The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1164: I am the emperor, the holy sword bows down

Choking choking!

In the void above the Holy Sword Sect, the infinite sword aura exploded, the infinite divine sword rushed into the sky, and the sound of sword chants erupted, truly achieving the sound of ten thousand swords.

At this moment, the old fellow, the second ancestor, also wakes up.

He was shocked all over his body, and then, watching this scene incredibly, he whispered, "What did I do?"

"You always recognize a big brother." Wang Mo said with a wry smile.

"Huh, I really recognize a big brother? Xiao Qingdi..."

The old guy was stunned.

Then, feeling the infinite sword aura erupting above his head, his face changed drastically, and he suddenly slapped himself, "What did I do..."

"Then what, kid..."

As soon as he turned his head to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, he saw Emperor Xiao Qing turned his head majesticly, "I just swore to recognize this king as the elder brother, now you are a kid?"

"Are you trying to treachery?"

"So, what are you the king?"

A series of questions made the old guy smile bitterly, "I, I..."

"Didn't I just get drunk? You didn't stop me. Now, the Holy Sword Sect's Holy Sword is spurring Ten Thousand Swords to kill you. Later, there might be an infinite thunderstorm that will kill you. How to do?"

Now, it's really a big deal.

"This king will ask you, do you recognize me as the elder brother?" Emperor Xiao Qing stood with his hand in his hand and looked up at the sky. To him, the infinite sword aura seemed to be nonexistent.

The old guy smiled bitterly, "The oath has already been issued. If you are fine, I can only admit it, but..."

"So, you step back."

Before he finished speaking, Emperor Xiao Qing interrupted him.

"Yes, but..." Even the old guy felt regretful in his heart. He looked at the Sect Master of the Holy Sword Sect in the distance. He rushed over and grabbed the Sect Master of the Holy Sword Sect and shouted, "Is there any way to stabilize Holy sword?"

"Second Patriarch, you don't know what to do, let alone I don't know." Sect Master smiled bitterly.

As for the others, they are gloating in their hearts, but on the surface they dare not show it.

"Could it be that I just recognized a big brother, am I about to die like this?" The old guy looked disappointed.


At this moment, in mid-air, the infinite divine swords unexpectedly began to gather together, turning into a monstrous torrent, the sword currents rotating, and the sword might surging.

Holy Sword Sect up and down, all exclaimed constantly.

For ordinary disciples, this is simply a rare spectacle in thousands of years.

As far as these elders and suzerains are concerned, they understand that the next torrent of horrors will converge into the appearance of the holy sword, and a sword will wipe out the person who dares to challenge the rules of the holy sword sect.

In the distance, a group of figures rose into the sky, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing who was standing holding his hand, with a strange look on his face.

"He, how could he be here?" Ji Xinyao was also in it. She stood with Ji Xinfei and Ji Xinyu, seeing Emperor Xiao Qing under the infinite sword light, with a look of shock on her face.

"Big Brother Xiao..."

The members of the Xuanyuan imperial family are all extremely complicated.

As for the people of the Holy Sword Sect, ordinary disciples don’t know who Emperor Xiao Qing is. Only one of the women, when she saw Emperor Xiao Qing’s face, her face suddenly showed excitement, "It's him!"

"This **** actually came into the sect, he is dead, hahaha..."

That woman is not someone else, but the same woman that Emperor Xiao Qing and Li Yuanji met when they were in the east of the city.

Standing next to her was a middle-aged man with his hands on his back and a surging aura. He turned out to be a strong man in the Primordial Spirit Realm.

"Father, he is the person I was talking about. Now, you don't need to trouble him, he will be hacked to death immediately."

The woman was very excited, her eyes widened as she tried her best, she couldn't bear to blink, just want to watch Emperor Xiao Qing being hacked to death.

"It's a little weird." Her father shook his head without saying much.


In the eyes of everyone, Emperor Xiao Qing stepped in the air, as if stepping forward on a ladder, facing the infinite sword energy, not only did not retreat, but greeted him.

"Really looking for a dead end."

"Does he think he died early enough?"

"Oh, I've seen someone looking for death, I haven't seen someone looking for death like this."

Even the Sect Master of the Holy Sword Sect shook his head when he saw this scene.

"Never mind, this kind of humiliation, it's better to solve it sooner."


When everyone was looking forward to the midterms, thinking that Emperor Xiao Qing was quickly beheaded to end this farce, they saw Emperor Xiao Qing stepping up in the sky, right across from the torrent of infinite sword light.

In the front, the Infinite Divine Sword condensed into a sacred sword with a length of ten thousand feet. It was originally with the tip of the sword facing upwards, standing upright on the ground. At this moment, it was smashed directly downwards amidst the roar.


"Be careful!"

"He is dead."

Facing this scene, some people were excited and some were nervous.

Everyone's nerves tightened, staring at Emperor Xiao Qing one by one, wanting to see Emperor Xiao Qing being smashed to pieces by this sword.

On the contrary, Li Yuanji below frowned. Although she could not use her strength because of her strength, she always felt that Xiao Qing would be fine when she saw Emperor Xiao Qing's self-confidence.

Then, in the blink of an eye, the giant sword was cut down, but what shocked everyone was that it didn't directly split Emperor Xiao Qing in half, but just stopped in front of Emperor Xiao Qing.

As if kneeling down.


After cutting it down, raise it again, then cut it down again...


Three times in a row, the tremors were broken into the void, and the veins of the upper and lower Holy Sword Sect were trembling.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing alone did nothing. Even after this huge sword kept rising and then falling, even a strand of Xiao Qing Emperor's hair was not blown up.


Bow down, still.

Emperor Xiao Qing stood with his hands in his hands, his whole body was not visible, as if he was just an ordinary person, his face was extremely calm.

This scene was deeply impressed in the hearts of everyone.


After a long time, all the people reacted, and each one sucked in a cold breath, revealing an incredible color.


"Why is this?"

"Should not be smashed to death? Why would the holy sword condensed by the ten thousand swords of the holy sword sect, bow to him like this?"

"Gosh, am I dreaming."


Even the Sect Master of the Holy Sword Sect was equally shocked.

"Holy sword surrendered, Wan Jian bowed down, could it be..."

He whispered, his gaze suddenly looked at the same dumbfounded old guy on one side. Suddenly, he appeared in front of the old guy with his body and his hands tightly grasped the old guy's shoulders, "Second ancestor, you , What was said before is true?"

The voice trembled.

"What's real?"

The old guy was looking nervously at Emperor Xiao Qing. He rolled his eyes when he heard what the Sect Master said, "Get out of the way, don't block me, I want to see my elder brother's heroic style."

At this moment, the old guy is no longer nervous.

It was recorded in the ancestral book that there were indeed people who were like today. People in their own line recognized a elder brother. As a result, they were smashed by ten thousand swords and killed by lightning.

But Emperor Xiao Qing is different.

My elder brother is a real sword emperor.

The sword emperor descended, the holy sword shook, and a million swords bowed down. What's your worry?

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