough, the orthodoxy inherited by the weak and small is so weak, really sad."

"You, who are you?" Although Tian Huan is the second ancestor of the Holy Sword Sect, he obviously doesn't know these things.

On the contrary, it was Tian Sheng, as the great ancestor of the Holy Sword Sect, he was very clear about these past.

At this moment, Tian Sheng looked at the young man with a sullen face, "Your Excellency, I don't know where you came from and why you broke the formation of my Zong guard, but if you think my Zong is good for bullying, then you are wrong."

His expression was cold, his sword intent rose to the sky, and the sword intent he possessed contained a breath of the sword emperor. Although he had not fully stepped into the realm of the sword emperor, his kendo had already taken shape.

"Hey, I actually reached the peak of the Sword Emperor. No, it's a half-step Sword Emperor."

The young man didn’t care at all, but when he sensed Tian Cheng’s intentions of a half-step sword emperor, he couldn’t help showing a shocked expression, "Good fellow, in such a small place, there is still a realm of half-step sword emperor. The powerhouse is really extraordinary."

"It's just a half-step sword emperor."

His shocked expression hasn't completely subsided, and Tian Huan, who listened to him, said indifferently, "In my Holy Sword Sect, anyone with a certain level of cultivation is the Sword Emperor."


When the voice fell, Tian Sheng also directly released his sword intent with a face of force.

In an instant, the mighty half-step sword emperor's meaning circulated, with unparalleled emperor prestige, making the Tianjiao young man of the Outland Sacred Sword Sect truly stunned.

"This this..."

"Is the Half-Step Sword Emperor too easy to reach, or is it because you are too good?"

The young man murmured in shock, even if he was a half-step immortal, his sword cultivation had just reached the realm of the Sword Emperor, but he was also known as the number one arrogant in the Sacred Sword Sect outside the territory.

Who could have imagined that in this small place, among the descendants of those who were abandoned in those days, two and a half-step sword emperors would suddenly appear.

"Well, you are my people. From today on, you will follow this young master as two personal sword boys, haha."

The young man laughed, with excitement on his face.

When a close-fitting sword boy is real, all he has to do is to get the sword intent of the half-step sword emperor realm of the two through close contact with the two.

He believes that with his powerful talents, it will not take much time to completely absorb one of the two half-step sword emperors. When the time comes, the half-step sword emperor who combines the two will be able to Become a true sword emperor and step into the real longevity.

"Sword boy?"

Grand Ancestor Tian Sheng and Tian Huan both had sullen expressions at the same time. Both of them were in the Sacred Sword Sect, but apart from the strongest person other than the Ancient Ancestor who was in the Holy Land of the Human Race, who had already ignored other things.

They have the highest status and status. Who would dare to talk to them like this?

"Go away, little bastard, your grandpa Tianhuan has no time to play with you."

As soon as Tian Huan's temper came up, he ignored everything, and said with a sneer, "You little bastard, the cultivation base that relies on treasures, such a powerful realm power, has just entered the sword emperor, and it depends on you. Dare to say you want Lao Tzu to be your sword boy?"

"Are you dreaming?"

Tian Huan himself has a bad temper. Even if the opponent's strength is stronger than him, when he is upset, he will also ignore the opponent.

His words caused the young man's excited face to sink instantly, and he looked at Tianhuan with a cold expression, "Well, old man, do you think the young master is discussing with you?"


A terrifying breath came out all over his body.

That was the long-term business situation of half-step immortals. On the top of the young man’s head, nine souls of heaven and earth overlapped and unfolded, but what is even more dazzling is that above the heavens of souls, there is a bridge of golden light across. And pass.

"Half-step immortal."

The expressions of Tian Sheng and Tian Huan changed at the same time.

Although their strength is not weak, but it is only the cultivation base of the Yuanshen Realm Seventh Heaven, not to mention that the opponent is a half-step immortal, even if it is only the Eighth Heaven, they can't deal with it.

"Old guy, now, we seem to be finished, what should we do?"

Tian Huan looked at the great ancestor Tian Sheng with trembling eyes.

"Since you know that the opponent is strong, and you still anger the opponent like this, you are simply looking for death."

Tian Sheng sighed helplessly.

Even the Changsheng Bridge was revealed by the other party, and obviously it was impossible for this matter to end so easily.

However, they couldn't beat them. Could it be that these two old guys really acted as sword boys for each other?


Seeing that the two of them were very unstable and showed helplessness, the young man's face showed teasing.

He smiled and looked at the two of them, then suddenly shot, grabbing the emptiness with his right hand, and suddenly the infinite sword aura whistled out, just trapped in front of them.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them were trapped by the sword air seal forced by this young man.

"this is..."

"Swordsman cage, although his swordsmanship is not strong enough, but his strength is too strong, this kind of sword aura is not something we can break, so quickly send a message to Emperor Xiao Qing for help."

The great ancestor Tiansheng transmitted sound to Tianhuan Dao.

"It can't be spread. We are in Liangjie Mountain. He is in the secular world and cannot spread the letter."

Tian Huan looked helpless, not because he refused to ask his elder brother for help, but because everyone was too far apart, and his strength obviously couldn't reach the level of transboundary sound transmission.

"Let Luo Jing find him to help."

The great ancestor Tiansheng glanced at the people of the Holy Sword Sect who were stunned below, and when he found Luo Jing was there, he quickly transmitted the voice to Luo Jing, "Luo Jing, go find Emperor Xiao Qing. Now, only Emperor Xiao Qing can save us, and only he can save the entire sect."

Luo Jing, who was watching this scene with a worried face below, heard Tian Cheng's words, but her expression changed drastically. She, who had reached the Nascent Soul Stage, turned away without hesitation.

At first, her movements were not discovered by the young man in the sky. However, when she reached the teleportation formation and activated the formation, suddenly, the young man's eyes moved and his eyes showed a cold expression, "Dare to be in this young man? I'm so bold to run away in front of me."


In a bang, directly pointed to the past.

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