The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1196: Pointed by the blade, Dragon King Island

"My prince, what do you want to know, I will tell you, just beg you to let go of Dragon King Island."

When the young prince said with a calm look on his face that he would take people to Dragon King Island, Luo Xia finally couldn't hold on anymore and collapsed, his face showed a sad color, and he kept begging.

"It seems that you are very concerned about that Dragon King Island."

A smile appeared on the young prince’s face, “In that case, the prince will even go to Dragon King Island and his party, and kill the people on Dragon King Island one by one in front of you."

The smile is full of evil.

What he likes most is to behead the other person in front of the other person, and look at the other person begging for mercy in pain but useless.

Luo Xia's begging for mercy not only did not exchange his sympathy, but instead aroused the evil nature of the young prince.

At this moment, Luo Xia almost collapsed, "You devil, I will fight you."

The figure is volley, the whole person turns into a light and will rush towards the other side.

However, the other party just waved gently, and an invisible force directly restrained Luo Xia.

Facing this prince-level powerhouse, Luo Xia is really too weak to be compared with the other party at all, and he doesn't even have the power to resist.

A group of people headed toward the Dragon King Island thousands of miles away.

Luo Xia's eyes were about to split, his eyes filled with despair, and he roared again and again, "If you dare to move Dragon King Island, you will definitely regret it."


The young prince chuckled softly, "There is nothing in this world that can make this prince regret it, even if the cultivator of Yuan Ying stage comes, this prince can pinch him to death at will."

Looking at Luo Xia who was in despair, a smile appeared in his eyes, "Don't you tell this prince, that your brother is a master of the Primordial God Realm?"

"You will regret it... you will regret it."

Luo Xia had never heard of any Primordial Divine Realm, so he could only roar again and again.

"Struggle, be angry, this king likes to look at you like the ants struggling, but it has no effect." The young prince enjoyed Luo Xia very much.

He didn’t even rush on, but instead he carried his hands with a smile on his face, “Let the anger fill your brain and burst out your strongest power, but don’t worry, it’s useless no matter how strong you are, because this king is Someone who makes you and your master desperate."

"Oh, do you know how your master died? The blood prince who is known as the number one arrogant of the blood clan, just like you, struggled in pain in front of this king, and then was directly crushed by this king. The bones of the whole body died in fear and despair."

"As for you, you don't even have the qualifications to let this king crush you by himself, it's really pitiful."

In front of him, Luo Xia's eyes were blood red, and a powerful **** light on his body continued to rise. A terrifying murderous aura continued to flow.

He roared constantly, but it was useless.

What if he has become a descendant of a bloodthirsty blood race?

No matter how noble the blood is, it can't match the gap in realm.

The opponent is the real supreme superpower, the king of the blood clan, the supreme prince, and even his master is not an opponent.

His struggle is just to entertain the other party.

"I hate it, ah ah..."

He roared, with blood and tears streaming down his eyes, and golden runes flowing continuously all over his body, his blood was boiling, and the mysterious energy in the depths of his blood was aroused.

The self-cultivation is improving, and there is a trend to break through.

"It's a bit interesting. It seems that the Easterners are most suitable for becoming a bloodthirsty blood clan, and anger has actually enabled him to improve his cultivation."

The young prince led people to look at Luo Xia, his face showing more and more interest.

Seeing that Luo Xia was so injured that he couldn't break through even if the potential in his body was stimulated, he chuckled, and waved his hand, directly squeezing the blood clan next to him.

Then, the blood mist after the blood clan burst into Luo Xia's body, making Luo Xia's breath begin to rise.

The blood clan powerhouses around the young prince changed their complexions, but they didn't dare to say anything, but stood aside respectfully.


At this time, with a roar, Luo Xia's cultivation level suddenly hit the realm of the blood duke.

"Interesting, I really broke through." The young prince showed a smile on his face.

However, before he was excited, Luo Xia's cultivation base began to fall again. In an instant, he fell to the realm of the Duke. Obviously, Luo Xia was too badly injured and lacked in strength. It was difficult to break through for a while.

This scene made the scalp numb of the other strong blood races, and they wanted to turn around and retreat immediately.

They were really afraid that the young prince would pinch them to death and use it to help Luo Xia break through.

Even if Luo Xia is just a mortal person, as far as the prince is concerned, as long as he can be happy, it doesn't matter if all the other blood races are dead.

"Garbage with insufficient potential."

Fortunately, this prince youth did not continue to squeeze other blood clan powerhouses to replenish the energy to fall, but shook his head, showing disdain on his face.

After that, he continued to fly towards Dragon King Island with Luo Xia.

The distance of thousands of miles, for the blood clan powerhouse, is a blink of an eye.

The lively and prosperous Dragon King Island just appeared in front of them, with countless warships surrounding Dragon King Island, and various high-tech weapon barrels extended.

A mecha warrior patrolled the sea.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, even the blood prince would have a little doubt whether what he saw was what he should have seen in this secular world.

Dragon King Island and other places have formed a completely different situation. Such a scene of science fiction, almost like a world of science fiction, actually appeared in front of him.

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

"This Dragon King is really interesting." The young prince showed interest.

Luo Xia didn't say a word. He knew that his anger and roar would only make the other party more excited. All he could do was not say a word.

He also thought about suicide, but the young prince had already considered this, and even left a wave of energy in his body, making him blocked when he wanted to commit suicide.

Desperate, full of heart.

But so what?

He is just a weak person.

Even his master, the legend of the blood clan, the bloodthirsty super power, had an accident, let alone him.

"A beautiful island, this king is a little bit reluctant to destroy them." The young prince sighed.

Luo Xia's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"However, seeing you look happy, this king changed his mind, killing everyone on the island, leaving behind the technology on the island, and this king becoming the master of the island, isn't it better?"

The young prince looked at Luo Xia with a bright smile on his face.

This smile fell in Luo Xia's eyes, but it was like a devil's smile.

"You devil, you are in vain as a prince, you deserve to die, as long as I don't die, one day, I will let you cut you a thousand times and make you die better than death..."

Luo Xia’s roar made the young prince laugh very happily, "Be angry, be angry, the more you roar, the happier this king will be. As for you to make this king a thousand swords, if you have this ability, this king I am also very happy."

"Come on, catch the people on the island one by one, and kill them one by one in front of him."

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