The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1634: The king of routines?


At the moment when Emperor Xiao Qing stepped out of the passage, at the entrance of the passage, the incomparably bright Nine-Colored Sword Qi continued to flicker, converging into a sword formation without dispersing.

Even this sword formation is still actively absorbing the aura of heaven and earth to make it stronger and stronger.

"Good fellow, your kid's swordsmanship is so powerful. It seems that you, the sword emperor, may really be true." Even the old man Wanmo couldn't help but admire it.

"Maybe it's true?" Emperor Xiao Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at Old Wan Devil with a smile, "Want to know if it's true?"

"Of course." The old guy nodded quickly.

"You can know if you have been slashed by this king." Emperor Xiao Qing was about to act.

The latter's face changed in fright, and he jumped away vigilantly, "Don't do it, let me tell you, it's really done. The home planet world can't withstand the fight between our two great powers. Wait a moment. If it's torn, it's a big problem."

The Lord Lin Tian on one side looked at this scene and couldn't help but smile.

He could understand, this old ten thousand demons had actually known Emperor Xiao Qing a long time ago, and the two were just playing around.

"Since the predecessors are here, how about investigating the seals of all the passages of the Demon Caverns?" Saint Lord Lin Tian said to the Ten Thousand Demon.

Such a big coolie, it would be a pity not to use it.

"it is good."

Since the old Wanmo came to the home star, he naturally came to do business. When facing the business, he did not refuse, but nodded solemnly, and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Boy, wait for me After I'm busy, I will find you..."

The voice was falling, and the figure had disappeared.

Saint Lord Lin Tian also looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Can the little friend go to the Holy Land?"

"Something?" Xiao Qingdi raised his eyebrows.

"It's nothing, it's just something about the Holy Land. I want my little friend to get in touch in advance. If I'm not here in the future, I would like to ask the little friend to help me out." Saint Lord Lin Tiandao.

At this moment, in his heart, he actually regarded Emperor Xiao Qing as his successor, thinking that if Emperor Xiao Qing had been familiar with everything about the Holy Land earlier, he would not have to worry about something going wrong with the Human Race Mother Star.

"What are you talking about?" Emperor Xiao Qing frowned and looked at the holy lord, "Human holy land is strong like a cloud, why is it my turn to touch the holy land?"

"Although there are some strong people in the Holy Land, they are all in retreat and practice, and they rarely manage the affairs of the Holy Land..."

Before the Lord Lin Tian had finished speaking, Emperor Xiao Qing turned around and left.

A joke, the other powerhouses in the Holy Land need to practice in retreat, this king does not need it?

Want to give this king the identity of a sacred land management successor, want this king to work hard for you?

Really think so wonderful.

If other people heard the words of the Holy Master, they would probably not be able to find Bei in excitement, but this trick was really useless for Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Little friends..."

Saint Lord Lin Tian yelled from behind, but Emperor Xiao Qing just ignored him, causing him to lose his face.

On the one hand, there are other strong human races who have not left yet, all of them are coming up, "Holy Lord, has the passage issue been resolved?"

"Holy Lord, that senior is the longevity of my human race?"

"I wonder if the Holy Lord can let that old man preach for us?"


In the crowd at this moment, not only the old man of the Nine Heavens Realm of the Xuanyuan Clan, but also other powerful men of the Nine Heavens had also arrived.

The old guys looked at the holy lord with anticipation on their faces, hoping that the strong man in the longevity realm of the ten thousand demons could preach for them.

Even if it’s just an hour, it’s fine.

After all, the preaching of the immortal is really a rare opportunity for them who are strong in the nine heavens.

Maybe it's possible to break through to a half-step long habitat in one fell swoop.

"Everyone, go back first. After Senior Wanmo has inspected all the seals of the devil's cave, I will tell him that if Senior agrees to preach, I will notify you."

The Holy Lord gave a wry smile, and could only let everyone leave first.

However, he himself was very excited, even if he had reached the half-step longevity state, if he could listen to the real longevity state powerhouse, he would benefit a lot.

Make up your mind, and after Wanmo finishes the inspection, he must take this opportunity to ask Senior to stay and preach.

His gaze was to look at the eighteen powerhouses of the Guardian line brought by Diyuan, with a hesitant look in his eyes, "Diyuan, as the next appointed patriarch of the Guardian line, has now been cut like this. Killed, I'm afraid the guardian is in the same line, but it is also very difficult to explain."

"However, the cause of this incident was originally Di Hao's fault. If the Guardians have an opinion, please ask the Human Race Invincible Alliance to suppress them."

A ray of cold light appeared in his eyes.

Although Lin Tian is only a half-step long-life realm powerhouse, he, as the holy master of the home planet human holy land, naturally cannot be a simple character.

He has been outside the territories all the year round, and is highly valued by the Alliance of Human Longevity Realm Powerhouses. As long as he is responsible for this matter, if the guardian line does not support him, he is not afraid.

"It's just that Xiao Qingdi, the kid who refuses to accept the position of the Holy Lord, is still a bit troublesome."

Originally, the reason why he wanted Emperor Xiao Qing to inherit the position of the saint master of the human race was because on the one hand, Emperor Xiao Qing was strong enough to bear this position.

On the other hand, he knew that Emperor Xiao Qing had beheaded Di Yuan and Di Hao and his son. Next, he would be held accountable by the strong of the guardian line.

If it can become the Holy Master, then, no matter how much the guardian line wants revenge, it dare not do anything to Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing did not appreciate it.

"You go."

With a wave of his hand, the eighteen strong men in black were directly released.

Killing Emperor Yuan is absolutely impossible to conceal those strong men in the longevity realm of the Guardian line. Even if these eighteen strong men are left behind, it will not help. It will only increase the hatred of the Guardian line. Just let them go.

"You killed the master, this matter, the strong of my guardian line will not let it go."

Eighteen people in black took a deep look at the Saint Lord and the others, and then their bodies directly tore the void and left.

"The guardian line, if you don't come, it's fine, if you dare to come to the mother star to make trouble, they will have no return, do you really think the mother star is not as good as the guardian line?" The holy master's eyes flashed cold.

Facing the threats of these eighteen powerful men, he didn't pay attention to it at all, nor did he pay attention to whether the eighteen men had left.

Unexpectedly, the eighteen men in black entered the void and moved away from the place where the holy lord Lin Tian and others were. They gathered together with a low voice, "The master is dead, although it has nothing to do with us. However, if we don’t do something and just go back directly like this, we will inevitably die."

"So, we might as well fight. If we can destroy the Dragon King Island where the kid is, we can give the patriarch an explanation after returning."

"Everyone, let's act together, even if Dragon King Island can't be destroyed, we still have to capture the traitor Cui Jinhao."

Then, a line of eighteen strong men directly tore the void and slew towards Dragon King Island.

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